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  1. S

    FTX Collapse: Jews Infiltrated Cryptocurrency To Destroy It

    The second cryptocurrency came around I considered the whole thing A ploy schemed up entirely by the government to ease idiots into accepting digital currency. Whether or not I was correct doesn't matter now. Crypto is just another fools gold. In the hands of the few to control the many...
  2. S

    Can souls feel?

    Demons have bodies. Their aliens. And don't possess people. Are you sure your reading JoS?
  3. S

    Do you think Elon Musk will let us post on Twitter now?

    A Jew Is A Jew. Is That not What We've Been Taught? All the greatness he does will be turned against us. Inevitably. Whether or not he knows it he works for the greys. Simple as that I'd say.
  4. S

    The jews are warmongering again

    Yeah bout that Ukraine. What's with these Ukrainian soldiers with Black Suns on their uniforms? I'm sure we aren't in support of either side when It's all ran by Jews toying round with gentile lives seemingly just for the fun of it. You think their wearing that to confuse the dumb Christian...
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    I take it by the time year 2030 comes around it'll be impossible for any non-elite/ jew to acquire physical assets or wealth that has any real significance. Thus their you'll own nothing and be happy catchphrase. So If I were you I'd do everything in your power to store wealth now! and I don't...
  6. S

    Affirmation for Aura Cleaning

    I Thought for a good cleanse all we had to repeat was Raum?
  7. S

    Is sodomy natural?

    Considering that this Link Is on Joy of Satans Links Page https://web.archive.org/web/20151016052911/http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/ I'll find it hard to believe anyone here on this forum is going to side with you on this one bro. I'd say seek therapy over this whole worm thing...
  8. S

    Anonymity 101

    Not sure if It's been mentioned in any of the tech related posts. But I hadn't seen it. Has anyone used Tails OS? You can install the whole operating system on a flashdrive and as far as I could tell it does quite well for the whole Anonymity thing. https://tails.boum.org/
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    Aw shucks shilling for Xianity? I got 20 pages in thus far. Yeah I'm a slow reader. When on the pc anyway. Too easily distracted when on digital media. But I digress I haven't seen any Xian Shilling Yet. Too bad that. On an entirely unrelated note I spotted today their making an Oppenheimer...
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    Hoohaa scratch that. I'm already delving onward. No Jew kisser would've openly wrote about how the Jews destroyed Germany from within like this. How did that even happen!? How did the Jews get into all of those power wielding positions despite Germanies stance against the Jewish Guest? To ruin...
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    Before I Dive into the International Jew or Fords translation of Mein Kampf. What am I to expect? Are these going to be written glorifying Jews and full of lies. Or was Henry Ford one of us? I don't wanna get so far into International Jew just to realize the whole things Kissing Jewish Ass.
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    My uncle thinks hes' a history buff because he watches crap history channels on Nazies. While I was over I slid it In the Swastika was like Pagan or Satanic. But he was all like "No it wasn't it was on a Catholic church somewhere but turned backwards". Huh? What's he goin on about. Where's this...
  13. S

    Internet Addiction

    You ain't an addict if your able to resist temptation and set limitations on how often you partake in something. And hey at least your not drinking. But if you must here's what I do when sitting and feeling unproductive. Every 20 or so minutes get up and down 20 pushups. Then situps. Then...
  14. S

    Adopting orphans instead of raising animal pets

    Those poor beasts have already been bred out of their wild traits by monstrous human hands. Least we can do now is give them good homes and lives. A stray cat in a concrete jungle is not a happy cat. Our rotten world is not their native lands. Better to take them in and give them our love than...
  15. S

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    I think you've misread me. they didn't guilt trip me at all. they merely brought to my attention the lack of respect we have for animals. whether or not it's poisoning our bodies or spirits to be eating animals that've been abused during their lives is something unprovable at this point in time...
  16. S

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    I had asked an ally of JoS and great trusted friend of mine what they thought of our relationship with animals and with the meat we eat. To them who regard nature as the most precious It's practically criminal how we treat livestock. They went on to say it might even act as a spiritual poison...
  17. S

    RTR Win US religulous leaders explain why faith in god hit lowest level ever

    I'd hardly consider it a win. So they don't believe in Jewsis any longer great! but what use is an atheist? Their just as blind as the misdirected faithful. I'd say worse even. Science is amazing but without taking in regard we have souls is far too dangerous a thing to be trifled with. A world...
  18. S

    I want to join the navy...

    You sure about that? You'll be forced to take experimental drugs. vaccines. ect. these things we already know poison your body. I'd argue it goes much further and poisons the soul as well. Would you risk such a thing?
  19. S

    Music thread

    I'm sure you've all listened to the magnificence that is Villagers of Ioannina and Black Magick SS but if you hadn't let the tunes balance your vibes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlfzD-NLKXQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrVmSJ5CHc4 And here's Ghost! Recommended to me by an ally of JoS...
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    List of Jewish Last names

    How bout Lowell Proctor? I was told my first name was German. I was excited. But a while later they corrected themselves and Said It was French. Disappointment.
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    Movies, games, series

    Venture Bros Episode 2 of Season 3. Henry Killinger "Kissinger" Portrayed as a Occult Satanist type. Venchmen doing our Salute. Being called the devil by others in the show. ect. Who was Henry Kissinger? Was he ally or foe? And why would they have given him this image in media.
  22. S

    Rolling blackouts coming

    So how long is it until they start rationing how much we Gentiles are allowed to consume in terms of power/food ect? They'll obviously excuse it as a necessary sacrifice we all must give to save the planet or some dumb shit like that.
  23. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Long time friend obsessed with the WW's gagging on Jewish lies and believes Nationalists groups want segregation so that they can exterminate certain races. I like them as a friend but. Sheesh. Tolerate or kick them to the curb? I've done tried to share my viewpoints and got more than enough ire...
  24. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Fair assessment I can understand to a degree. But is really seeing a link to a website enough to make aware any like minded individuals? It took me years before I finally decided that oddball site "JoS" I found years ago was worth another go. I might've taken my dedication in early adulthood but...
  25. S

    A list of food & lotion companies dealing with HEK-293 (aborted baby fetuses)

    I thank you for the relation and understanding. I've been trying as well to shove out and avoid anything that might've been manufactured purposely for or later on poisoned to weaken and fatten our bodies. Mind body and spirit have to be balanced. It'd be a dream to grow our own food. Even if...
  26. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    My apologies but our views must differ. I do not believe we are an elite. And I do believe there is a great truth in what JoS has to offer. It's my highest belief that Satans goal is for all Humanity to advance to higher states of being. Isn't free knowledge not one of the most regarded morals...
  27. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Oh I see. That would be incredibly rude for them to do so. That would be defamation wouldn't it? A deplorable act that happens too often in Hollywood and politics but I digress. Care to elaborate on who these people were? were they Satanists as we are or something similar? And what significance...
  28. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What did they lie about though? The movie presents the idea that Christianity came and replaced Paganism that used to be present in that country. A Dedicated Satanist then joins a Band of Fake Satanists and attempts to rally them into action against the Churches via burning them down. Yes sure...
  29. S

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Bans vaccine mandates

    Better off dead than vaccinated. I've seen too many videos. Some suggesting whatever they've shoved in there affects you not just physically but spiritually as well. I'd not risk my soul. Fight to the death! RTRs won't fix everything. When you've got nothing left to lose and they've backed you...
  30. S

    Why race mixing is bad - My personal opinion

    But Except for the Jews we are all Gentiles No? Certainly muddling your bloodline to the point your origins isn't an ideal situation for any offspring that'd like to find roots and pride from where they once came but I'd hardly call mixing a Jewish invention lol. It may be convenient for them to...
  31. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Lords Of Chaos (2018) Good Movie. Introduces A Character That Believes Nazies Paganism And Satanism are all connected and that Satan is Odin. Thoughts? Unfortunately they portrayed him as unhinged. Though in regards to the fake Satanists in the movie he was far superior in talent and knowledge.
  32. S

    Commitment to Excellence.

    Be Excellent To Each other. Party on dudes!
  33. S

    Onions and feet

    Ok but have any of you tried doing it? I've done it. If you don't want to believe how well it cleanses the toxins from your body. At the least give it a go and you'll immediately notice how smooth and soft your soles are the morning after. Heck don't even have to go the whole night just have it...
  34. S

    A list of food & lotion companies dealing with HEK-293 (aborted baby fetuses)

    Last years thanksgiving turkey. One half given to us by a relative. Refused to cook properly it was as if it wasn't cooking despite being in the oven. The meat had the oddest ick texture I can't even really explain and the most mediocre tasteless flavor I could've ever imagined. And I like to...
  35. S

    I am depressed over my health so much so that I am starting to consider reincarnation

    I'd suggest you take their recommendations and guidance with great thanks. I know one thing. If your spirit is weak. When you die your gone. Too weak to return. Or worse eaten by another stronger entity. It is my greatest fear. And why I seek religions or beliefs that do not require I give my...
  36. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    That's quite the large list of books. Unfortunate none of them are on par with the beliefs found here or on Joy of Satan But still worthy purchases. Thanks! Maybe one day one of you lovely beings will write and publish. There's a sort of authenticity to physical books that would give the...
  37. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What branch of Satanism does Joy of Satans most closely stem from? I ask because I'd like to purchase any books related to the spiritual and magic aspects. As to have them on hand for when for whatever reason I am unable to access digital assets. That and I mean come on. Books on shelves man. I...
  38. S

    Necronomicon High Quality pictures

    What is the Necronomicon? are these 50 names for a single entity? names of demons? are they friendly to humanity or foe like the greys?
  39. S

    Converting electricity to spiritual energy?

    You lot might make fun of me for this. I have been buying up Amethyst to purify the 5G frequencies the Jews have been attacking us with and using meditations more so often to use that now safe and pure energy to strengthen myself turning their weapons against them. ofc my act is purely...
  40. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hardback books for Spiritual Satanism. Are there any? I'd much appreciate a list of specifically those focused on the meditations. magicks. runes. And that of our gods who they are and how to communicate with them. Yes I understand JoS had it all. Just download a PDF and print it. Ain't got a...
  41. S

    Down at the border

    The one and only time I voted was for Trump and we all see how that turned out. Don't know your or JoS's viewpoint on Trump but whether it be positive or negative it's too obvious under his presidency is when all of these globalist attacks started to ramp up and it almost seemed as if he allowed...
  42. S

    Down at the border

    It saddens me so many are still so daftly blind as to think this is a left vs right issue. When both sides have historically supported open borders and immigration. I understand the average idiot still foolishly believing in the power to vote but how do these so called truth seeking conspiracy...
  43. S

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    What did Hitler mean by to shine like the sun first you must burn like the sun?
  44. S

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    Well your all too right I'll have to agree. My faith in messiahs stems from wavering Christian beliefs that I am working hard to disillusion through spiritual works and deeper truth seeking! However do you not think he's going to make a return at one point in physical form to once more aid us in...
  45. S

    Why has the US Government been trying to pass so many 40$ Billion relief bills as of late?

    Forgive me for not being as an intellectual I merely seek knowledge to better protect myself against what might try and bring harm here and beyond. But to what extent do they the enemy use these numbers for? is there more significance to it than simply dates and times? are they messages to other...
  46. S

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    Well Rockwell believed wholly that Hitler was the antichrist and that belief is why he dedicated everything to support Hitlers ambition. So Jews claiming Hitler was a Jew could potentially be them saying Antichrist is a Jew. And who's to say the antichrist cant come more than once? There for a...
  47. S

    Why has the US Government been trying to pass so many 40$ Billion relief bills as of late?

    First the Relief aid towards Ukraine Second the internet infrastructure bill And third an injection of 40 Billion to save restaurants in the US? Why 40$ Billion? Obviously they aim to destroy our economy but is there any significance to this number specifically? It just seems odd to me they've...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
