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  1. Magmapoolsweet

    Help with relatives

    Fam problem or u're personal problem why not ask help with Father Satan or Leraje or Naberius.
  2. Magmapoolsweet

    Enemy Attack

    doing frtr tetra shatter and ask help with Father Satan or doing Bastet Ritual for justice for u're own.
  3. Magmapoolsweet

    The Voice of The Gods Within

    thanks HPHC for this sermon
  4. Magmapoolsweet

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    thanks HPHC for u're sermon 💗
  5. Magmapoolsweet

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    poison body but not poison body but only for meditation for using many technique for poison i suggest for fix this problem u can ask or help with Valefor this old ancient hindus meditation technique using poison.
  6. Magmapoolsweet

    ART Painting From Gods

    Special painting Cloud From Gods Asmodeus when Sunset from Gods Murmur,Gods Osiris,and Goddess Nephtys. capture with camera from phone. this like Sumerian Era.
  7. Magmapoolsweet

    Raising Energy, Aura.

    Allah is not pagan God Allah mean is Hatred to All God
  8. Magmapoolsweet

    Nice Midday SUN 12:00 with Goddess Sekhmet and Gods Usiris

    Nice Midday SUN 12:00 with Goddess Sekhmet and Gods Usiris
  9. Magmapoolsweet

    Is Shiva Satan?

    Bhairava was different but Shiva was Satan => Old Hinduism ( Sa Tan , Sai Ta Ma, Sa Ta Na Ma, Sa na Ta Na, Sa Ta Nas, Shiva )
  10. Magmapoolsweet

    Satan, Magic, Demons

    why not learning about Duaat in this world maybe in future can change u're perception and can believe Satan and Demons so you can't get confused or blindness.
  11. Magmapoolsweet

    Pray with me please 🙏

    Ask help with God Thoth for helping in Surgery,then Ask Help with Asclepius for operation surgery was begin after that ask help with Valevor for healing u're mother with medicine.
  12. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year AD 2025 everyone all SS and Joy Of Satanas for next Chinese New year and the last month January Happy New Year Saturnian (Saturnus) rules over 1-13 cakras or planetary or anything. (date celebration Last month january date 31 until 2 february.
  13. Magmapoolsweet

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    thanks HPHC for giving us Osiris Rituals.
  14. Magmapoolsweet

    re: "holy spirit"; the "spirit of god" refining and purifying with fire

    purified with fire like cleansing sin ( bad karmic and similar) for this can be ask help with Hephaistos with him fire or ask Satan with him blue fire.
  15. Magmapoolsweet

    date 25 December Full Goddess Day

    in date 25 December was a Full Goddess/Demonness Day?? i think we must participate that.
  16. Magmapoolsweet

    my friend is a jew

    dont be friends if he or she was jew,jews,jewish dont care if he or she relegion xian,catholics,judaism,islam or other.
  17. Magmapoolsweet

    New God Rituals: Eligos & Forcas [Dec 3 to Dec 10]

    thanks HPHC and Team for this rituals i hope can be extend until 14 december hehe:p
  18. Magmapoolsweet

    Help from My Guardian unrelated to His Office?

    about title in u're post and words deity beside Anubis i suggesr you with naberius or nephtys.
  19. Magmapoolsweet


    oh i think was egyptian
  20. Magmapoolsweet

    New God Rituals: Nepthys & Sekhmet NOW LIVE [Nov 17 to Nov 23]

    thank's HPHC for this new Gods Rituals be blessed for HPHC and team and JoyofSatanas
  21. Magmapoolsweet


    yes Father Satan is Enki and Baalzebul is Enlil
  22. Magmapoolsweet

    Burning Karma; Working as a Family

    thanks to HPS Lydia and HPHC666 for this sermons and thanks to all family members joyofsatanas
  23. Magmapoolsweet

    My sincere advice if you’re a jew

    kabbalistic was corrupted becoz was stolen from the original tree of life and death becoz jewish stole that things and changed everything then making it corrupt but in original not corrupted and that was not kabbalah name before kabbalah/kabbalistic u can ask egyptian Gods or Goddess for this...
  24. Magmapoolsweet

    Demons for Music/Musicians

    ronove was cool greatest musician if u wanna making song or composer like that u can with asmodeus or fleruty but if u making song with many player like orchestra or similar like that i suggest u with lucifius focalor or with baalzevulon.
  25. Magmapoolsweet

    Advise the Demon for certain purposes

    -Aura Cleansing -Aura Protection -Soul Cleansing -Soul Protection for Gods can for protection all can be in josrituals.org
  26. Magmapoolsweet

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    HPHC why sigil in Bastet Ritual was change normal like in list joyofsatan.org,before was Gold that cool and amazing ?
  27. Magmapoolsweet

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    yeah that's good but, how about as SS doing principal egyptian about skin like white with white,black with black, mix with mix, oriental with oriental??
  28. Magmapoolsweet

    Samhain: Two New God Rituals - Bastet and Seshat

    thanks HPHC for new Gods Rituals.. hopely can be nephtys and erishkegal or osiris.
  29. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    happy Samhain to HPS lydia and HPHC and all SS in Joy Of Satanas
  30. Magmapoolsweet

    how to put energy on stone or crystals??

    thx for information
  31. Magmapoolsweet

    how to put energy on stone or crystals??

    as the title
  32. Magmapoolsweet

    my story of understanding the enemy and some suggestions

    point 2. using blackmagic using mosquitos like magic in hplovecraft using magic with mosquito and fly with 2 different type with blood or with energy(can be type all energy).
  33. Magmapoolsweet

    New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

    thanks HPHC for this new Gods Rituals done doing this 11-13
  34. Magmapoolsweet


    see u're natal chart doing Gods ritual in jos what a same with u're natal chart when immersed affirm for ur bad headache then when immersing put energy on the 6th and 7th.
  35. Magmapoolsweet

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    yes xianity and catholics was stealer, changed everything and then claiming self then making slavery then create religion for slavery.
  36. Magmapoolsweet

    Autumn Equinox 2024

    sites rituals can't be opened always connection time out
  37. Magmapoolsweet

    About Lord Belial

    in this year was restoring era (restoring Gods Name) many Name of Gods was Corrupted like Belial was Corrupted name it's like blaspheme or slandering he name. for now hmm it's ok to using name of Belial becoz Ritual for Belial not Launching maybe after Launching for Belial fore restoring he name...
  38. Magmapoolsweet

    About Lord Belial

    what i think my private assume is ( if Asmodeus was 1st Commander from Azazel then Belial is 2nd Commander from Azazel) sourcw nothing only my self thinking.
  39. Magmapoolsweet

    Completed the Dedication ritual on 9/14 Hail Satan!

    Welcome to House Family of the Gods. like studying,learning so nothing ignorance and dont forget to Gods rituals..
  40. Magmapoolsweet

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    my point is o destroy it full frtr jews and jewish another war ritual jews and jewish 3-9x every day
  41. Magmapoolsweet

    Questions About Power Rituals

    after god ritual u meditate to that sigil and u immersed they energy why u not try direct energy from gods to other cakras.
  42. Magmapoolsweet

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    Palestine still blaspheming and slandering words of SATAN and SAYTAHN same like ISRAEL and other...
  43. Magmapoolsweet

    Questions About Power Rituals

    1st. did u raising energy first before performing Gods ritual ? 2nd did u done trying when immersing energy with Gods u replacing to other cakra?
  44. Magmapoolsweet

    Autumn ritual

    oh u're region was Autumn u can Astarte Ritual
  45. Magmapoolsweet

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    so HPHC i wanna to ask EOS was Queen of the Light then in Agares Ritual that 's meaning Queen of the Light was EOS?
  46. Magmapoolsweet

    How to make contact with Hypnos?

    for sleep i think can be using with satanic void meditation and affirming focus only for can sleep.
  47. Magmapoolsweet

    Astarte's energy - does anyone know what it's like?

    peace and calm sometimes can be stronger why not try Astarte rituals bro
  48. Magmapoolsweet


  49. Magmapoolsweet


    go doing mulciber ritual then meditate to him u will know
  50. Magmapoolsweet

    How to deattach unwanted person

    using words Surya better but if u still problem u can satanic void meditation applied to sun with visualize Satan sigil on the Sun
  51. Magmapoolsweet

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

    OOT HPHC after I done 1 Gods rituals i see Agares ritual when refreshing page.
  52. Magmapoolsweet

    why so many attacking when using words..

    i using it while in home for focus i see it in astral vision many attacking me when i using that chant.. but i keep focus until that was gone from my eyes in astral
  53. Magmapoolsweet

    why so many attacking when using words..

    from this https://joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Void_Meditation.html
  54. Magmapoolsweet

    why so many attacking when using words..

    like as the title why so many attacking me when i doing satanic void meditation using mantra Sa Tan or Say Tahn like they no agree or not accepting me ??
  55. Magmapoolsweet

    why xian or catholic scared using sigil/symbol ?

    zeus is baalzevulon then enemy calling that deus than enemy calling again jesus that man was a named christ proclain with combine he name with jesus so then name was jesus christ then he was begin staring to creating religion from small to large only for worship him the false prophet.
  56. Magmapoolsweet

    why xian or catholic scared using sigil/symbol ?

    as the title i wanna ask why xian church or catholic church scared using satan sigil if the truth is jesus was baalzebub why not xian church and chatolic church scare using baalzebub sigil or symbol or using Satan sigil in the church??
  57. Magmapoolsweet

    Why haven't the Gods destroyed "Yahweh" yet?

    open islamicevil.com u will find about yahweh
  58. Magmapoolsweet

    Which demon/god is associated with the number 77?

    just ask him for be sure.
  59. Magmapoolsweet

    Which demon/god is associated with the number 77?

    77 is seth,sitri try it with set ritual in josrituals.org then meditate then ask him
  60. Magmapoolsweet

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    i'am just ritualist not satanist and not spiritual satanist.
  61. Magmapoolsweet

    loud ringing in the ear

    can be the Gods or can be the enemies
  62. Magmapoolsweet

    Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

    i dont have GD all my GD was leaving so what must i do..
  63. Magmapoolsweet

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    and many of then was controlling with Israel and Jewish foundation
  64. Magmapoolsweet

    Advice to protect myself in the church?

    after baptism then doing balaam ritual
  65. Magmapoolsweet

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    about area 51 better you learning about nazi military in the past then connecting to all then u will be know and about bohemian grove better u know some secret organisation like NWO,Illuminati,freemason and other and u will know.
  66. Magmapoolsweet

    Astral Projection, Area 51 and Bohemian Grove

    u will get caught and they detect where u are and then they sending spy for watching you
  67. Magmapoolsweet

    I met Satan, He gave me powers, what is my role. (Hooded Cobra)

    doing dedication ritual then gods rituals in josrituals.org then ask them for guiding you
  68. Magmapoolsweet

    Ritual to defeat a dictator?

    frtr+tetra+shatter then baalzevulon+alastor ritual for justice many was doing that many better
  69. Magmapoolsweet

    Win the war against mosquitos.

    and one more u meditate they will attack or bite u
  70. Magmapoolsweet

    Win the war against mosquitos.

    Mosquito was controlling with YVHV -u have negative thinking they will be bite you - u doing negative action they will bite you -u doing ritual they will bite you everything in the mind of mosquito about with bad intention.negative, they surely will bite you solution for handle must keep...
  71. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy Lughnasadh!

    Happy Lammash Day everyone
  72. Magmapoolsweet

    20 Hard Questions for Xians

    if i being asked with somebody like that ya i only quiet just frtr,tetra(jewish+jews) shatter (jewish+jews).
  73. Magmapoolsweet

    remote mind control and manipulation (Danger)

    dedicated to the devil like who devil name?
  74. Magmapoolsweet


    Thx HPHC for this 4 news Gods Ritual maybe i late 1 day for Gods Alastor then i think with other Gods ritual for same schedule Hail SatanLucifer Hail Alastor Hail Asmodeus Hail Mulciber Hail Andramelech
  75. Magmapoolsweet

    remote mind control and manipulation (Danger)

    This just happened to me maybe because I was firmly in certain rituals in JOS because of routine and habit so there was a thought in myself not to meditate and stop rituals and in the end continued the ritual and stopped meditating but for some reason the thought of stopping rituals arose in...
  76. Magmapoolsweet

    The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

    i was in fallen andrapods category with ignorance reincarnate with evil becomes one
  77. Magmapoolsweet

    A girl falling for me, issues..

    let see the progress u and her if her was fanatic u will know and u know must what for far away from her.
  78. Magmapoolsweet

    Astral experiences and warfare

    then thoughtform can be jews or jewish who praticed that magick
  79. Magmapoolsweet

    Astral experiences and warfare

    routine ritual destroying xianity and rabby christ u will know in astral who behind that and see page in jos about witchcraft with making form(avatar) u will know and understanding
  80. Magmapoolsweet

    A girl falling for me, issues..

    hmmm did u feel she put black magic for love for you so u get caught with her. maybe u must testing in any spesific u are so in the future can good for you
  81. Magmapoolsweet

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    so, better i stop the process whatever i do and meditation for a atone to the Gods.
  82. Magmapoolsweet

    NEW SITE - Destroying Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com

    hmmm something new i think i must read for expanding my knowledge thanks for JG karnonos and Arcadia for creating this Satan and All Gods Goddesses bless you.
  83. Magmapoolsweet

    Spiritual Warfare, Let’s hit The enemy they deserve

    torah like bible and alquran right? yeah xian always like that more stranger again slime everyday with 1 day 7 time doing with different time
  84. Magmapoolsweet

    Islam as the antithesis to Christianity

    one man was a witch but not like a witch with many names then creating many religion with different languange and words then war,debate,bla bla bla and others but the purpose final only for that witch.
  85. Magmapoolsweet

    Seeking Information

    doing Anubis ritual or others in josrituals and ask for help .
  86. Magmapoolsweet

    for ou true creator

    maybe only this what i can favor to our creator hopely in future can favor to great things again
  87. Magmapoolsweet

    for ou true creator

    dont know how to edit for placing in middle of light of sunrise this what i can do for favor to our creator Satan Lucifer
  88. Magmapoolsweet

    Ouroboros, from allegory to science

    Ouroboros sign or symbol Means learning from the past to making great in the future
  89. Magmapoolsweet

    experiment raising strongest energy

    i'am doing raising energy experiment step 1 = 666 meditation vuvavoh step 2 = SATANAS meditation for raising energy ( SA= power cakra, TA= heart cakra, NA= throat cakra, S=3rd eye) using 666 breath step 3 = twin serpent or fourth serpent meditation using 666 breath first after vuvavoh...
  90. Magmapoolsweet

    Affirmations language

    1. i using that languange becoz was normal languange i using everyday 2. i make for witchcraft using sanskrit with help from the Gods
  91. Magmapoolsweet

    Affirmations language

    indonesian and sanskrit
  92. Magmapoolsweet

    please fix

    please fix sites on josrituals.org -when doing flow clicking COMPLETE can't - shattering rituals blot out can't complete dont know error or what -then for flow again when choose gods ritual in number 2 to 6 then first was frtr, gods rituals always be in the first then frtr then others
  93. Magmapoolsweet

    The Tao Te Ching: where the jews stole all their pacifist teachings of christ, buddha and modern tolerance from

    what i know from tao te ching what i get from past reincarnation Goddess Byleth make that with Goddess Bune in that era.i dont know this was truth or false memory in past.
  94. Magmapoolsweet

    Drugs Are Part of an Enemy Gray Alien Program <

    so main point is drug was must reject if medicine must reject too or not becoz medicine was category with drug was same but effect was different?
  95. Magmapoolsweet

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    if not the sigil ya for simple just seeing SUN sorath will hear...
  96. Magmapoolsweet

    eye symbol

    where eye symbol in blessings black race awaken?
  97. Magmapoolsweet

    Hello Nazi (for restoring earth)

    hello Nazi for restoring earth about gravitation,magnetic and other for stabilizing the earth and increasing life on earth hopely can work together 21-26 june2024 -who live in south (dont care what reions you are) sunset or before sunset meditate to Sorath sigil and mid day with Amon ra...
  98. Magmapoolsweet

    Do jews worship baal?

    i'am sorry hphc wanna to ask is that phoenician cult worship gods only Azazel and Phenex?
  99. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    hmmm i wanna ask this is correlated when i refill moon with energy of sun then can be summer solstice?
  100. Magmapoolsweet

    Levels Of The Magnum Opus: Clarified

    that's all main point about this is must calm and need time and every people have different talent and understanding btw in method 3 like a superpower or like a movies this= 1 martial arts, 2nd spirituality, 3rd magickal,4th,spiritual alchemy(included forging,enchance,sound,medicine and others...
  101. Magmapoolsweet

    Eid Had question

    ok,thanks hphc
  102. Magmapoolsweet

    Eid Had question

    ( Out Of Topic ) I want to ask hphc in a few days the Islamic religion for exactly in date 16 to 19 every regions was different will celebrate a big ritual called Eid al-Adha which is qurban which means sacrificing something and it is animals such as cows, goats and sheep and it creates a very...
  103. Magmapoolsweet

    Uniting Our Russian Communities [орумы Joy of Satan Russia были обновлены! - 17 июня 2024]

    my suggest is SSrusian community who live in west and south consult with Baalzevulon and who lives in moscow very suggest for consult with father Satan Lucifer or with Gods Naberius.
  104. Magmapoolsweet

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    thanks hp for sermons btw i still continue for my project hehe
  105. Magmapoolsweet

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    German reich for soldier and military using concept from Lucifius Focalor and Sargatanas.for the welfare of soldiers and soldiers for the people
  106. Magmapoolsweet

    Hymn to King Paimon

    linan tasa jaeden is not hebrew words for meditation?
  107. Magmapoolsweet

    I am idiot, Has anyone upgraded their intelligence?

    Up to You Bro All Gods Or Goddesses can guide you and I just suggest you for Azazel but if want Valevor or other they can guide you for u're problem.
  108. Magmapoolsweet

    Feeling Overwhelmed in Life? / Accomplishing Goals

    Thanks HPS Lydia for motivation sermons u give it
  109. Magmapoolsweet

    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    hephaestus according to me is Mulciber
  110. Magmapoolsweet

    Saturn: Satan, Golden Age & Lord of Time

    wooooww, excellent, perfect,wonderful sermon HPHC
  111. Magmapoolsweet

    Weather. Protection or curse.

    form of protection becoz storm was left in u're area. and that storms if we think as spiritually they have done calculated for min impact or max impact as my suggest u mst always aop ac placing protection in u're so when max storms or disaster to u're are and u're house only have minimum...
  112. Magmapoolsweet

    Da liu ren?

    seeing the landscape see the potential nature can inflict for creating nature disaster see the astrology when times was good for military for attack or defensive seeing the laws so can be happen laws with nature laws with atrology law with life(example law for war). ground,land,air=3 types but...
  113. Magmapoolsweet

    Da liu ren?

    if u wanna learn about that da liu ren and others i very2 suggest u learn with Enlil becoz any hidden strategic war with astrology,laws,nature.
  114. Magmapoolsweet

    Book recommendations?

    thx broooo that's cool wonderful
  115. Magmapoolsweet

    Am I doing the raising energy rituals right?

    i suggest when u raising energy combine it with sound meditation for double effect and that's great making not exhausted or tired.
  116. Magmapoolsweet

    Germany Was Going To Win WW2 With Ease

    dont care what all say Nazi was Lost because many Traitor which has been bribed by the state England,moscow and jewish israel ( before israel making a country)
  117. Magmapoolsweet

    Help Me Study Advanced Physics

    gravity,electromagnetize,astrology(lines chart around star).
  118. Magmapoolsweet

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    can i request for Sorath ritual's thanks
  119. Magmapoolsweet

    Can astral projections change the past?

    maybe yes maybe no in u're case maybe u must understanding law of space and time and predict yeah maybe this like crazy idea but this can be do it i think u must ask with Goddess Astarte about this with u're problem for u're solutions.
  120. Magmapoolsweet

    Conversations with snakes

    if u all have reincarnated that before just routine rituals from josrituals,and meditation simple
  121. Magmapoolsweet

    Conversations with snakes

    what years Germany Launching secret operation In Antartica? and what years Germany Successful Making a plane in Antartica?
  122. Magmapoolsweet

    Any Advice about Doctors

    valevor routine ritual's sunday,tuesday,friday. returning curses frtr+combo reduce amount using runes when meditating
  123. Magmapoolsweet

    Help me

    just doing demon ritual in jos sites,relax all demon rituals on jos site will protect children and mother when u was pregnant
  124. Magmapoolsweet

    Iran - Azerbaijan war?

    in ancient times was enemy why any Gods Sargatanas temple on there and in east caspian sea and any island in middle caspian sea dont know still any or not there any Lucifius Focalor temple what i know in ancient times azerbaijan never close with israel and ally but this i'am still not sure for...
  125. Magmapoolsweet

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    i still not yet ritual him becoz still day time not night
  126. Magmapoolsweet


    coool,awesome but in rome what i rememmber from my past reincarnation in rome exactly in vatican there 2 temple and similar with our Creator and Gods was destroyed by xian then build vatican. but i forget what the names temple in that era, what i know that temple is temple for Satan and Gods...
  127. Magmapoolsweet

    Meme warfare

  128. Magmapoolsweet

    Egyptian god sobek

    god sobek is that ammit?
  129. Magmapoolsweet

    Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

    so your sermons it's like 1 of virtues from azazel
  130. Magmapoolsweet

    Mediterraneans aren’t white

    absolute truth about mediteranian is 80% aryan 20% was white why white was 20% because the white race was mostly immigrants due to the great wars of the past outside the Mediterranean region which eventually forced the white race to scatter in all directions from the previous only 1% who...
  131. Magmapoolsweet

    anyone know about new country ?

    yea maybe ukraine will change name to israel becoz israel lost war and move there and change name country ukraina become to israel
  132. Magmapoolsweet


    Blessing: Black Awakening more better
  133. Magmapoolsweet

    anyone know about new country ?

    anyone know about new country that country name is GALILEA from north israel??
  134. Magmapoolsweet


    lust not only sex can everything huh -_- yeah if when beginner always thinking lust only sex but when time to time growth sprituality in satanism lust can be everything
  135. Magmapoolsweet


    Amaymon is other name of Mammon u can see in joyofsatan page how to summon demons if nothing sigil in jos u can vibrate that name when doing meditation
  136. Magmapoolsweet


    lust is life lust is death lust is everything lust gives birth to 3 emotions, mind and mentality thanks for Demon Goddess Lilith (mother lilith,lily,lilitu,parvati,kali,mitir) why i'am share? because this one azazel virtues Hail Lilith Hail Azazel
  137. Magmapoolsweet

    Notes on the latest events of the war. 07/May/2024

    yeah USA was controlliing with jewish in internal or external and main organisation jewish elite base in England and antartica and greenland. what their messiah huhh?? i wanna fight their messiah is that strong??
  138. Magmapoolsweet

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

  139. Magmapoolsweet

    Do animals have souls?

    yellow emperor from siberian country
  140. Magmapoolsweet

    WTA => Sun of Shadows

    i wanna to ask about sun of shadows how to concept and how create that and what positive in spirituality and what negative in spirituality? thanks
  141. Magmapoolsweet

    Goat Headed Shadow thing in my room, should I try to talk to it

    maybe that's u're GD always protecting you, you can ask with him "are u my guardian demon, what 's u're name? "
  142. Magmapoolsweet

    Ritual for beauty through Lilith. Who worked?

    no need beauty ritual through lilith just reach magnum opus can being always beauty...
  143. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    forget 1 more XD Hail All Gods and Goddesses in Hell !!!
  144. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    Happy Satanic New year Hail Satan Hail Azazel
  145. Magmapoolsweet

    Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

    happy Beltane everyone beltane what's that i dont know becoz i live in small country
  146. Magmapoolsweet

    The Truth About Sitra Achra

    the truth about sitra achra occult was founded in middle olympian era when Goddessess Etna still in world , for this info can ask with Gods or Goddessess with related in Olympian Era... how about sitra achra what we all knowing this? that was fake occult or organization.
  147. Magmapoolsweet

    Thank's father Satan

    now I know who I am thanks to father Satan and all Gods for telling me that I am not the people of holy books, not the people of Gods and not the chosen ones.
  148. Magmapoolsweet


    I Failed in this war sorry you can ask with father Satan Lucifer or other Godss or Goddessess
  149. Magmapoolsweet

    Satanic path & gods

    The Gods always accept you but Gods and Father Satan and other Gods dont want you to forget them
  150. Magmapoolsweet

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War

    want to ask HP must i do another major war ritual too or only ritual u posted it before?
  151. Magmapoolsweet

    Everyone Is a Terrorist And Hamas Nowadays

    I just follow u HPHC i just doing what i can doing....
  152. Magmapoolsweet

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    i only just doing rituals and believe father satya and godss and other goddessess like demeter,enlil.azazel. and others
  153. Magmapoolsweet

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    because this ritual with grand ritual and reverse blood sacrifice so wanna ask?? all member JoS must vegetarian during ritual or not?
  154. Magmapoolsweet

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    i think this very hard for finding same SS in the region and if any that no SS can be satanic or others
  155. Magmapoolsweet

    need solutions

    problem done thx for Gods Orobas and Abrasax
  156. Magmapoolsweet

    need solutions

    what change solutions for a dry pen so hard to finding in here...
  157. Magmapoolsweet

    A dredgeful presence

    done read u're post and i making opinion did u talk about legionnaire from Gods Enlil, Orobas and Goddessess Astarte and Maat??
  158. Magmapoolsweet

    Write Down Your Problems

    request ritual for Goddesses mastema
  159. Magmapoolsweet

    Chinese elements and magic

    how about air element? that's important becoz air give life to wood can using with other media like water if i personality only study fire,water,air,wind,ground,thunder,wood,stone,metal, and ice
  160. Magmapoolsweet

    Is Using THURISAZ for opening stubborn chakras effective?

    aum then satanas then thurizas 108 times then aum then satanas done
  161. Magmapoolsweet

    How do I become immortal and become a god in this very life

    yes possible just read many steps in joyofsatan dot org
  162. Magmapoolsweet


    for u're problem i suggest to u consult wih Gods Sallos
  163. Magmapoolsweet

    Being attacked by an enemy coven

    about this becoz any words black flame u must consult with Gods Belial, Gods Andras, Gods Azazel, Gods Fleruty about u're problem
  164. Magmapoolsweet

    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    ty for sermons btw please fix josrituals server is down
  165. Magmapoolsweet

    I wish to study Tai Chi and QiGong

    qigong focused with element air with lightening of the body and affect the structure of the body's movements is usually done with martial arts or hatha yoga.
  166. Magmapoolsweet

    Feeling that meditations are for losers

    (nothingness) <= u can trying this for u, iread u're post maybe that good for u that can be combine with void meditation with same one understanding.
  167. Magmapoolsweet

    how to open gate??

    i mean like curse 42 or 72 in the text gate of Satan opened wide nah in here i mean like gate of demon like many demon armies .......
  168. Magmapoolsweet

    how to open gate??

    any ritual for open gates demon off hell ? if nothing can i request ??
  169. Magmapoolsweet

    ✡︎Rothschild✡︎ Has Died

    who's that?? is he famous huh?? why i never hear about him in my country what i know man was famous now biden,putin,xi jin ping and elon musk. good la if he gone becoz he jewish...
  170. Magmapoolsweet


    wow niceee hopely u can reach magnum opus then next to nigredo then demigods then gods
  171. Magmapoolsweet

    Magnum Opus

    ask the gods simple
  172. Magmapoolsweet

    Who on here studies Dreams? And does dream work and Dream magic 👁🧠💭

    be carefull with dreams and stay with the gods and 1 more important enemy attack from dream from other organization.
  173. Magmapoolsweet

    request up number of flow when rituals

    hei HPHC or ministers i requesting for up number flow in josrituals from 6 to 8 thanks
  174. Magmapoolsweet

    Increasing flexibility

    if u like yoga u can trying tantra yoga or asura yoga(for asura yoga better ask gods becoz many corrupt version my suggest ask with baal or belial or vepar,or satanachia or sitri ).
  175. Magmapoolsweet

    Practical martial arts

    why not try pencak silat
  176. Magmapoolsweet

    Pacifism: The Path To All Injustice

    thank's for u're sermorn HPHC666:love::love:
  177. Magmapoolsweet

    A Note About Psychiatric Drugs

    aggreedd stop illegal drugs that making brain and health physical body was down and not good
  178. Magmapoolsweet

    Suggestion for the RTR Page

    wow u got that.that was nice so u must frtr+tetra+shatter until that grey was gone if done do it void meditation put all grey from u're mid then deleted in void
  179. Magmapoolsweet

    Waiting for a sign

    maybe u must dedicate first and doing god rituals josrituals.org
  180. Magmapoolsweet

    How to defend against adversary entities harassing my worship?

    u can using abrasax ritual or orobas rituals or neberius rituals simple then u can continue u're worship without any interference from other entities
  181. Magmapoolsweet

    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    how to say this word ==> (ανάμνηση), not only memory (Μνήμη)!
  182. Magmapoolsweet

    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    thanks HPHC666 for giving Gods Thoth power rituals:love::love:😘❤️♥️
  183. Magmapoolsweet

    Spiritual Misunderstandings: What are the Sources?

    nice sermon HPHC666 i always keep supporting you :):):love:❤️♥️
  184. Magmapoolsweet

    No...i am not on a rampage...

    keep calm and relax u always trigerred with others i suggest u doing twin serpent meditation because u're emotional not stable
  185. Magmapoolsweet

    Meditation time

    why not try sound meditation for safe from u're family u can check in jos websites satanic meditation

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
