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  1. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

  2. Satanic Path

    Activism via writing books

    To expose that faith, tragedy is the only road. You can totally paint it as you wish. Give a character the chance to meet that evil. Make it so bad as reality has been. They cut a mother's breasts and put them in her son's mouth. What is the limit, then, for us, in painting their evil? None...
  3. Satanic Path

    The Reptilians?

    When I was a child I watched this movie about this child finding a table game that was not a game. Indeed, when he started it, the whole house went to space. At a certain point, there was this ship that docked the house. From that, lizards entered the house. It is quite strange to be aware that...
  4. Satanic Path

    My Easter and some photos.

    Today was more than a party. It was life as I never knew it. Sweet. My life tastes sweet only with Demons in it. Don't take it as a sad thing, because being happy in Satan and only in Him is my truest form of joy. I don't see things as I did before. The Gods are a wire uniting the endless, if...
  5. Satanic Path

    Mockery and misdirection from the enemy: “Lil nas X Satan shoes.”

    I looked at the video just because I read it here. I did not expect something like this. In the end, he breaks His neck... well, schizophrenia here. I would like Satan to go to "it" and paint the walls red. For real. I am disgusted. That Satan gets described like that. He's a pervert for how...
  6. Satanic Path

    I think the Candle did something

    Thanks, I will. I'll be using the candle. In that case, I would like to get to curse that "thing". It is sad to think I spoke to a reptilian. It would make me so angry. Why the fuck then they come to me? I clearly spoke bad about them, to test out the air, and said many bad things. I cursed...
  7. Satanic Path

    Femboy New Here

    First, nobody believes nonbinary and people denying DNA. This is obvious. You understand this when you see men with boobs demanding to enter women's bathrooms, which was allowed by that bitch of Obama. And also, this femboy thing is a name given as always to bored people to make them think...
  8. Satanic Path

    I think the Candle did something

    It lasted like half an hour. I sat down with a black candle. I just wanted to light it and watch it, talk as I do, that's it. Then it started moving. It went up and down, like flickering, but in a crazy way. It did it countless times when I was talking and asking. I moved, it did it the same...
  9. Satanic Path

    Communicating The Truth To Your Parents - Advice

    My father recently compared me to the "beasts of satan", an italian group of assholes who murdered people in the past and also animals. "That's where you're going" he said. You of course can talk to people, but not to retarded beings. XD So you play the retarded as well, if you're smart. I...
  10. Satanic Path

    Finally... Race Awakening - TikTok

    I know what you mean with bbc. In general, these men think that they are welcome and turn out to be arrogant. In the time being, you are racist even when you like the color white. The fact you have a huge c does not mean you are welcome in anyone's bed.
  11. Satanic Path

    Report: this section is not working

    The section of Satanic Symbols is not working. It could be my device, but I used both my computer and my phone. I used Google, Firefox and Tor. None of these works. It brings me to a page with this link...
  12. Satanic Path

    A coincidence looking at Eracles

    I was watching this video talking about Apollo and all His male Lovers. I was very disappointed by all the lessons I got in history. They were "friends", never "lovers". Also, let's not forget about Spartans throwing children from a mountain. That was so ugly that I never believed it. My...
  13. Satanic Path

    Sogni che non sembrano sogni

    Le sensazioni negative potrebbero avere provenienze diverse. Se stavi cercando una casa, magari la tua mente ti sta parlando di un bisogno. La casa non è solo quattro mura, ma anche di più. È generale: non so sei fidanzato, o se hai bisogno di appartenenza, oppure di una stabilità oltre che...
  14. Satanic Path

    A Dream about "Ants" in my brain

    Also, the memory I have is about my brain being split in two, and these ants were moving at every side. But maybe I misunderstood or have a wrong memory.
  15. Satanic Path

    A Dream about "Ants" in my brain

    In the dream: I was talking, and I put all my heart in it, I called Satan and it's as if I knew someone was coming. I did ask about protecting my mother and not letting my grandfather die. Then other things but I don't remember. It's sad because I never make requests in reality, I just speak...
  16. Satanic Path

    Other types of witchcraft

    Poison? So that's not magick. It's even stupid, they can find you and put you in prison. I doubt those witches put poison in evil people's water. Something like they like a boy, a girl likes him too, so they go put some poison in her water? This is being a jew. Just being this. Also, poison...
  17. Satanic Path

    Una richiesta di approfondimento

    Proprio ieri l'ho letto sulla Biblioteca Inglese. Ha un suono bello, ma mi sembrava di leggere qualcosa di geova. Come alcune parole riguardo il pentimento (repent)
  18. Satanic Path

    Crypto, Bitcoin and Digital Currencies

    Dear Cobra, Bill Gates had just something to say against Bitcoins. So when they say bad, it is supposed to be good XD.
  19. Satanic Path

    Origins of the Joy of Satan

    Build a Temple to this Goddess. So inspiring, and Beyond Great.
  20. Satanic Path

    Go Back To Past

    No you're not a mess. And if you are, I think everyone can say that. You are going to be a Perfect Creation, because nothing in you has ever been or will ever be like that man. You can't blame yourself for a monster to wear the skin of a man. You're talking about a terrorist, are you really...
  21. Satanic Path

    E' stato un segno? E un dubbio.

    C'era il cane dei miei nuovi vicini che sembrava stare male. Io non ero uscito, ma i miei dicevano che non aveva più abbaiato e che infatti non usciva neanche dalla cuccia quando hanno portato il nostro fuori. Allora praticamente ho preso, sono uscito fuori, era sera ormai, sona andato da lui...
  22. Satanic Path

    A photo, and how Truth is enlightened, once more- A Dance in Germany

    I don't know, but it came back, I can see it now. Can you? Before I saw a string, but now it's here.
  23. Satanic Path

    A Dance in Germany, and how Truth speaks once more- Reupload

    This is a photo coming from 1920s Germany, so before Hitler, but I may think that Germany has always had this "research", as if those people were just naturally following their Souls towards Ancient Truth, and so their Truth, and our Truth. I read about their seances, things that in my country...
  24. Satanic Path

    A photo, and how Truth is enlightened, once more- A Dance in Germany

    There is a little bug, or something. I see it now, just where it has to be, where before you just had the writing "image". I don't know what's happening.
  25. Satanic Path

    A photo, and how Truth is enlightened, once more- A Dance in Germany

    I have to add this. The photo disappeared from any research, it seems it did. I did do the exact same research,with the same words, but it is nowhere. I have the image saved on my computer, I can go with this, and hope it works.
  26. Satanic Path

    A photo, and how Truth is enlightened, once more- A Dance in Germany

    Not only for you. For everyone, what I see as well is the word "image". I hope it's not the photo or the link, I'll try a re-upload. If it is the link, I hope the screenshot will work.
  27. Satanic Path

    A photo, and how Truth is enlightened, once more- A Dance in Germany

    This is a photo coming from 1920s Germany, so before Hitler, but I may think that Germany has always had this "research", as if those people were just naturally following their Souls towards Ancient Truth, and so their Truth, and our Truth. I read about their seances, things that in my country...
  28. Satanic Path

    The act of drinking fluids

    Isn't it better to buy a filter for the fluoride? If you then go with this, then you put it everywhere, so sinks and shower. Here in Italy, like when you live near mountains, even the water from the sink is very good, like clean, but you use a filter anyway. I don't know where you live, of...
  29. Satanic Path

    Man and woman.

    It's that now we flushed the toilet. But some hate the stink. Did Cobra just say a joke? That thing of whips is a rape to me. And if they are still alive, I hope our RTRs will ruin them. Instead of letting people have their dignity, they just slandered love more. It is a painful, but real...
  30. Satanic Path

    Do these photos show good? Can I use them to fight the lies against Nazis?

    There are more, as always, one can only trust those who are known to have been taken in the Third Reich, which is not always sure if they were. And these boys really look not like today's confused people, to me. Again, here one sees a parody, or an easy thing, even a strong meaning.
  31. Satanic Path

    My circa great-grandfather and my "witch"great-grandmother

    Be proud, you have magic in your blood. Literally. And also,if your father is Asian like your mother, you must be very racially pure, Chinese people do not mix, at least not those of the past, and your roots come from there, and are there in any case. And if pills could not stop it or make it...
  32. Satanic Path

    Do these photos show good? Can I use them to fight the lies against Nazis?

    You know I always have a sigh of relief every time. Not that I expect bad from you, but you know people have their opinions everywhere, what matters to me is understanding. Unfortunately this kind of reality is so much poisoned that neither I can understand it. Of course, the New World will be...
  33. Satanic Path

    My circa great-grandfather and my "witch"great-grandmother

    Thanks, but don't worry, I do know who's my friend, I mean, I was not doubting Them, but my great-grandfather. He went to a camp, so he deserved that punishment...a traitor in my family is still sad. I really hope he was not. I also dislike Mussolini, he persecuted sexuality as he was with the...
  34. Satanic Path

    J-Land news: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’ says the IHM

    This is surreal for how beautiful and craved it is. You have a family, which is already great, you built your temple, and your wife as well. Now more than that, your wife is in Satan, your daughter will be. Now I tend to be very curious, maybe your daughter is very old as a Soul and to enter...
  35. Satanic Path

    Sognare tanto,"luci" da piccolo, fantasma

    Non c'è una notte che chiuda gli occhi e che poi sogni tanto. Mi sveglio sempre e i ricordi tornano dal a, mentre faccio qualcosa di stupido, da una cosa astratta traggo sempre un filo che poi mi porta a ricordare. E' intuito, so cosa dirmi, e il ricordo viene indotto. I miei sogni sono...
  36. Satanic Path

    Errore da corregere nel programma di addestramento per SS

    Grazie per la segnalazione, i Fratelli più vecchi lo vedranno. Io in realtà non mi sono mai accorto di errori nonostante stia spesso sul sito inglese, ma se si vuole penso che sia cosa buona segnalare e far sapere. Gli altri ci diranno.
  37. Satanic Path

    Grateful for group

    Same for us in our country. Groups everywhere, but they not only exist, they write about the JoS for having something to occupy their lack of material. They are not Nazis. So the word "Satanist" loses meaning with them. Most of all, they teach that hate is "easy" and xians can't be hated...
  38. Satanic Path

    A simple technique for remote viewing and future seeing

    Thank you so much brother. I've always read about the US using certain people to see where their enemies hid things. Can you imagine if people could see where earthquakes victims are trapped thanks to this? If you know where to dig, that's one life saved.
  39. Satanic Path

    Do these photos show good? Can I use them to fight the lies against Nazis?

    I really ask Cobra to disallow this if he sees the material as false. I'm putting photos on my computer, just to have my things. I was reading about people in Nazism, and not weimar republic, which I know to be quite bad. I found photos of men and women doing things that make me "smile" and...
  40. Satanic Path

    My circa great-grandfather and my "witch"great-grandmother

    These two come two different lines of my family: mom's side and dad's side. Let's start with the one I find stupid and unlucky. My mother has always been telling me this since she saw me having Nazi things on my computer, like Eva Braun, or Soldiers and Women, even couples, Nazi parties. What...
  41. Satanic Path

    Message to younger members/teens

    I don't really get people taking beauty and ruining it. Who the fuck wants to fully turn himself into a wolf? To become an animal? And then what you do? Will you live in society or in the woods? Shape-shifting is more than advanced, so it means that if you focus on that now you would have not...
  42. Satanic Path

    I want to learn

    Shake It Off! Which means be strong, and shake xianity off your skin. I think you know that song given your nickname, many do. But as any and each person coming from the jewry, you need to be aware of it and start noticing all the wrong. Their videos are full of anti-Satanic messages. Take your...
  43. Satanic Path

    Why did Hitler loose the war? Is white race a master race? Is nationalism evil?

    Wasn't it like in 20 years? Not for anything, I truly believed I'd have had some time to become advanced in the fights. But whenever it is, my heart feels ready. :D
  44. Satanic Path

    The wrong help I gave to immigrants

    Everyone here deserves a pat on his/her shoulder. There are people who then deserve admiration, if not their little palace. I'm not only talking about The Clergy, which is obvious, but there's a brother I read about, Southern White Gentile, whom I don't know, yet reading his story I felt hurt...
  45. Satanic Path

    J-Land news: Pfizer Vaccine Killed ‘About 40 Times More Elderly Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed’ says the IHM

    I know that fools choosing to be fools are not like deserving of help. I don't even know if the healing magic done by a Human without being really advanced could heal what this shit does. But if it were my mother, no matter how bad she is, I would try some healing. Or maybe I shouldn't, for...
  46. Satanic Path

    operatori esoterici

    La prima soluzione: Non andare da questi disperati, e soprattutto non dipendere da nessuno. La loro magia potrebbe anche funzionare, ma non sai da dove viene. Perché viene da fuori, non da loro. Quindi mentre tu sei bello lì a stupirti, potresti anche avere un angelo vicino. Spero tu non sia...
  47. Satanic Path

    Pesciolini piccoli che nuotano male

    Mi dispiace se ti sei sentito confuso. E' anche vero, perché come certe cose rattristano me, rattristano te. Questo comunque sono le ultime parole che spreco per questi. Ti chiedo scusa, davvero. Non volevo ferire nessuno. Se ti sei sentito ferito, ancora, mi dispiace davvero tanto. Hail Satan!
  48. Satanic Path

    The wrong help I gave to immigrants

    Also, you can call me asshole, moron, son of a bitch, mediocre man, whore, fat, shit, awful and much more. But please, never call me jew or xian, especially because you're not the person on the street, but the one on here, and this matters to me. I don't want them, nor I want their dirty name...
  49. Satanic Path

    4th Generation Warfare Is Spiritual Warfare

    And this is the greatest thing and gift. Before getting I was scared that the 4th one was nuclear doom. Not that I don't worry about that anymore, but with Satan I see Humanity totally not alone.
  50. Satanic Path

    The wrong help I gave to immigrants

    Noooooo the ROM woman with the baby. I think it's true they are a failed experiment, I've read it here, so I gave money for food to a jewess using her starved jewish child like only they can do.
  51. Satanic Path

    The wrong help I gave to immigrants

    Thanks. That's why that would be nice to have "teachers" for young people. Some of us grew up alone. My father has never kicked the right people, not those who since I was a child, were bad. Instead of asking me "are you okay? Did something happen to you?" he would kick me, once even in the...
  52. Satanic Path

    Futuro dell'Italia

    Spero tu non ti senta sminuito o svilito, perché non è tuo il limite, ma il mio. Non mi piace offendere, perché questo posto non è certamente una sala del regno dei testimoni di geova. Anche tu sei sommo a modo tuo, e se non lo sei adesso, quello che intendi è nel tuo sangue. La tua idea non...
  53. Satanic Path

    What is Truth of Pink Triangle?

    Add that enemies are enemies with their own tastes. You don't get called "murdered of gays" because you shot a terrorist who was gay. It is common sense, plus those who promote the "gay holocaust" are very, very wrong and delusional. They forgot to talk about what the lovely church did. We were...
  54. Satanic Path

    Off My Chest (Vent)

    You won't get anything from the razor blade. Not only that, but If you lose it, in the best case you enter a ward. In the worst one, you know it already. You can't control that, the worst impetus, when it comes, or you open your eyes or you do stupid shit. But you have power on yourself, and...
  55. Satanic Path

    Why did Hitler loose the war? Is white race a master race? Is nationalism evil?

    I don't know Hitler,unfortunately, but I think I know His Ideals. And what I know so far makes me argue with anybody whenever He is in the mouth of unaware people. When they curse Him, be sure, they're cursing you as well, and if you are sensitive, you know that for a fact. Then I don't know...
  56. Satanic Path

    Is this Sermon also about minds like mine?

    The same is what I say. I would really like "peace", as so far all the grudge is making me feel heavy. This is why before black magic, I want to clean myself to be rational. Once I would have a fun approach with bad people, like instead of just hating them, I would fill their schoolbags with the...
  57. Satanic Path

    About Christcucks & Edited Bible Verses

    Why? Don't you know that Greeks and Romans really enjoyed this? They are not dirty, nobody is, if smart. Many Gods as well have this nature, but if you met one, be sure their love could never seem "unclear" or "difficult". They are perfect beings. Personal view: as they enjoy both sides, it is...
  58. Satanic Path

    The wrong help I gave to immigrants

    As a younger boy I did help the wrong people. I gave money to immigrants, as they were everywhere, even when I felt "not safe" and when they looked at me in a "cold" way, like not even "human". There was a time I cried, after helping one (muslim), because he said a cruel thing. After that, I...
  59. Satanic Path

    Traduzione dell'RTR,Opinioni.

    Mi sa che quel documento non l'ho creato io. Io ho fatto solo la pronuncia, e purtroppo non so come incollare quei font ebraici nel foglio digitale, forse devo proprio programmarlo. Lo posso fare anche in Pdf, no? Non so usare l'html. Dimmi tu.
  60. Satanic Path

    Is this Sermon also about minds like mine?

    Well, I like destrucion, If I get good from it, and the evil is erased. It's always great to feel good when you kill the evil avoiding further good to happen. I don't cut flowers, nor I scream at people. But I truly, truly enjoy when who scared me then gets frightened by me. My bully was scared...
  61. Satanic Path

    Futuro dell'Italia

    Posso sicuramente dirti che le cose irreali poi sono, per la maggior parte, realtà. Quando un Dio mi dirà "Quel fratello ha ragione" allora oltre a considerare quello che dici, ci credo anche pienamente. Io non sono uo scettico, però quando si parla di cristiani veri o finti lo divento anche...
  62. Satanic Path

    [Trad] L'Aldilà e la Reincarnazione (Totalmente Spiegati)- Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666

    Nota personale: Non impiego mai molto tempo, e non mi piace rimandare le mie cose. Le cose vere. Come tutti qui, specialmente qui, ci sono persone a cui piace davvero, ma davvero tanto e troppo, mettersi in mezzo, e anche molto di più.
  63. Satanic Path

    [Trad] L'Aldilà e la Reincarnazione (Totalmente Spiegati)- Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666

    Sermone dell' Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 Trovate qui il testo in lingua originale nella Biblioteca: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8ndj5v6zka3h28/The%20Afterlife%20and%20%20Reincarnation.pdf?dl=1 Il PDF per l'inserimento in Bibiolteca è ospitato su MediaFire, scaricatelo tramite...
  64. Satanic Path

    Pesciolini piccoli che nuotano male

    Benedizioni a te. Il fatto è che ogni tanto mi dico "Quello che fai farà incazzare Beelzevulon, perché lui vuole unione." Allo stesso tempo, però, mi dico "perché dovrei unirmi a quelli che dissanguano il Satanismo asportandone il Nazionalsocialismo? Perché sorridergli se tutto quello che fanno...
  65. Satanic Path

    Pesciolini piccoli che nuotano male

    In uno dei miei dialetti direi "minchia". Comunque non solo l'italiano, al suo livello saprà imparare una lingua dal nulla. Così come dev'essere, e io auguro loro ogni prodigio e ogni bene.
  66. Satanic Path

    About Christcucks & Edited Bible Verses

    But don't think this makes me an "evil homopobe". I'm not, because I love myself, even if I still need to understand this need of contact with women. Real women, you sense them, they remind you of "good" and in some way this moves me in a way I can't name. I just hate people teaming up for such...
  67. Satanic Path

    My ugly but beautiful cat.

    So stop feeling bad and start really living life like every other human (possibly Satanist). You are Gentile, and these are just problems people have.
  68. Satanic Path

    Sulla "legge", l'ingiustizia, Satana e il senso di inadeguatezza.

    Ed è molto, se non troppo vero. Per me la Giustizia è una Verità Individuale che agisce in funzione ed all'interno di una Verità Collettiva. Se uno è 10, 10 sono uno. La Verità Individuale e la Verità Collettiva hanno le stesse radici, ma espressioni diverse, eppure in simbiosi l'una con...
  69. Satanic Path

    Pronuncia RTR- Reupload

    Certo, mica ci metto i diritti XD. Comunque io ho una pagina HTML che ho da un po, dove ho sia l'RTR e il Tetra, tutti e due interattivi su sfondo bianco. Sapessi come condividere un file HTM lo caricherei, perché è più che comodo.
  70. Satanic Path

    Pesciolini piccoli che nuotano male

    Queato non è neanche un avvertimento, ma da Italiano mi sento preso in causa. Io purtroppo tengo d'occhio certe realtà, allo stesso modo in cui mi informo di ogni nemico. E poi se vedo certe cose, e certe menzogne, giustamente mi viene un attimo da urlare affranto. Ci sono cose che fanno...
  71. Satanic Path

    Is a Satanist allowed to haunt someone if he/she wishes to?

    That is not death. That is torture. Okay, but fortunately it is not reality, because you are here. But someone who died like that, he/she has a right to be angry, but still, look at his/her survival. It depends on one's advancement, if you know how to stay safe in the astral, not only you can...
  72. Satanic Path

    Is this Sermon also about minds like mine?

    I really love the fact you took your time to give me this, and I hope my rituals are helping you like everyone else here. I'm gonna try this, not just because it sounds very good, but because I'm aware. I'm aware that I need years and years of cleaning, if not more, and along with other...
  73. Satanic Path

    Pronuncia RTR- Reupload

    PDF da scaricare, l'altro link non funzionava: http://www.mediafire.com/file/f2dvef0pgcw5g84/RTR-JOS_2.pdf/file
  74. Satanic Path

    Is this Sermon also about minds like mine?

    Thank you, for real. Yes, if my enemies apologised I could forgive them, But still, it has to be true, they need to feel their fault for what they've done, and then I forgive them and never bring back the past. I forgive people, very "rarely", just because most of my enemies choose their "cold"...
  75. Satanic Path

    Is a Satanist allowed to haunt someone if he/she wishes to?

    You are talking of a "poltergeist", someone beyond powerful or advanced. You can do it for a true reason, like if you got murdered like those women who were raped, tortured along with their sons. But I suggest you stay alive and do it. You are dead, it is dangerous if you can't protect you on...
  76. Satanic Path

    Traduzione dell'RTR,Opinioni.

    Si perché da deficiente ho usato la cosa più cinese e non mediafire...XD. Accendo il computer e faccio tutto.
  77. Satanic Path

    My ugly but beautiful cat.

    Don't make of it an obsession and let nature work. This may also be a confusion moment, or an enemy attempt. We should not love animals for what they look like, as they're not humans and affection can really be given to any creature. What matters is that she's not malformed, or sick, and...
  78. Satanic Path

    Quel cristiano di Salvini

    Comunque la Meloni, se non fosse cristiana, sarebbe anche "carina" in senso letterale. Ha la voce "buona", ed è il tipo di persona che, nel suo anche essere inconsapevole, mi fa tenerezza. Queste persone me le immagino a casa, in mezzo agli altri, come tutti noi umani, a vivere senza la loro...
  79. Satanic Path

    Sulla "legge", l'ingiustizia, Satana e il senso di inadeguatezza.

    Credo nella legge. Ma non i questa. Questa legge toglie dignità, questa legge ostacola la giustizia, questa legge incarcera chi spara al ladro, questa legge non protegge, ma lovora per quelli che voglione ferire. Questa legge permette la Mafia, e la sofferenza. Eppure devo preservarmi, e devo...
  80. Satanic Path

    Enemy Use Of Satanic Symbolism - Behind the Symbols

    But isn't it like poison to them? It does not belong to them. It's like putting an unadvanced human in a fire or in literal space, which is for him hostile as he's weak and not empowered. Jews are like entering space or a real fire without a suit, and as they do not have our Power, they are...
  81. Satanic Path

    Is this Sermon also about minds like mine?

    <<This conditions the Soul to enter certain places. For instance, if one is mentally sick or somehow likes murder or sickness or whatever, they draw these things into their lives, they are tuning into this and this type of dimension.>> >But does murder include harsh...
  82. Satanic Path

    Data dell'olocausto nucleare svelata?

    Guarda, io che seguo certi canali di cose "inquietanti", "strane", "terrificanti" posso dirti che a volte la tecnologia sembra letteralmente prendere altre forme. Come nel caso di alexa che se riceve certe domande, impazzisce e modifica la sua voce. https://youtu.be/AfCr5NlyCMU A me è...
  83. Satanic Path

    Forums under attack?

    This is happening to me now, and errors are like 520, 522, 521 etc, even unknown, sometimes SSL doesn't work, and it tells me that the problem is in the host or whatever. It also takes a lot to load up at times, since 4-5 days. I thought this was just me, unfortunately it seems to be extended...
  84. Satanic Path

    Relazione tossica

    Come puoi vedere a volte Tor da errori, infatti non c'è il messaggio. Quello che volevo dire è: Hai l'occasione di calare la spada con la massima forza, quindi usala. Non si parla di "separare"...due punti possono essere collegati solo se uno di loro esiste. Se loro inneggiano alla tua, mia e...
  85. Satanic Path

    About Christcucks & Edited Bible Verses

    I stopped for a while laughing at "my christian gay friend" These things are so funny. Like when you hear "muslim woman", "allah likes equality" and etc. "Gay christians" do not deserve any compassion and understanding. I feel offended by the only existence of these people, because I don't...
  86. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Io il pdf lo creo e lo carico su mediafire come ho fatto già, così se vuoi hai tutto lì. Grazie Cfecit!
  87. Satanic Path

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    I am not screaming the vibrations as I used to in the first time, but my throat still produces a nice vibration. Now I have to be quieter, as I live with people who like to curse The Entire Kingdom.
  88. Satanic Path

    RTR effects: How Israel Censors the Internet

    Thanks for the tip. I'm starting right away. Blessings.
  89. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco The Afterlife And Reincarnation dell'Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666, nella Biblioteca, qui: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s8ndj5v6zka3h28/The%20Afterlife%20and%20%20Reincarnation.pdf?dl=1
  90. Satanic Path

    RTR effects: How Israel Censors the Internet

    When it comes to me it looks as if a single individual is trying to block my yt comments in every way. They just see the JoS link and they do it. It does not happen when I write other things. This is obvious. Maybe this is an automated system, a very shitty one.
  91. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco questo bel manzo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrrowaru2n3kz94/Slave%20Labor%20in%20Soviet%20Russia.pdf?dl=1 Sono 32 pagine, quindi nel frattempo vorrei lavorare anche ad altri articoli, altrimenti sarebbe tempo usato non molto al massimo. Devo capire come riportare le foto, perché è un...
  92. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Tutto è Alieno- Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine Dietrich

    Sermone originario nella Biblioteca: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aczmzgzo1v5bb87/all_alien_by_HPS_Maxine.pdf?dl=1 Trovate l'articolo in lingua originale anche sul forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11633#p38371 Post dell'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine Dietrich >> Mercoledì 25...
  93. Satanic Path

    RTR effects: How Israel Censors the Internet

    Even with 148p quality you still see their noses. Anyway, thank you. I am having severe issues with my phone's hotspot. I just have an hotspot from my phone to my computer, but it stopped working since two or three days. When this is fixed I'll get the video too.
  94. Satanic Path

    Jewish Psykiatry says I'm an extreme narcissist

    Well, hi there, I'm also described as delusional and mad, among other things, because I think we are GODS, and I believe magic to not only be possible and unlimited, but to be a right for everyone and something that will be part of our lives. My doctor told me "You have a delirium of...
  95. Satanic Path

    RTR effects: How Israel Censors the Internet

    I just focused on their noses. Is there anyone who can download the video?
  96. Satanic Path

    Crazy facts about Saudi arabia.

    Are you making sure you're totally safe? Are you using a Tor Bridge or anything to protect your online activity? Don't use the computer, it's big, it's difficult to hide. Go with the phone. I know that soldiers can even pat you down, so when you're outside try not to bring the phone with you...
  97. Satanic Path

    Candidatura per il ruolo di traduzione dei Sermoni urgenti

    Ragazzi per non aprire un altro topic: Ho inviato "Apocalisse" dell'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine, ma temo che ci sia stato un errore con tor perché non funziona mai e impiega secoli per caricare, e molte volte non carica affatto. Per evitare doppioni, aspetto domani mattina. Se vedo che niente viene...
  98. Satanic Path

    Reconnecting with pets that have pasted

    If this is possible, which is, I have one too. I had named him Chico, and he was the smallest ball I've ever seen, and he died when I was not at home, due to a bad gastric infection...as my uncles always gave remains to animals. It was depressing to be at the phone and to hear about new...
  99. Satanic Path

    21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

    Bill Gates talks as if the fact that he's rich and parasitic and "powerful" and "jewish" allows him to rewrite entire civilizations' rights and costumes. Maybe he would be proud of us if we started to eating corpses and children...which is possible to jews, as they are capable of anything and...
  100. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco All Aliens dell'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine Qui:https://www.dropbox.com/s/aczmzgzo1v5bb87/all_alien_by_HPS_Maxine.pdf?dl=1
  101. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Risposta: Apocalisse- Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine Dietrich

    Sermone dell' Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine Dietrich, 13/8/2018, 9:58 del mattino Trovate il testo originale della Biblioteca qui: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aevh7jaqas6rwo5/Apocalypse_by_HPS_Maxine.pdf?dl=1 Anche sul forum: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12110#p40826 “Negli...
  102. Satanic Path

    Spot the signs of child sexual exploitation

    Of course, and thanks. Magic is going to be my only cure, as these things are best-healed through Satanic means. I even downloaded a Sister's article about Sacral Yoga, which I really want to do. I am not hopeless at all, indeed, I am not obsessing over him...I just sometimes close my eyes and...
  103. Satanic Path

    Spot the signs of child sexual exploitation

    That happened with me. My "father" said it was just a game or just nothing. He'd been a victim too, so I do not forgive his weakness. He told me "I've been too, but I was strong, not like you" Well, his life tells anything except strength. Reading you is like reading truth. But all the blame...
  104. Satanic Path

    Spot the signs of child sexual exploitation

    I just watched the first two minutes, but I did not go on with the horror movie. I stopped harming myself, and this could really worsen my mood. After hearing these things, I just can't feel "okay". I may even be made up of titanium, but the idea of this happening somewhere can poison me, it...
  105. Satanic Path

    Cose strane

    Erano le 4 del mattino e stavo traducendo, ho acceso il telefono per puro caso e ho trovato il consumo dati fermo a 666,6 Mb.
  106. Satanic Path

    Finally... Race Awakening - TikTok

    In my case I still get called out as "racist" or "weirdo" when black men contacts me. I mean, they get angry at you just because you tell that boy you want a white man. "You don't know what you're losing" one told me. "But that's not fair"...But it is way fairer to be raped by a black man...
  107. Satanic Path

    Domanda astrologica

    Mi sono un attimo "spaventato" perché non ho letto tutto il tuo messaggio prima di usare le tue informazioni. Si, Plutone è nella 4 casa, in Sagittario. Saturno nella 10 casa. Nell'ultimo periodo sto portando alla mente dei ricordi alquanto "strani". Io non è che abbia voglia di scoprire se...
  108. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco Apocalypse di Maxine: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aevh7jaqas6rwo5/Apocalypse_by_HPS_Maxine.pdf?dl=1
  109. Satanic Path

    [Trad] NO- Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666

    NO! - Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 Dalla Biblioteca Trovate il Sermone originale della Biblioteca qui: https://www.dropbox.com/s/otqnm3vdvfwkerz/NO__Speech_HP_Hooded_Cobra.pdf?dl=1 Saluti a tutte le nostre Genti...
  110. Satanic Path

    Domanda astrologica

    Allora, avrei tanto da dire, ma preferisco non dire. Ho fatto ricerche, ma purtroppo non è che abbia trovato qualcosa di specifico. Per prima cosa, c'è un aspetto nella carta natale che mostra un abuso sessuale? E poi, diverse posizioni planetarie che sono comuni nei pazzi, o anche nelle...
  111. Satanic Path

    I am moving

  112. Satanic Path

    I am moving

    I really have a bad omen. Like I'm losing the only place I call home. Like when I am on the street I start thinking that people will begin pointing me out or laughing at me. And than I wonder: If I am doing this to myself in the knowledge that I never became him, how can he live? I'm scared...
  113. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco "NO" di HP Hooded Cobra 666 https://www.dropbox.com/s/otqnm3vdvfwkerz/NO__Speech_HP_Hooded_Cobra.pdf?dl=1 Tor mette il mio nome nel link del PDF per qualche ragione. Va bene se uso il passaggio intermedio, ossia dropbox? Li non si legge. Vedo di risolvere, spero che dropbox vada bene.
  114. Satanic Path

    Meme warfare

    To make it further clear.
  115. Satanic Path

    How to curse a person who does not know the name and never see it?

    Who is it? Michael Myers. Or someone as sick as him. If this being got to the point where it killed not one animal, but three or four, he's capable of much worse. If he enjoyed that, of course even if it did not, but I'm sure he did, do the world a favor and take its life and rip it apart. Even...
  116. Satanic Path

    I am moving

    He took me away from my childhood, and after that I've never been a child. My sexuality was poisoned, I was confused, and didn't understand the evil behind him, which was poisoning me. This is just my first step. If he played the game with me, I'm gonna play as well. I am contacting authorities...
  117. Satanic Path

    [Trad] L'Immortale Cultura Tedesca

    Dalla biblioteca, di Joseph Goebbles, 29 Marzo 2015. Documento originale: https://web.archive.org/web/20150329081406/http://satans666squares.webs.com/Immortal%20German%20Culture.pdf "Se si dovesse immaginare la cultura Occidentale senza il contributo dato dalla Germania e dell'Italia, ci...
  118. Satanic Path

    How bad is it to read the Bible?

    You can read it, but not in a certain mindset. Read it to feel the hatred, to feed it, not because you see that shit as literature. That is not. Will never be. I mean I will buy many, but because I'm planning my rituals and I really want to do them following my soul. This means burning one...
  119. Satanic Path

    Wild mouths will bite thee: a Poem.

    Thank you so much my brother. Now I guess you understand why people are afraid of me or tend to not understand me. Because the moment before I can be one thing, the moment later a total different one. I can go from flowers to bullets very quickly, and I love it. A smile, and then a grin. I just...
  120. Satanic Path

    [Trad] La Nazione Del Movimento Islamico

    Scusate il ritardo. Pensavo di averlo già inviato ma poi vedevo che non veniva approvato quindi l'ho ripostato. Buona lettura.
  121. Satanic Path

    [Trad] La Nazione Del Movimento Islamico

    Traduzione del Sermone originario della Biblioteca disponibile qui: https://web.archive.org/web/20160311150405/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/Nation_of_Islam_Movement.pdf - Alta Sacerdotessa Shannon Oramai, la maggior parte di voi sarà ben consapevole riguardo gli Ebrei e il modo in...
  122. Satanic Path

    Wild mouths will bite thee: a Poem.

    So for some strange reason I really love ancient english but I can't really use it, and it so difficult to find archaic words. This is just a poem dedicated at persecuted, murdered people. As always, through my dark view. "My lover glares in my poem's womb, crucified he can yet feel our mirror...
  123. Satanic Path

    5 Elements poem to Satan

    Great. Keep being who you are on here so that the new people understand where the evil really rises.
  124. Satanic Path

    [Trad] La Nazione Del Movimento Islamico

    Traduzione del Sermone originario della Biblioteca disponibile qui: https://web.archive.org/web/20160311150405/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/Nation_of_Islam_Movement.pdf - Alta Sacerdotessa Shannon Oramai, la maggior parte di voi sarà ben consapevole riguardo gli Ebrei e il modo in...
  125. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Traduco questo: https://web.archive.org/web/20150329081406/http://satans666squares.webs.com/Immortal%20German%20Culture.pdf Immortal German Culture, del grande Joseph Goebbles.
  126. Satanic Path

    La verità sul mescolamento gentile e rettiliano

    Grazie mille. Come quella volta che ci ho pensato, mi sono addormentato, e ho sognato Jacob Rotschild XD. Cioè io che sogno tanto se avanzo poi potrei sognare cose infinitamente più gradevoli, come un Dio.
  127. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Nation of Islam Movement, HPS Shannon. https://web.archive.org/web/20160311150405/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/Nation_of_Islam_Movement.pdf
  128. Satanic Path

    La verità sul mescolamento gentile e rettiliano

    Grazie per il coniglio. Leggendo su Jos ho letto che non avere il bisogno di dormire è un siddish. A me piacerebbe lavorare per ciò, anche perché sono sempre stato uno che si trova bene e bello carico anche con due ore di sonno. Ho imparato questa mia piccola capacità alle superiori. Il sonno...
  129. Satanic Path

    Pronuncia RTR- Proposta

    Ai traduttori: Non ho assolutamente dimenticato, è un impegno. Il fatto è che mi è arrivato un incarico su Fiverr, non molto, ma comuque sempre qualcosa da dare, ed è anche decisamente lungo. Più che altro devo gestire le priorità, dare loro un ordine. Cioè, viene prima l'aiuto ecomico al JOS...
  130. Satanic Path

    La verità sul mescolamento gentile e rettiliano

    Questa è una domanda che mi sono sempre posto: E' se ho avuto un antenato ebreo tipo 300 anni fa? La mia opinione è quella che anche avere un solo cromosoma di quella "discendenza" mi farebbe sentire sporco. Se non peggio. Cioè adesso non voglio assolutamente esagerare, e non ho motivo per...
  131. Satanic Path

    Futuro dell'Italia

    Io sinceramente disprezzo tutti i politici. Però se dovessi scegliere, tra la Meloni e Renzi scelgo Giorgia. Almeno lei è....un pò meno globalista e non vuole l'islam in Italia. Però capiscimi: come posso non desiderare di non prenderla a pugni, e intendo per davvero, quando dice che i...
  132. Satanic Path

    Can we make physical magic in any way?

    Do not say such abomination, hahaha. Kidding, gotta have your own tastes. But i think Telekinesis is such great that it can be used everywhere. So many lives to save, so much so fight. Nina Kulagina, which I do not have an idea about, used it to stop frogs' hearts. Just imagine what a Satanist...
  133. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Informazioni aggiuntive su Beelzebul

    Grazie mille Cfecit. Hahaha...sono nuovo ai computer, sempre stato imbaranato. Adesso mi esercito con la funzione Preview e ci riesco. Hail Satan!
  134. Satanic Path

    Traduzione dell'RTR,Opinioni.

    Io ho inviato il topic. Sperò ti piacerà, sia in pdf che sul forum stesso. Ho messo il pdf perché essendo bello lungo potrebbe laggare, usando MediaFire, che mi ha fatto fare tutto in anonimo.
  135. Satanic Path

    Is there a content limitation? For sharing my article.

    Thank you everyone! It means so much to me. Finally people who wanna talk about reality. Most of individuals really don't want to hear certain things, like my family, thinking it is depressing. Well, thank you again.
  136. Satanic Path

    Pronuncia RTR- Proposta

    Se il vostro dispositivo ha dei lag, è per via della lunghezza del decoumento. Qui sotto trovate il link al PDF: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f2dvef0pgcw5g84/RTR-JOS_2.pdf/file Il mio consiglio è quello di attenervi agli audio di Maxine, utilizzando -se lo ritenete necessario- questa scheda...
  137. Satanic Path

    Traduzione dell'RTR,Opinioni.

    Quello che non capisco è perché gli audio di Maxine siano talmente diversi. Io mi baso su quelli. Non giudico assolutamente il duro lavoro di nessuno, ma nel mio piccolo ho notato delle discrepanze.
  138. Satanic Path

    About Advanced Members And Our Community

    About the suicide thing, just to say what's true: Without your work, and this path, two would have been my chances: 1) Death. I would have never had the will to stand up from the floor of the bathroom. I don't know what told me : You are bleeding, but you have still time. Stand up. - So I stood...
  139. Satanic Path

    "Know your enemy", IT said. We do, darling.

    https://youtu.be/sVImK0Q1Hfk Here we have the only being older than Madonna. But he's made of "flesh". Hearing his voice is frightening, for how disgusting it is. IT totally looks like "The one who draws flies". They did look at themselves, then slandered and wrote about our Demons, by...
  140. Satanic Path

    Cosa traducete?

    Se avessi creduto di più nelle mie capacità avrei iniziato prima. Mi fa piacere, comunque. Hail Satan!
  141. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Informazioni Addizionali Su Beelzebul

    Scusatemi tutti, la mia traduzione è stata eliminata? C'erano degli errori?
  142. Satanic Path

    Traduzione dell'RTR,Opinioni.

    Aquarius, ti prego, leggi qui. Outh, si pronuncia aaaauuuuuuTHHHHHHH, non aaaauuuufffff. Il suono TH in inglese non è mai F. TH=/ F, mai. TH ha due possibiità di pronuncia: unvoiced (silenzioso, con lingua tra i denti) e sound TH, con la lingua tra i denti, ma producendo una vibrazione, come...
  143. Satanic Path

    Is there a content limitation? For sharing my article.

    I am working on an "article" that deals with a theme very important to me, in a Satanic manner, and in the knowledge of what hides behind the reality I see. This article is only aimed at the JoS, as I do talk about jews, and Satan. I have already written 11 pages, and I have more to say...
  144. Satanic Path

    Satan ruined my life.

    I thought this was a Scientology thing. I would tell you not to give up, and stay strong. Bad things always happen. In my case, money, deaths, me getting away from my family...yet you have to really feel into it, because if you're weak, the first misfortune that occurs, you're going to blame it...
  145. Satanic Path

    Tutte le persone meritano di avvicinarsi a Satana?

    Mia madre è una Gentile. Nonostante abbia me a fargli guardare i fatti, non fa altro che bestemmiare HITLER, augurare la morte a tutti noi Satanisti, a dirmi che mi hanno fatto il lavaggio del cervello, a parlare di tutti i Nazisti come se conoscesse la storia. Non dimentichiamoci delle volte...
  146. Satanic Path

    Cosa traducete?

    Osservando noto che le traduzioni sono molte, e non solo dei sermoni odierni. Ma la biblioteca è stata interamente tradotta? Quando accedo a quella inglese noto degli articoli mai letti. Il fatto è che potrei tradurre di più, e nel tempo con la pratica potrei metterci di meno. Sopratutto...
  147. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Informazioni aggiuntive su Beelzebul

    Non capisco perché le immagini siano così piccole. Ho usato postimage.
  148. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    Well, overwight people die, "girly" individuals have no issue with their body. There is nothing to fix in me, except the importance I gave to these people. At least, this is what I and the most of us thinks. And I'm not going to use energy to change the thing of me that I see as "me". I can...
  149. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Informazioni aggiuntive su Beelzebul

    Sermone di: Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666, 27/1/2021 Testo originario, in lingua Inglese: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51054 -La pagina dedicata a Beelzebub è la seguente: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Beelzebub.html Questa sarà aggiunta...
  150. Satanic Path

    Ad Aquarius: mea culpa

    Il succo è che ti do ragione. E con l'ascolto qui imparo sempre molto.
  151. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    I had to google him. I am an abomination: never even tried to watch manga/animes. It is not my thing XD. Well, I had an only girl too. We were like 9-10, and I,despite already having feelings for men, fell in love with her. I wanted her always around, with me, because we had so much fun, and she...
  152. Satanic Path

    JewTube, censura?

    Grazie mille, Cfecit. Benedizioni a te.
  153. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Riguardo L'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine e la Gioia Di Satana.

    Sermone di: Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 Testo originario, in inglese: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=223291#p223291 ~L'Alta Sacerdotessa Maxine è la scopritrice del nostro cammino verso Gli Dei, Satana, e a mio giudizio, una persona Legendaria che cammina su questa terra...
  154. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Su Beel, di HP Hooded Cobra 666: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=223921#p223921
  155. Satanic Path

    JewTube, censura?

    Grazie mille. No, ho un nome diverso, messo a caso, con uno dei personaggi di una serie tv. Come promuovi il Satanismo su Quora? Conosco la piattaforma...ma alle mie domande ha sempre risposto il nulla. Però posso installarla e iniziare a parlare anche lì. Leggo sempre di Protonmail, potrei...
  156. Satanic Path

    Ad Aquarius: mea culpa

    https://youtu.be/rZGQRVe7FUg Si, Aquarius. Hai ragione. E mi dispiace per averti dato addosso in maniera acida. Non so se ricordi. Tu avevi usato la parola "checca". Bene, certe persone se la meritano. E io non difendo più le persone che stravolgono la loro personalità per sentirsi "speciali"...
  157. Satanic Path

    JewTube, censura?

    Sto notando che i miei commenti con i link di JoS o non vengono visualizzati come dovrebbero, o che se bombardo troppo poi non posso più commentare. Si, sono peggio di un testimone di jhvh. Commento anche sotto i video che diffondono o promuovono l'ebraismo. Ma tipo 20 link finché poi non posso...
  158. Satanic Path

    Poesie di Fuoco Blu 666

    Per quello che conta il mio parere la sostanza c'è. Mi piacciono le rime, il suono fluido, ma come dico sempre a me stesso: non c'è un limite al perfezionamento. Siamo qui per migliorare. E poi stai tranquillo, perché quella è una parte di te, è lì, e puoi innalzarla fin dove vuoi. Ti do dei...
  159. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Sul Perdono

    Guarda, non so perché...non arrivano le notifiche. Prima si, adesso proprio no. Cioè a volte si vedono, poi spariscono e mi ritrovo solo quelle vecchie. Proverò a svuotare la cache di FireFox. Comunque grazie mille, lo spero davvero: l'ultima cosa che voglio è fare la persona di serie b...
  160. Satanic Path

    To Clergy: Donations, but what I earn is coming from Israel.

    Bad luck. I have bad luck. The programmer didn't want to confess it at first. I will have to write about incest. Yes, my skills could, but not my mind. And this is wrong. Very wrong to me. If I want to fight against pedophilia, I feel I shouldn't do this too. Why weirdos exist? What mind could...
  161. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    HP Hooded Cobra 666: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50884 About HPS Maxine and The JoS
  162. Satanic Path

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    Is she Maxine or Ellen Ripley on Nostromo with a flamethrower? I am so grateful for all this. And I feel blessed to have all this and You in my life. Not getting emotional, it is objective reality for me. And the more I am into this, the more I welcome Satan, and the more I feel alive. These...
  163. Satanic Path

    To Clergy: Donations, but what I earn is coming from Israel.

    I never paid attention to it. If it were a Gentile Healty thing, then giving 20% of my earnings wouldn't have mattered. But would a Gentile ever ask for 20%? But what do the say: Oh goyyy, we give you the mean to earn, the platform, you have be thankful for it. Which is not irrational, but 20%...
  164. Satanic Path

    To Clergy: Donations, but what I earn is coming from Israel.

    Thanks. Yes, I'm so naive and never careful about what I say. Guess what, I thought Bitcoin were already out of fashion. Well, I am wrong. Thank you for censoring it...really...my blunders, they are unbelievable. And even if I shouldn't, I am laughing so bad. All the issue came from my...
  165. Satanic Path

    Jews scheme to make the goyim docile through marijuana

    The world is becoming Miley Cyrus. She's the one who is always promoting this in a human way. She's not like the b-singers who just sing about it to get money from the kike...she made of marijuana a life-mission. I whish marijuana plants could come to life and choke her to death. Will she smile...
  166. Satanic Path

    is this my path?

    Hitler is A God. He fought and will fight with us. He's in Satan. Why wouldn't you like such a good Soul? The only one who made very much against jews and their communism and atrocities. If you worship Satan, worshipping Hitler comes natural. Listen to Hitler's True Speechs, then tell me how you...
  167. Satanic Path

    classify this man

    Looks like a good man, and has no facial feature that makes you think of a jew. Add it his name. I looked at its curriculum, and seems to be a fundamentally good person. I know, most of the people who manage money and big environments such this, are mostly jews. But he also worked to prevent a...
  168. Satanic Path

    To Clergy: Donations, but what I earn is coming from Israel.

    I put myself on Fiverr. I already was once, and It can really pay you. Fiverr is from Israel. But it is the biggest freelance community. You are not irrational or communist: money is important, money in needed, and xians have many. It is just a thing I can do towards Satanism, or you. And...
  169. Satanic Path

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I sweat too when I do my frtrs or rituals with intention and energy. And outside it is cold, like cold. I stopped wearing my jacket, but I sweat the same. Energy can have its means, which are always beautiful. Your body might just be dealing with it...but if the heat is annoying, try summoning...
  170. Satanic Path

    About Upcoming Joy of Satan Website Updates: Demons Section

    I am so curios about all Them...and I can't wait to read Them all, like Pazuzu, Zepar, Vassago and all the "minor" Demons. Thank you for this gift.
  171. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Queste persone sono Sataniste?

    Articolo di: Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666 Sermone originario qui: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50643 ~JoS ha sempre seguito la politica del non sprecare neanche il tempo nell' affrontare le persone non serie presenti online, o quelle che non contano per il Satanismo...
  172. Satanic Path

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    In certain rituals we're doing now we have to raise our energies. I did that all the times I was supposed to it and I never asked a Demon for taking it. This was totally my first time. I wanted to see if I could have felt something as the time went by. And now I think I feel it. But the effects...
  173. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    This happens. But you did it in good. You didn't think that guy was a prostitute, or that his appeareance was an obvious reason to harass him. Until we recognise someone's beauty, that is good and very human. Good has to be done even in our small way.
  174. Satanic Path

    My Platonic Love, and this desire to have children.

    But I know that I'm "gay". And I love it. That time of self-hatred ended long ago. But bisexuals do exist. I enjoy women, on a not-physical level. So you don't believe Platonic Love? But looking at where this concept comes from, you should not see a bad thing. I listen to you, and I'll try to...
  175. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Are These People Satanists? Di: Hooded Cobra 666 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50643
  176. Satanic Path

    My Platonic Love, and this desire to have children.

    I know, I have to wait. But I really believe in these kind of things. I believe, maybe foolishly, that this is what I aspire to. I like to think to "trascendence", I always did even when I was very young. But yes, I daydream. I went from being suicidal to being too much of a dreamer. I don't see...
  177. Satanic Path

    My Platonic Love, and this desire to have children.

    Okay, I know I like my things, but certain women are so special. They make me feel so good, with their only presence. I've always been saying it, but my friends never believed platonic love, and when talking to them I always ended up feeling wrong. They just see sex and orgasms. And then I want...
  178. Satanic Path

    Message to this jos HP

    It is common sense. Like, I know myself, I am not delusional, and for no reason I would think that I'd have the strenght to ever affect in a bad way a Clergy member. Like, you couldn't even rip a hair. But it is not only respect, it is also logic. But you're delusional. A tick could never eat a...
  179. Satanic Path

    Are These People Satanists?

    Then I don't wanna hear Satanic Path is such evil and cruel. I am totally sane and natural. Who wouldn't want to build a whole building where you can put pedos, and go there to play funny games? And, of course, when they die, you bring them back to life and go on. Eugenics, anger release...they...
  180. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    I do, and I love it. They're quite dark, then my face is round and a bit oval. I really dress as standard boys dress, but in the future I won't mind wearing what I like. Like wide dresses, red, blue, black, yellow. My colors are related to my Demons. It goes further than that. I have this will...
  181. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    Jack, it's obvious he wanted to have something with me. That is disgusting. Your humor sometimes can me sharp, by the way, but I understand that. What can I tell you? You've been blessed by genetics, nobody mistakes you for what you are not. I no longer get depressed for that, I just feel my...
  182. Satanic Path

    Bill Gates now largest owner of farmland

    I have to say that Bill is good at pretending he's human. Most people admire him. Well, they all are. Sorry, it's just my hatred against einstein...I really have something about him. Of course, we have to focus on the time being. Bill will pay the bill.
  183. Satanic Path

    A Prayer: Come Satan, walk within me.

    Thank you Sundara, countless blessings to you.
  184. Satanic Path

    Mistaken for a tranny: it's not okay to me.

    Why people are so blind? Why do I keep being exchanged for a girl? I'm not a jewish pinko, not like that. Yesterday I was performing my rituals on the street, it was going so good, as having learnt the pronunciation of the frtr helps me a lot with these ones. I do the guttural sounds very well...
  185. Satanic Path

    A Prayer: Come Satan, walk within me.

    "Come Satan, walk within me, for my spirit is your Throne, and in your Joy, this flesh shall never be lost and gone. In the name of Infinity, I worship the Goat, above its horns undressed I float, and I choose that every breath is to be a blessing to Your Seed, and when the juden raises his...
  186. Satanic Path

    Bill Gates now largest owner of farmland

    I no longer get upset over jews. If a jew created the nuke bomb and after that every nuclear power plant, so Chernobyl, they can do all the unthinkable worst. If a mature jew thinks he has the right to rape your four years old baby, destroy entire nations, ruin countless people, enslave the...
  187. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    Creepy can be what you don't understand. I accept that.
  188. Satanic Path

    [Trad] Abbiamo tutti tanta strada da fare

    Sermone originario: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50078 Alto Sacerdote Hooded Cobra 666: Molto spesso, e la meditazione può naturalmente provocarlo, gli individui che meditano o che eseguono meditazioni energetiche, fanno un balzo ben oltre se stessi. La scoperta che uno...
  189. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    Nothing that is said here is negative. I see it as an exchange. Here happen the only exchanges, as the rest is boring. Yes, it was meant to be shocking: I imagined me singing this in a church in front of fools. I like to tease people, to shock them and show them how deep and complicated one can...
  190. Satanic Path

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50078 " We have a long way to go" di High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.
  191. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    I just googled her. Now I know what you're talking about. But some of them changes their faces through surgery, so they look not-very-jewish. Look at Scarlett Johanson.
  192. Satanic Path

    Strange approach

    I opened this forum this morning, and I saw the new ritual's program. I was kinda hopeless and didn't feel up to it. Then this evening I found myself sitting on a bench doing them all. Like the moment before I was playing COD mobile, the moment after I ran out literally dancing, and found a...
  193. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    Next time I'll post something more standard. Didn't mean to harrass anyone. I know that what I write can't be liked by everyone. But I like that someone read it, at least. My mother and all the people surrounding me never listen to me, they say I'm wasting my time, not only with my strange...
  194. Satanic Path

    War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

    Thanks for this new program. I miss only one for today, Empowerment Of The Serpent. I was forced to do them outside and there were dog barking and two people walking their dogs, plus people taking out the trash. I didn't care about them and just kept vibrating. Did the affirmations in english...
  195. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    Thought it could be nice. The song. If this is a song. Sorry.
  196. Satanic Path

    Astrology in Hitler's Germany

    See it like this: the universe is unlimited, so every point or atom in it can be the center. Maybe this could be an hidden message. Maybe I'm wrong, this is just my idea.
  197. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    Please, be clear XD. This was meant to be a song, not a serious thing.
  198. Satanic Path

    <<Our Poetry'Semen.>>

    "It felt like floating, living in a lightning, this poetry' semen. But as you please yourself in me, be a good man, don't say amen. Don't tell me I'm sweet, ever dare call me weak, I have a dick for god to lick. The preacher was so dumb, he saw a numb guy to hump, Bad Boone, you've been a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
