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  1. Cast Cat

    Impregnating water is fun and easy

    That would be a great experiment (Vibrating Fehu into it). I will, thanks!
  2. Cast Cat

    Prepare for 'climate lockdowns': Rogue British council wants to strip you of freedoms

    Some "big brother" type commie shit going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUUWMK9FBko
  3. Cast Cat

    Some Joos claim it is the Moshiach.

    It happened last year during Passover. Quite a frenzy. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ti2Qog33eBjf/ I would like to hear your guys thoughts on this. Ave Satanas!
  4. Cast Cat

    This guy just DESTROYED xtianity

    I don't know HP he looks like he has a bit of the Weiner face if you were to ask me. That's just my opinion based on the How to Identify a Jew manual.
  5. Cast Cat

    Impregnating water is fun and easy

    Took me a minute to get that but I got it and it was good. :lol:
  6. Cast Cat

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    From what I had learned; Hitler banned it because it was not German. They did the same thing with fashion that was not German. It was done for the health and holiness of the state. There may have been more reasons that I am not aware of though. Such as the Joos being behind it and what not.
  7. Cast Cat

    Impregnating water is fun and easy

    I noticed impregnating water is not in the JOS meditations or witchcraft pages (unless I missed it). Here's a pretty awesome video about it and about how it actually changes the water molecule shapes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErpPQSLAskQ I tried it once for money and I found a dollar...
  8. Cast Cat

    healing Diabetes by runes

    My pleasure. I wish them well.
  9. Cast Cat

    Alarming Synastry/Toxic Relationship

    Looks to me like you have a Narcissist on your hand's. I'd do what Shael said and cut him off in every way imaginable. I'd highly recommend educating yourself on them. They are parasites and energy vampires. There are plenty of video's on the Jootube about them. You can also find anti-narc...
  10. Cast Cat

    healing Diabetes by runes

    Just tell them to go on Keto. I brought my A1C from 6.5 to below 4.0 on it.
  11. Cast Cat

    Do you have a favorite God?

    Whatever the moment call's for my friend.
  12. Cast Cat

    I need some advice.

    OK, I've leveled out. Thank you Gusion and Buer. Next I will cut cords. Hail Satan!
  13. Cast Cat

    Is Hating jews being prejudice?

    Fischer was useful to the cause, infighting or not; as it raised awareness. So, I wouldn't exactly say that it was of no value. Perhaps that is just the Luciferian in me speaking though.
  14. Cast Cat

    I need some advice.

    The thing is is that I enjoy being around it just as much as it enjoys being around me. Honestly, it's hard for me to call even call "it" an "it" JG. It seems so human. And to have something so physically beautiful that want's me? And then it's like she/it's in my head. One minute I hate...
  15. Cast Cat

    I need some advice.

    Yah, it's just that I have to see it a few times a year during holidays. Then I have to constantly remind myself that this thing is a parasite. I'm taking proper magickal actions though rest assured. Thank you JG Blitz.
  16. Cast Cat

    Is Hating jews being prejudice?

    Hmm...I thought Fischer fought against his own thus fought against depravity. It makes me wonder about his soul.
  17. Cast Cat

    Is Hating jews being prejudice?

    GxC1 what are your thoughts on Bobby Fischer?
  18. Cast Cat

    Do you have a favorite God?

    I work with Father Satan, Buer, Andras, Forcas, Ose, Haagenti and of course my beloved beloved Vine. I believe that last part say's it all. ) But they are all so awesome you know.
  19. Cast Cat

    I need some advice.

    A while back I talked about some Jooish chick who is trying to get me. I've known her/it/whatever since she was really little. The thing about her/it is that you would never know she was Jooish...she looks very gentile but you can tell her/it's dad is. The last time I saw it/her it/she put...
  20. Cast Cat

    Orgone practitioners are falling dead.

    Just the words of a physicist I know my friend. I guess Karl Welz is dead too and he also mentioned some others. There really is nothing official about it at this time but there may be in the future. Thank you for bringing that up. I'll follow up with any more that I may find out.
  21. Cast Cat

    Orgone practitioners are falling dead.

    A lot of people have fallen dead because of it and you want to try it out? Will you be doing pushups in the middle of the freeway next?
  22. Cast Cat


    I know the Iranian govt. sucks but without an anti-Zionist Iran to counter Zionist Israel the world would be in greater danger. Unless there was a Hitler to take control then you already know who is going to seize control if the govt. falls.
  23. Cast Cat

    Orgone practitioners are falling dead.

    That's a good question Gear. I wouldn't want to mess with orgone or the vaccine, I know that much. Both appear to be deadly.
  24. Cast Cat

    Orgone practitioners are falling dead.

    Thank you Fancy.
  25. Cast Cat

    Orgone practitioners are falling dead.

    Don Croft is a good example. There are more. People are dying because of it. Wasn't this orgone shit invented by some Joo? At one time I had some kind of orgone shit but it disappeared before I had discovered the JOS. I'm glad it did. Because it seems dangerous.
  26. Cast Cat

    Need advice on hexing an ex

    Not to badger you but about your AV: "Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities." https://www.joyofsatan.org/
  27. Cast Cat

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    Obviously it was the Joos behind it, that is not in question. I am just wondering if the CIA played any part...if it had actually made it to that level, you know. Those articles didn't mention anything about that. We only have the words of one supposed ex-agent and being that the Joos can...
  28. Cast Cat

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    Hitler banned Jazz in Germany. It wasn't "just music" to him. He did this for good reason. Music can be a weapon. Listen to the NS marching songs. They weren't just song's...they were psyop's to keep the soldiers going as well. Hell, the Islamo-kikels do the same thing with their music these...
  29. Cast Cat

    Punk Rock and the Joos

    I remember on the old forum that someone had spoken about Punk Rock having been created by the Joos. I don't remember who it was. I have some questions about that though, specifically if it was the C.I.A. who was behind it. I located this article...
  30. Cast Cat


    They live on Alpha Draconis which is in the Orion system.
  31. Cast Cat


    The reptilians come from Draco and their slaves the greys come from Zeta Reticuli.
  32. Cast Cat

    Sheeple a song by Tom Macdonald, underlying truth

    I'm talking about Tom Macdonald being a Joo himself. Not sure if you understood what I was saying. Maybe you did, I don't know. But people should be aware as it only takes a few minutes to scroll through the how to identify a poo manual.
  33. Cast Cat

    Sheeple a song by Tom Macdonald, underlying truth

    It's just too bad that he's a Joo. Unless of course you guys think that gentiles can sport the Weiner face too?
  34. Cast Cat

    How to protect myself from someone's psychological influence?

    You could also do what I did and get a fluorite crystal then cleanse it, charge it with moonlight over night and program it to "shut down mental and psychic manipulation." Good luck!
  35. Cast Cat

    How do one go about asking girl out?

    Go here and read his free books: https://understandingrelationships.com/ I would encourage any guy especially SS men to read his work. Your dates, girlfriends and or wife will thank you later.
  36. Cast Cat

    After years of holding back, I am ready to commit to father Satan.

    I'm sorry about your mother. My mother is an abusive narcissistic psychopath and so I can sympathize. Years and years of abuse. I know how to handle her now as well. I started researching narcissists on JooTube and went from there. Lots of knowledge on them these days. Psycho's and what not...
  37. Cast Cat

    Serious question about Christians...

    My pleasure.
  38. Cast Cat

    2 questions

    My first question is let's say I programmed my aura for something and I no longer desire for what I had programmed it to do to happen. Is there some way to undue this or will my aura un-program it with time? My second question is is there an easy way to balance male and female energies for a...
  39. Cast Cat

    Serious question about Christians...

    Of course not, I really like the guy and the way he speaks is all. It's refreshing! I'm sorry that you misunderstood what I was saying. I know that it can be hard to judge demeanor on here sometimes. I think you guys are doing a great job though. :D ~Ave Satanas
  40. Cast Cat

    Serious question about Christians...

    Satanic fetus? Jesus humper? Where is my fucking coffee cup? Xtian's are programmed to be like sheep and sheep are not exactly the most intelligent of animals.
  41. Cast Cat

    Are you satisfied with life?

    Most human's just sulk in it when dissatisfied in my experience. I had learned the technique from a mineral expert.
  42. Cast Cat

    Are you satisfied with life?

    Some of you may not be. A little trick that I learned is to revel in that emotion for a minute or two before you go to bed at night. Make it real. Know it's true. Feel it. Experience it. Do this often and it will help you to achieve the life that you truly want and deserve. It will also...
  43. Cast Cat

    Research question.

    This is true but to my knowledge Kirlian photography can capture it's true form without any subjection. By "essence" do you mean life force, or is that different?
  44. Cast Cat

    HPHC can you help me please.

  45. Cast Cat

    HPHC can you help me please.

    Or even a if a mod can help me, I just want to get back into my old account. Thank you!
  46. Cast Cat

    What's up with false details

    Narcissists are known for word salad and most narcissists are Jews.
  47. Cast Cat

    HPHC can you help me please.

    I am unable to access my last account "of the true light" and was wondering if you could possibly help me to get back into it. You can reach me on the email associated with this account if necessary. I'm pretty sure I used the same email for my last account and it tells me there is a duplicate...
  48. Cast Cat

    Research question.

    I'm studying aura's and was wondering what would happen if someone's aura were to become no more. Let's say you took a perfectly healthy person and completely subtracted their aura...what would happen to them? I would imagine that they would die but can anyone shed some more light onto this for me?
  49. Cast Cat

    Malignant narcissist's and a question for anyone who might know.

    Could you tell me the method of how you do that? I know how to repel assholes with my aura by tuning into it and using white light but I've never programmed for narcs. I do. I want to do this too. But never heard of it thank you I will look into that. You should see the nose on the one...
  50. Cast Cat

    Malignant narcissist's and a question for anyone who might know.

    That's good to know. During my studies earlier today one of the experts had mentioned that narcissism is caused by parental neglect in the infant stages which leaves a void that the narcists must use other people to feed in order to become full, but like a bucket full of holes or hit of crack if...
  51. Cast Cat

    Malignant narcissist's and a question for anyone who might know.

    Currently I have 7 of them in my life. Some open, some covert. I attracted them because of all of the unresolved trauma that I've had in life. I've been working on healing that through meditation though. I've learned how to deal with them in the immediate but it is always best to cut them out of...
  52. Cast Cat

    Wanted to run this by you guys

    I don't give them energy it was just something that popped into my mind and so I was curious. I'm one of those people who say's "never say never," especially since this is a universe of variables where anything is possible within the laws of nature. Sure, we fight against it. But we do not...
  53. Cast Cat

    Wanted to run this by you guys

    Let's say that shit really hits the fan here in the states one day and they start sending people to camps and shit or the Chinese invade or take your pick of any other crazy shit. Do you think there would be any advantage to changing one's last name to something blatantly jooish before said...
  54. Cast Cat

    "My God."

    Alright guys, this isn't an important topic just something that's been grinding my gears and so I wanted to talk about it. Whenever I hear a Xtian talk about "God" or whenever I'm turning the radio dial on my portable radio and that shitty Xtian music comes up (I call it zombie music) I am...
  55. Cast Cat

    Large portion of Georgia Guidestones blown up!

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/explosion-rocks-georgia-guidestones-americas-022249964.html :lol:
  56. Cast Cat

    July 4th terror attack: Joo on Joo?

    Do you guys think that this Crimo nutcase is a Joo? He does have Asiatic eyes but some gentiles have this too. Then there is the tip defining point of his nose which goes way down. Not too sure if that is a Jooish thing though. He look's possibly like some kind of weird South American Joo or...
  57. Cast Cat

    Discord/Moloch Agenda with Abortion Ruling + Loosening of Gun Laws?

    I was just parroting what a now gone HP had once said on here but who knows, you could be right.
  58. Cast Cat

    Discord/Moloch Agenda with Abortion Ruling + Loosening of Gun Laws?

    Moloch is just another name for Yahweh.
  59. Cast Cat

    US - Abortion Law Overturned

    Get ready for the Joos to have a lot more black weapons to use against the whites and people with down syndrome walking around.
  60. Cast Cat

    Post disaproved?

    I've had a couple of post's disapproved before and looking back I'm thankful that they were.
  61. Cast Cat

    You will be offended by this video

    There is nothing new or surprising about this video Fancy. There are whole compilations of this stuff on bitchute.
  62. Cast Cat

    I need advice

    Yep, if you have any questions about it feel free to ask...I used to take it myself. Damn near heals everything including cancer.
  63. Cast Cat

    I need advice

  64. Cast Cat

    Male blood donor turned away from clinic for refusing to say if he's pregnant

    This reminds me of a certain animal shelter in California that now requires you to answer if you support the 2nd amendment or not and if you do support it they won't let you adopt an animal and will even sue you if you lied about it. The owners political beliefs are more important than the...
  65. Cast Cat

    In need of some help with a binding please

    Put it like this: this thing has a hooked nose and it's hooked low not higher up like a Roman nose. On top of that it's nasally when it speaks and evil as fuck. Are you saying that I have to do a shattering on it for a binding or anything else to even work? I'd rather just bind it if...
  66. Cast Cat

    In need of some help with a binding please

    Believe me I've tried for years to get out of this horror show but I currently live on a settlement. I don't have to work right now and I kind of just want to enjoy the free time to use to my advantage anyway. Besides the kikes it's paradise here. That being said: nobody want's somebody that...
  67. Cast Cat

    In need of some help with a binding please

    So, those of you who know me might know that I live with a psychotic meth addict Joo. She works for my landlord and there is simply no getting rid of her (when I say her or she in this post I mean "it") no matter what I do because she's basically her slave and she and my landlord are like two...
  68. Cast Cat

    URGENT Help with Legal Issues

    I won a court case once simply by using visualization. A couple weeks before the hearing I would spend a few of minutes every day imagining that I was on the phone with a certain family member telling him excitingly that I had won my case and he in return congratulated me over the phone. I made...
  69. Cast Cat

    Race mixing in advertising

    Damn good vid. Wanted to share. https://www.bitchute.com/video/0NRnCOho6vWY/
  70. Cast Cat

    Black racists

    So I know it's the Joos behind it all but it's getting pretty bad. This past year so far I've been catching a lot of flack from black people and simply because I'm white I believe. I went to get a burger a while back and the black chick at the window gave me a dirty look of disgust. This...
  71. Cast Cat

    Mexican Tranny Shoots up School - 20 Dead - The solution is obviously Gun Control

    Not a peep about it being trans on the MSM not even on Fox. One politician had spoken about it online but was promptly shut down. This thing was one weird mother fucker. Would cut it's face, always wore black with combat boots and had a gun fetish. I think this shooting stole some of the...
  72. Cast Cat

    The placement and use of thoughtforms and constructs

    You can do it at home just imagine the thoughtform placed at your office in the spot where you would like.
  73. Cast Cat

    Down at the border

    Because Salty Matzo a.k.a. Salty Cracker is a Joo.
  74. Cast Cat

    14 students, 1 teacher dead after shooting at Texas elementary school

    https://www.yahoo.com/gma/texas-elementary-school-reports-active-174500312.html Give us your guns you dirty white supremacists! Oh wait, shooter was Hispanic. Still though...give us your guns! It's the guns that are the problem and not what we have done to society oyyy veeyyy!
  75. Cast Cat

    Down at the border

    I heard about that today too.
  76. Cast Cat

    Down at the border

  77. Cast Cat

    Need help

    You should listen to Henu. He's already explained everything for you.
  78. Cast Cat

    My personal experience with a confirmed jew

    I had to share a room with the nastiest Joo you could ever imagine years ago when I went into a mental hospital. The damn thing looked like a fungus with a huge shilock nose and it constantly farted in our room. I just kept to myself but lo and behold I needed to shave and the nurse aid handed...
  79. Cast Cat

    A Message to Every Satanic Soul

    You mean like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzzWAh9bn8U
  80. Cast Cat

    What happened to maxine?

    This is them: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/hyperborean_research/
  81. Cast Cat

    Those who don't do the RTR

    Why is it that we do the RTR's and the world just keeps getting worse and worse? Can one really deny that it is not? Do we just not have the numbers needed? Is there some other reason? Thank you.
  82. Cast Cat

    Buffalo mass shooter had runes on his rifle

    I wanted to add that he did in fact have a black sun patch on his vest.
  83. Cast Cat

    Buffalo mass shooter had runes on his rifle

    You may be right and I may have been mistaken. Someone else had said there were runes on it and that is what they had appeared to be to me too but that may not be the case after all. This is good if not! And, apologies if that is the case...it was fresh news.
  84. Cast Cat

    Queen Elizabeth is a druid priestess

    The bottom lip say's it all. I notice many Joos have an inner-tube like bottom lip.
  85. Cast Cat

    Buffalo mass shooter had runes on his rifle

    Some crazy kike puts runes on his rifle then goes out and kills gentiles in a supermarket. Any thought's on this?
  86. Cast Cat

    What happened to maxine?

    Since there are holes in the story how could one not?
  87. Cast Cat

    What happened to maxine?

    She is just taking a break or something?
  88. Cast Cat

    What happened to maxine?

    Some pagans outside of the forums are saying she is dead. I don't know if that is true but... She didn't even tell us goodbye. At least not publicly anyway.
  89. Cast Cat


    You could try hypnosis.
  90. Cast Cat

    The Vegan Nightmare

    It's like those before and after meth use pictures. It's especially sad to see the children as they probably do not have a choice in the matter thanks to their deluded parents. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VqZj1VlZC7Dp/
  91. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Just because it doesn't jive with what we've all been taught for decades it is BS? He explains that it's not about calories it's about hormones which a low carb diet corrects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fsg-8TECTI&ab_channel=DoctorsToTrust
  92. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I do now. Thanks to Dr. Berry.
  93. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    There's one more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY7f9VAtJD0&ab_channel=KenDBerryMD
  94. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Ol' with all due respect he counter's that argument here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMzLXGKNaVg&ab_channel=KenDBerryMD
  95. Cast Cat

    Happy Mother's Day

    Beautiful words from our Fuhrur. Thank you for this post and thank you to all mothers of SS! I'm treating my mother extra special today!
  96. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I am a creature of cognitive dissonance I will admit. Do you know how long it took me to finally rid myself of Xtianty? A long time brother. I'll definitely check into it. Thank you. My grandmother was a very large lady. I would imagine genetics have some play too? Then I was abused and...
  97. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    He's truly amazing, I agree.
  98. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I don't understand you point. Diet is everything when it comes to weight loss, this is what I have been taught. I hate exercise. I used to run 3 miles a day years ago with little effect on my weight. It's how we were designed to eat as hunter gatherers Henu. Dr. Berry say's that nutrition...
  99. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I have been busy but I have some time to get back to the rest of what you said now. The study I gave you in the previous post say's that that is wrong. When we humans were first created maybe berries, nuts, and some vegetables as hunter gatherers. Doesn't mean those things are good for you...
  100. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/42/6/1831/737866?login=false https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wajA4Hc_rI4&ab_channel=KenDBerryMD
  101. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Ok. Ok. I understand that. Ok. Dr. Berry would have any studies on it I would imagine. This is why I encourage people to go on his chats as I have not the where with all to answer everything myself. I was walking about 2 miles every day so I don't know that would raise my metabolism...
  102. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I never said that you should just eat sardines either only that the human body could survive on them for 15 years if necessary. I didn't say you could live all your life eating sardines. And ultimately carbs are poison. It's hard to even understand what you are saying on this one. Watch...
  103. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Diabetes can be completely reversed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR2ksqDy5os&ab_channel=KenDBerryMD Feel free to share the video with her. ) Carbohydrates, sugars...ultimately the same thing. It's called the Proper Human Diet because that is what we as humans originally ate. He was...
  104. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Sardines are a super food and have practically everything we need, he explains why here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ShscWIsRoE&ab_channel=KenDBerryMD
  105. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Does that mean Dr. Berry is Joo controlled? No. He goes against the Joo mainstream medical advice that advises a "balanced" diet. I looked up the rice you were talking about it's still loaded with carbs though. "True scientific findings" these day's also say that there is only one race...
  106. Cast Cat

    Regarding Satanama

    I'm not listening to him. I am just wanting to prove him wrong.
  107. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I tired a low calorie diet with exercise for about 6 weeks and only lost about 12 pounds. On this diet I've lost probably around 30 lbs in 6 weeks with no exercise so far and it keeps falling off. It's not weird to me, the PHD (proper human diet) is just the logical choice in my case. What...
  108. Cast Cat

    Regarding Satanama

    I know, there are 40 pages of them I would have to search though. I was hoping someone might know off hand.
  109. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    There's no shame in a good debate Henu. According to what I have learned carnivore is what is needed in some cases, mostly because of medical conditions. He's been doing it for years and is perfectly healthy. However, there is something called "keto chow" that is supposed to replace the...
  110. Cast Cat

    Regarding Satanama

    I was talking to another pagan (not JOS) about Satanama being the most exalted name of Shiva and how it is used to fix problems, this was his reply: Does anyone have any thoughts on this? A possible retort?
  111. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Some people need only meat and eggs. It's not an everybody type of thing. My point is that it is not harmful as proposed by the mainstream. Most fruits have too much sugar and they aren't what they used to be when the gods were with us, the same with grains. The body doesn't know the...
  112. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    He's not Jooish. I said I was prediabetic in the prediabetic thread I guess you didn't read that? No biggie. Low carb vegies are great especially asparagus which is the lowest of them all. I just don't believe it's necessary in the frequency that is normally promoted. Dr. Berry once...
  113. Cast Cat


    You made me your punching bag with that grug shit did you not? Meanwhile, JG Blitz explained why some might have a valid beef with Fancy's posts. Again, Are you not guilty of the same by insulting me for venting? Could you have instead directed such angst at RTR's or something too? His...
  114. Cast Cat

    Astral Brain Control

    Thank you for touching on this sly. It's because of you that I started to protect myself from them.
  115. Cast Cat


    I did take it to him personally. Right to his face. You can go back and read it for yourself my friend. We no longer have the luxury of PM's and he has no email so I had no other choice than to post it on here. Could I have gone a little easier on the guy? Probably. For that I do take...
  116. Cast Cat


    It was of benefit to me personally to vent IMO...I was annoyed as fuck and had been for the longest time and wasn't the only one. And Fancy has benefitted by JG Blitz explaining why some might be annoyed. I'm actually enjoying Fancy's new posts. So in the end I think it benefitted us both...
  117. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    If you disagree with Dr. Berry's findings then challenge him in a chat my friend. https://www.youtube.com/c/KenDBerryMD/videos I have to be on the diet because I am prediabetic. Other than that I am done with the topic.
  118. Cast Cat


    I know. After I was attacked I became a different person and probably not for the best. I was suppressing my feelings for FM for a long time so it was good to get them out though. Hopefully he will apply what JG Blitz had to tell him just as I am listening to you guys. So that we all can...
  119. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    That could very well be the case. I'm pretty skeptical of them now to say the least. You are supposed to mediate with them but they work on camera's?...doesn't make any sense. In the future I'll try to avoid posting stupid stuff that pisses everyone off as it was never my intention. I just...
  120. Cast Cat


    You speak wisdom my friend. And I shall honor what you said.
  121. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Thank you for your comments guys...positive or negative. I dug up some more info about them: History and reviews: https://www.amazon.com/AURA-GLASSES-ADVANCED-METAPHYSICS-PRACTITIONERS/dp/B00SDUVZPI/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 More Reviews...
  122. Cast Cat


    I based my reasoning on the fact that 18 years later they are still in business and have a money back guarantee. If everyone sent them back because they were bunk how would they still be in business? This was my reasoning. It may have been speculation but their being bunk was speculation as...
  123. Cast Cat


    You'll have to forgive me; I was just exercising your signature.
  124. Cast Cat

    U.S. food processing plants under possible magickal attack

    It very well could be. But, with planes crashing into processing plants on top of it all, well...it look's like scalar weapons to me. Something of which I am very familiar of and can easily recognize when I see it because all the signs are there...
  125. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    I agree. Thank you again for enlightening me. And I know I can be hard headed sometimes. But it's important to listen to more viewpoints before drawing any conclusions like you said.
  126. Cast Cat


    I got personally attacked on the thread I posted about Aura glasses and I think the insults have changed me. It's like I'm turning into one of them now. But it feels good to get this anger out that I have been having so I really can't blame them. If anything they've helped me. Fancy does get...
  127. Cast Cat


    Why does everyone constantly kiss your ass on here Fancy? Your butt is not worthy of all the lipstick prints if you ask me. Someone needs to tell you, at least Outlaw Torn had the balls to do so. Aquarius has taught me well on how to be brutally honest about what I think about others. And...
  128. Cast Cat

    U.S. food processing plants under possible magickal attack

    Exactly and exactly. Mysterious fires are breaking out in food processing plants all over the place. Planes are crashing into food processing plants. They are blowing up here and there. It's a mess and has been going on for 6 month's now. It's probably China or Russia using scalar weapons...
  129. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    You know what...I'm not going anywhere. I was just giving my point of view based on what I've learned be it right or wrong. Did you even read it because I did make some valid points? Like the sugar content of grains and fruits not being the same as they were when our gods were with us? How...
  130. Cast Cat

    U.S. food processing plants under possible magickal attack

    I say magick but you can use your imagination when it comes to the weapons the enemy has. Strange things are abreast around the country. Tucker talked about it tonight but the video isn't up. These guys have it, they are Xtian ID'ers but they have the story...
  131. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    Makes sense. Thanks!
  132. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I'm not trying to waste anyone's time. Nobody is forcing you to read my posts. I do not have a gun to your head. Sometimes I may post stuff that doesn't jive with you. I understand that. I was taught that anything is possible in this world so I take that Maxime seriously. If I am wrong...
  133. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    I've been doing some thinking. And, I believe I approached this topic wrong. I should have asked your guys thoughts on it first before just spouting off as if it's legit even know I do believe it to be. For that I take responsibility. In the future I will try and approach things better and...
  134. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    In other words you don't know you just wanted to insult me. The site explains everything. Feel free to debunk it. Hell, I'm even rooting for you!
  135. Cast Cat

    Killian Photography

    I've been a treasure hunter for 10 years now and it is possible to see the aura of a gold or silver caches and deposits with the right camera. It used to be polaroid's but now you can buy special filters for digital camera's. Here's some links if you want to learn more...
  136. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    So...no explanation then? It's simply BS because you say so? I'll wait for you guys to enlighten me on the matter. I'm more than open to it. So far all you have done is insult me. Ave Satanas.
  137. Cast Cat

    Killian Photography

    It's spelled "Kirlian photography" my friend. There is much about it on the net.
  138. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    Anyone can flame. But can you explain why they would not work?
  139. Cast Cat

    Aura Goggles

    And glasses. OK you can't see the different colors which would have been super cool but you can see the highlight of the aura around a body. Could possibly be a good tool to convince those who do not believe in the spiritual such as Atheist's (kind of like how one can use Kirlian photography...
  140. Cast Cat

    Happy Birthday To The Maha Siddha - Adolf Hitler - April 20th 2022

    Beautiful sermon HP. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HITLER [DOCUMENTARY | MINI DOC CELEBRATING ADOLF HITLER'S 50TH BIRTHDAY]: https://www.bitchute.com/video/orGlcvmHAYz1/
  141. Cast Cat


    They can infiltrate, take shits, whatever...astrology makes clear the ultimate fate of the Joos here on earth.
  142. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    According to Dr. Berry exercise only burns 1-2% of one's overall body fat and is better for toning muscle. And I don't want to burn carbohydrates I want to target fat and keto does this. Maybe when I am back in shape then I can intake more carbs but I don't want to run for an hour just to...
  143. Cast Cat

    Shadow people are reptilians

    In a sermon or a sermon reply on the old forum years ago If I recall correctly. It was a long time ago. I was fascinated because I have seen them too. I remember seeing one in my backyard around that time. She said as we advance sometimes we will see them as they are enemy elementals spying...
  144. Cast Cat

    Shadow people are reptilians

    I remember HPS Maxine saying that shadow people are enemy elementals.
  145. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    I guess my old post finally did get through...took quite a while but that's OK. Also, I meant to say that Hitler was a vegetarian not a vegan and Dr. Berry does not promote veganism. Dr. Berry has debunked meat causing strokes it is sugars that are responsible for this among other things like...
  146. Cast Cat


    Actually I feel way better on low carb and am losing lots of unneeded body fat. Plus, I'm never very hungry which is nice. I do eat some carbs like almonds and one piece of keto bread a day which are both low. If I didn't have to eat low carb I wouldn't but I have too. The funny thing is my...
  147. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    Doesn't look like my previous post to you was allowed through but that's ok. I don't have a choice to be on this diet as I am prediabetic and it is the only diet on earth which will actually lower one's A1C without Joo medications. He explains EVERYTHING in his video's, about the fruits and...
  148. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    Dr. Berry does not promote the vegan diet as far as I am aware. Keto and carnivore. Carnivore for those with medical reasons mostly. He does mention that vegans need to incorporate eggs if I remember correctly. Wasn't Hitler a vegan? Anyway, Dr. Berry has been at Ketosis for years and is just...
  149. Cast Cat

    RTR Schedule - APRIL 14th to APRIL 22nd 2022 [Schedule Concluded]

  150. Cast Cat


    Rice and potatoes are two of my favorites. I do cheat on my diet sometimes and eat them but for the most part it's very low carb, under 20 grams a day. Also I have been drinking apple cider vinegar with Ceylon cinnamon. I learned that if I eat a higher than normal carb meal and take ACV right...
  151. Cast Cat

    My cat who died last year came to me in a dream last night.

    Thank you for the kind words. :) Yes, dreams indeed are!
  152. Cast Cat

    A look into the mind of the recent deranged subway shooter

    I don't know. Some might find it interesting. My conclusion is that the alleged shooter Frank R. (((James))) just plain hated everyone. Of course some are saying that it is a hoax like this guy which is trying to connect it to Satanic numerology: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DO3IOkoP3e74/...
  153. Cast Cat

    Unconscious need to make contact in this group

    Well, you've found the right place. We're the bottom of the rabbit hole. You sound ready to join the most elite group of people here on planet earth IMO. If that's true for you well then here is your next move: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html...
  154. Cast Cat

    Covid ''quarantine camps'' in China

    I saw the video of the people screaming and the cats in the bags left on the sidewalk too. It was terrible. My heart goes out to them. If there were ever an uprising against the Chinese Communist govt. Shanghai is where it would start. It's also the biggest city in China.
  155. Cast Cat

    Is your mind at peace?

    I clean everyday and I clean thoroughly but it would do little to help. And plenty of void including some advanced. I've gone through a shit load of trauma and abuse in my life so I'm thinking that that has some play in my mind being the way it is. But, it's getting better now after spending...
  156. Cast Cat

    Is your mind at peace?

    Lately I had been suffering from a bombardment of thoughts mostly negative repeating ones. I do void everyday even up to 30 minute sessions but I would still be relentlessly attacked mentally by these terrible thought forms. Somehow they had gained immense power to torture me mentally. Now...
  157. Cast Cat

    Focusing while aura cleaning

    I focus white/gold light as bright as I can extending around 4-5' around my entire body and vibrate Suryaye 108X.
  158. Cast Cat

    Family member with most likely schizophrenia. Advice?

    To my knowledge schizophrenia is caused by mold on the brain. H202 therapy is said to remove this mold; restoring the brain. Not too sure about colloidal silver which would be easier but it might be worth some research. Also, Dr. Ken D. Berry's (PHP) Proper Human Diet protocol has been said...
  159. Cast Cat


    Thank you Larissa :) I will.
  160. Cast Cat


    I don't know my fat percentage but I am definitely way too overweight. It was unchecked for years. I've been advancing though and have lost a good amount over the past month and plan to continue until I reach ideal.
  161. Cast Cat

    Does anyone know the current moon

    I didn't make it that far the first time around, lol. I get it now. Thank you everyone.
  162. Cast Cat

    Does anyone know the current moon

    Thank you guys. Can anyone tell me what the moon will be on the 17th of this month please. I'm a total astro chart noob. I really appreciate the help and I need to start something on that day. Hopefully it is in Scorpio or Capricorn.
  163. Cast Cat

    Does anyone know the current moon

    May sound like a dumb question but I can't find any info on the net about what moon we are currently in. Are we in Scorpio or Capricorn for example? I can find if it's waning or waxing or void but that's it. Also, is there a site someone could recommend so that I could keep track? Thank you!
  164. Cast Cat

    Tips for a future self-sufficient live in solitary

    It's better for SS to stay within a populated area for safety reasons; if you were thinking about the boonies.
  165. Cast Cat

    Sharing our Art

    Great music to listen to while reading on the forum. You have some real talent. Maybe I'll use them in some of my video's one day. I'm always looking for free good music to make video's with.
  166. Cast Cat

    Binding Spell Without a Personal Belonging

    You are more than welcome my friend.
  167. Cast Cat

    Do part Joos have spiritual protections?

    I know that now about binding. I'm not in contact with her anymore and wasn't during that time I just wanted revenge for the years of abuse and neglect she had inflicted upon me. She also abused our cat. Thank you luis!
  168. Cast Cat

    Do part Joos have spiritual protections?

    This is good to know. I wanted to add a little story of mine: A few years ago I paid for a candle curse to be done (Yes, I know now that it is retarded) on my step mother who abused me and our cat. The curse was ineffective and in their interpretation of the remains of the wax and burn they...
  169. Cast Cat

    Binding Spell Without a Personal Belonging

    If you are making a poppet and do not have a personal item then a picture of them inside should work. Or, if you can get some dirt from one of their footprints and put that inside then that would be another option. If all else fails you can present the puppet in their presence when they are not...
  170. Cast Cat

    Do part Joos have spiritual protections?

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences on the matter sly. It's very helpful my friend. And I would just visualize the person and or non-person when performing it correct?
  171. Cast Cat

    Do part Joos have spiritual protections?

    Let's say that the target of a destruction spell happens to be part Jooish but doesn't practice Judaism. Does said non-human in human form have any spiritual protections that would hinder such a working? If so are there way's to bypass these protections? Thank you in advance.
  172. Cast Cat

    Ukrainian Witches Conjure Plan To Depose Putin

    Good luck to them I guess as Putin is magickally protected.
  173. Cast Cat

    ****ing Hippies

    Are you afraid to say Fucking? We are not Xtian's here friend. Fucking. Fucking. Fucking. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
  174. Cast Cat


    Indeed. (((Their))) chutzpah knows no bounds.
  175. Cast Cat

    This doctor knows his shit:

    And he's gentile too. Best doctor around IMO. Hands down. Be aware though as his video's are quite addicting. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/c/KenDBerryMD/videos
  176. Cast Cat

    El@n M@sk and ''turning the other cheek''

    Because he is a Joo and of course a Joo is going to promote degeneracy for the gentiles.
  177. Cast Cat

    Regarding Cancer

    You need to get her to read the book "The One Minute Cure." Problem solved.
  178. Cast Cat


    Wow. https://www.bitchute.com/video/eNYKpRN4STjJ/
  179. Cast Cat


    Looks interesting. I will add it to my library. Thank you!
  180. Cast Cat


    Probably but maybe someone else knows more about it. I'd definitely be interested in reading them if you have them available.
  181. Cast Cat


    Beyond eating low carb and exercising can anyone recommended anything else to reverse it? There is already some nerve damage in the feet and legs as pains can be felt. Thank you : )
  182. Cast Cat

    What if im an enemy soul and we don't know it

    HP... A Joo is a Joo based on DNA. Lately though I've been reading that one can have NO Jooish DNA but still have an Jooish soul. Where did this information come from and is it really true? Thanks!
  183. Cast Cat

    Extra-terrestrial activites in Europe due to the War?

    I had a vision out of nowhere last night of a grey alien ship hovering over Ukraine ready to collect some death energies.
  184. Cast Cat

    The Beginning of the War signals the Beginning of the Second phase of the Great Reset

    1. His brother was in a Jooish fraternity. 2. Trump studied Kabbalah under a Jooish teacher. 3. He has the classic Jooish frogmouth as listed in the "How to Identify a Jew" manual.
  185. Cast Cat


    Yes it would.
  186. Cast Cat

    Satanic painting

    Some constructive criticism. Can't see the sigil too well; too much flame.
  187. Cast Cat

    Grounding energies

    Go and get a smoky quartz crystal and keep it near you if you want to be grounded. https://www.mycrystalmeanings.com/crystals/smoky-quartz-the-grounding-stone
  188. Cast Cat

    What should an ss drafted in a war to fight in the Ukraine vs Russia to do?

    If you are in a war zone I would highly recommend the affirmation: "I am completely safe and protected at all times and in every way." Best to say it in a mirror a bunch of times each day if possible.
  189. Cast Cat

    The "Revolt"/"Insurrection" In Canada?

    Castro Jr. just revoked the emergencies act. https://vancouversun.com/news/canada/breaking-justin-trudeau-set-to-revoke-emergencies-act/wcm/9692130f-767d-424e-9976-5407b6f56e1f
  190. Cast Cat


    https://www.bitchute.com/video/lqErSMcJ50Qt/ Filthy fucking parasites doing what filthy fucking parasites always do before Yom Kippur. Their lack of empathy and outright hatred for nature sickens me. Poor creatures.
  191. Cast Cat

    It's Happening All Across America, And Here's Why...

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6NDpJbJNkw&ab_channel=MarkDice So ridiculous.
  192. Cast Cat

    female eyes when i close my eyes

    I used to have eyes that would watch me when I would close my eyes. This was after I had first dedicated. I would destroy them with Satanic blue fire dissipating them into nothing and after a while there were no more eyes to bother me.
  193. Cast Cat

    How did the Quran predict LGTBQ?

  194. Cast Cat

    Revealing Contradictions

    I've been thinking about Maxine a lot lately. I miss her too. We all do. It's like losing a dear loved one. It tears me up to think she is gone. But she has her reasons and the best thing we can do is respect those reasons on behalf of all the work she has done. It's hard; I know. We...
  195. Cast Cat

    Are there any physical benefits to Chastity

    If you hold off on masturbating and or sex you will have more drive in your life to get things done. I experimented with this holding out for a week and it does work. It was torture though not having release. I'm not sure medically the ramifications.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
