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  1. G

    Question Dump

    I see you are a beginner, but it is not a problem. 1. Because you have had sex whit a half native guy is not sure to be a problem. The problem starts there if the races getting mixed, because it cause rincarnation problems. (the original races can't reincarnate to the new race (mixed race), and...
  2. G

    A lesson from the Gods. Please read!

    Sedative medicine? :ugeek: ;)
  3. G

    What Is The Perfect Way To Rule Nations?

    I see cobra, that you are a so "hardcore enemy" of the yewish people, that when you are speaking about politics, you can give an example from the Game of trones. Actually my lil snake guy. I can just congratulate for your hard work. ;)
  4. G

    What Is The Perfect Way To Rule Nations?

    Ha alapból visszaterveztél jönni, akkor minek akarod töröltetni a profilod, te titokban zseni? :roll:
  5. G


    Imagining sex? :roll: ;)
  6. G


    It is not for everyday. I have had made this rude comment because I see that this forum is a little bit getting xianlike. But is not a problem to me to getting orgasm after a complete weigth lifting training what was actually 1 hour long and I haven't had get any probleme. This forum should to...
  7. G

    Would someone help me to CURSE a viccan?

    Can I get her name or the link where you found her? I would to try it what can I make with using my black magic.
  8. G

    Do Gods eat food like us

    Yes. They are eating the same way like a normal person, because it is the easyiest way. I god/goddes would be able to learn etc: "how to eat with using teleportation" (in imagination), but this type of eating food would to need more life energie what you can gain from this in my opinion.
  9. G

    I got a question about the Aryan Race

    "Aryan" is a sanskrit definition for those people whos live a spiritual life and they are becoming gods/goddeses. The skin color doesn't matter. Every gentile can be an "Aryan". Jewish people can't be aryan because they are parasite souls, and these type of soul are unnable to evolve spiritually.
  10. G

    Satan will return

    I think yewish are the type of parasites like "droids from SW". Our main enemies are the reptilians whos have created the jewish race. Jewish people don't give a fuck for Mother Earth and they are destroying what they are don't like because it is in there DNA. They were programmed to destroy...
  11. G

    Satan will return

    We are strong enough to heal up Mother Earth. You don't know what can you make with the power of your mind. For an only person would be a hardcore work this, but for thousands of ss/ns people with our gods is actually possible.
  12. G

    For the hard times - How to preserve food?

    It depends on what we call "hard time". In a "hard time" where the prises will be extremly high your tactic is actually good. But i a REALLY HARD TIME where the people are killing ecah other for a little water/food than for those hard times you should to learn:hunting, stealing, killing people...
  13. G

    Can gods change their forms?

    Of course they can.
  14. G

    Are white men naturally attracted to asian women or is it brainwashing?

    Yes I belive it that it is a strong brainwashing program. Than now I just don't understand that why is it happening to me, that I am disgusted for every jewish female and no matter how "sexy" is that shit. And I can think black, asian females very sexy, but I can just imagine myself in a white...
  15. G

    Can a soul be mixed?

    I think that these people are actually constituting a new race, a hibryd race and these hibryd people can reincarnate just as a hibryd.
  16. G

    A very powerful alien

    If you have had ever met with any grey, reptilians, yewish you should have to know that they are actually weak shit and they are just barking it that they would be "strong as fuck". I have met astrally a few times with the enemy and they were always barking "You should to join us, we are so much...
  17. G


    I think there is nothing wrong with porn. It is just a fucking film/video/picture about sex what you can for fap/masturbate. For the spiritual evolution you need sexuality too and masturbating is a great way if you can't get an optional partner. This "addiction" is actually like then "food...
  18. G


    I see you know how to live. I can understand that you want to stop drinking alcohol and taking drugs because you are not immune for those bad side effects. For this a Moon-square would be so much better than a Sun-square. "Slept with girl who told me afterwards that her grandfather was a...
  19. G

    Invasion In Our Planet? Recent UFO invasion files?

    So, you say that we will be able to solve a lot of problem with using spirituality. It is okay, because now we have rituals what are destroys the yewish, but I have a question. What will we make with the reptilians, greys? Will we have another rituals to kill theme, if yes when will we use...
  20. G

    About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases

    Were not they just trolls? I think they could be just trolls whos have found this forum and were sending random bullshits.
  21. G

    Family Values in Normal Life And Spiritual Satanism

    How homosexual people will make family?
  22. G

    21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

    I see, that it will be the best option if.. 1. I make rituals how I just can (etc: 2 times every tvr ritual daily or more) 2. Get pyrokinetic skills how I can and train myself in hand to hand combat and evolving my knife skills 3. If I will be finished my trainings than I will go to the street...
  23. G

    Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

    And who the hell said that tp you that we "must to kill the non white gentiles"? Nobody said this bullshit, just the jewish people say it, because they want to make a big war where the subraces of mankind kill each other, and it is actually normal that a person or people kill those whos are...
  24. G

    Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

    Why do you say that you love every SS if you don't know every SS?
  25. G

    How is it possible?

    1.Spiritual level is equal with your DNA. If your moon is weak, than it is visible in your DNA and you can get those sicknesses what tipycally a weak moon causes. If you earned the spiritual perfection than your DNA will become perfect to and it is the way how anybody becomes a god/goddes. 2...
  26. G

    How is it possible?

    I see that you can't understand, that I don't wnat to destroy my soul, just I wanted to know, that how is it possible. If you are not be able to read/think why do you barking to me? :lol:
  27. G

    How is it possible?

    Thanks for advice! In this year I will make my second sun square and next year I will make the moon squares.
  28. G

    How is it possible?

    That is my basic nature, that I want to know what is possible and how. Now I have get from intuition that I would be able to destroy my soul, with using the power of the Saturn. Now I know it and it is better. Why? Because if I don't want to live anymore I can destroy myself or if I will be...
  29. G

    How is it possible?

    Why do you think it, that it would be a problem if I make an interesting question?
  30. G

    How is it possible?

    I am just have made an interesting question. Why am I would be a bot? (You IQ ninja :? )
  31. G

    About the Beauty Of This World

    If you feel yourself better in a "reality" where the hierarchy is unbreakable, and you "place" in the hierarchy is safer, than Hell, than "Ok".
  32. G

    How is it possible?

    That is not a bad answer but I think, that a xian can't use magick and if a xian wants to destroy his/her soul it is not sure that it will be succesfully destroyed. A jewage member or a buddhist has more chance to destroy his/her soul. You think it to, don't you?
  33. G

    How is it possible?

    No I don't want it. It was just an example. One time Lord Andras said that to me, that I can destroy others soul with using black magick. (Of course if I am strong enough for this). I have made this question because it is interesting that how it is possible to destroy our soul.
  34. G

    How is it possible?

    How is it possible to destroy our souls? Etc: what should I do if I want to destroy my soul? Anybody knows it? :?:
  35. G

    About the Beauty Of This World

    1. The word "beautiful" is a typical subjective thing, but the reality and the truth will be always objective, so it is impossible to say the Universe as "ugly" or "beautiful" because it is just being and you can use it's energies how you want. 2.Hierarchy is absolutely brokenable, because in a...
  36. G

    About the Beauty Of This World

    You should to use black magick. You can't "managing" your hate forever. Or you can make physical actions too.
  37. G

    About the Beauty Of This World

    Sorry for this, but the "bad boy Cobra!" Is fucking funny to me. Sorry xddddd, but I have had to tell you this xdddd :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  38. G

    About the Beauty Of This World

    The Universe is actually neutral what has controllable energies. I hope you will start to see our world realistically before you make Joy of Satan into Joy of Wicca. :|
  39. G

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    The size of aura is actually changable. Everyone has a personal aura. Your aura's size matters from that how strong your soul and your aura.
  40. G

    Other types of witchcraft

    You can make magickal objects, potions, but magick is magick. Magick is the power of your mind and soul, that is no matter what you make (blessing your home, your working tools or blessing a potion) magick will be the same always.
  41. G

    Were Adam, Abraham and Jesus Can White?

    No, no and a very big no. They couldn't be white because they were just fictional characters. The jewsus "were" actually a jewish.
  42. G

    I hate being a women.

    You can strenghten your body with using Sun-square, and you can evolve your selfdefense skills with using Mars-square. That is not true, that a women can't be strong, there are a lot of strong women in our world. (etc: martial artists, weightlifters)
  43. G

    I have an important question.

    I think this relationship can't work, because there too many oposite beetwen you and her.
  44. G

    i can't live anymore

    I think you should to make planetary squares. (if you are on that level) they can actually help to make your life easyier, better and nicer and they actually make your future better too.
  45. G

    Mother is an extreme catholic; What should I do?

    That is no problem. There are basic ways to use black magic and white magick etc: auraprograming.
  46. G

    Message to younger members/teens

    Nice work! I think too that shapeshifting is actually unreal, just like time traveling or dimension shifting (or paralel Universe). They are actually jewish lies. But yes, biokinesis is actually exist but it is so muc slower, than "shapeshifting" and you can use it with limits. Time traveling is...
  47. G

    About cursing

    I think that is impossible. You can make a lot of think with using planeary squares, but I am sure about that you can use just for yourself, but with Mars-square you can strengthen your black magic abilities because black magic connects for the planet Pluto, and Pluto is a higher version of...
  48. G

    I hate my parents

    Actually you can curse your parents and "if you curse your parents, than you curse yourself" is a bullshit. If they are hate and hurt you always you make what you want, what you see the best option.
  49. G

    Mother is an extreme catholic; What should I do?

    If it is possible to avoid to visit the xian church and praying than do it. But if it is not possible than visit a church is a very good time to practice black magic to hurt xians etc: you create with your power of mind a black death energy and you send it to the priest's soul and programe it...
  50. G

    I have to keep the runes quiet, I have a family.

    Actually you can vibrate "mentally" too, but this type of meditation is weaker, than vibrating loudly. Use mantras, runes when it is the best to you or use music during meditation. But you can actually use yogic breathing technics too for your evolution.
  51. G

    About The Fall Of Our Ancient Empires

    My answer for Serbon and for whos are very new in spiritual satanism. YHWH is actually a NON EXIST JEWYSH CHARACTER FROM THE PEEBLE. No more nor less. Just the jewish has made a lot of lie to make themeself visible more than what they actually. Yewish are actually a parasite piece of shit.
  52. G

    Happy Birthday, Adolf Hitler! - His Warnings - 4/20/2020

    Happy birthday Lord Hitler! Thank you for your work and everything what you gave goodnes for the mankind!
  53. G

    The Divine Purpose & Spiritual Warfare Schedule - April 17 to May 1st

    Thank you Cobra for your work! You actually helped Satan to organize HIS army. Thank you!
  54. G

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    Ahogy látom te és a fajtád szerettek zsidók módjára manipulálni, félrebeszélni, kiforgatni mások szavát. (Remélem nem fogsz bedurcázni, ha ezért felmerült bennem a gyanú, hogy van benned zsidó vér) Mivel látom, hogy egy magadfajtával nem lehet érvekkel, normális ember módjára vitatkozni ezért...
  55. G

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    Na kókusz! Ha már nekem üzensz magyarként írhatnál magyarul is. (Jó persze tiszteletben tartod a többi ss-t aki nem tud magyarul. Most magyarul írok közvetlenül neked) Írásodból látszik, hogy nemcsak hogy a fejlettségi szintemet nem ismered, de mellesleg eléggé keresztényes felfogásod van...
  56. G

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    Actually I am helping by others daily level by making the heber alphabet reversal ritual and other tvrs. And actually I oftenly help others in the internet. (of course with not with my real name) And I share JOS on the internet. Yes blind people are not be able to see the truthdoom, but in my...
  57. G

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    And actually no matter how light is your toch. Blind people are won't be able to see it.
  58. G

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    Hi! I think that there are a few mistakes in your ideas. At the first "get educated". In this jewish world to get educated is very hard. (money, time, and in the universities there are a lot of jewish shit). For example I would to become a doctor, and if I want to work as a doctor a MUST to heal...
  59. G

    4th Generation Warfare Is Spiritual Warfare

    I am not panicing. Yes it is actually true that we can manifest with vizualization and using withccraft, but we can see ourselves anytime in unexpected situations when random gipsies at the street attacking people or us just for fun or for money. If unexpected situations would not exist than...
  60. G

    4th Generation Warfare Is Spiritual Warfare

    Gear88. After 2025 I think internet will not be exist and people will fight for FOOD AND WATER AND THEY WILL KILL EACH OTHER. Yes the rituals are actually very important but the physical fight is as important as astral fight.
  61. G

    My childhood dream. Please don't make fun of me.

    Yes that is absolutely possible, but to eran that abilities you must have great astral senses and a strong soul. I have extremly hard dream.(But not the same) I know what you feel. I need better abilities and a stronger soul. Good luck!
  62. G

    I want to breakup to my girlfriend

    I think that your gf is a typicall manipulator who can manipulate others feelings to achieve what she want. I think you should breakup to your gf.
  63. G

    I feel that I don't know anything

    I was meditating a lot about the MANNAZ rune. (It is for self knowledge and with this rune we can train our inteligence to) But a lot of people know it since theme childhood or they are just wake up one to feel like themeself "other".
  64. G

    I feel that I don't know anything

    Yes that's possible that you are true, but an half Year before I was readen that the soul has gender to. Yes in the first born the soul's gender has the same gender at the body's gender, but when we reincarnate than we can't control our bodies gender. So it can cause transgenderism and if I know...
  65. G

    I feel that I don't know anything

    Thank you very much. It is very useful to me.
  66. G

    I feel that I don't know anything

    Name of Group: Sátánista mágusok és boszorkányok szektája (I gave a name like this. You can join us)
  67. G

    I feel that I don't know anything

    Hello. My name is Giszmon and I am new in the spiritual satanism. Now I am 19 and I became satanist at 18. I evolved a lot. (I opened my chakras and I made theme stronger). I learnt a lot about satanism and about the enemy (about jews, communism, christianity etc) and now I know that they are...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
