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  1. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Demons, the Gods of Hell Deemonid, põrgu jumalad See tsitaat katoliku entsüklopeediast on väga paljastav: Nii nagu kreeklased ja roomlased võisid kummardada oma jumalusi, uskudes siiralt, et nad on head. Kuid kristlikud pühakirjad kuulutavad, et kõik paganate jumalad on deemonid. Katoliku...
  2. Kurat

    How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

    "Old" is social construction. Most people become "old" because they are NPCs who don't train, don't meditate, don't do yoga, drink alcohol, belive into jewish god, have bad mental condition and so on.
  3. Kurat

    How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

    I think that physical training is very important. It is also goid for mental health. I think that every man must have six-pack or if he doesn't have yet then it must be his purpose.
  4. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Making a Commitment to Satan Kohustuse võtmine Saatana ees Kui mul oleks nii palju hingi, kui on tähti, annaksin nad kõik Mephistophelesele!" -Dr. Faustus *Palun lugege lehe allosas olevaid korduma kippuvaid küsimusi. Mis juhtub, kui ma võtan ametliku kohustuse Saatana ees? Saatan hoolitseb...
  5. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Ghosts Kummitused Kummitused on hinged, kes ei ole edasi liikunud ja on jäänud astraali lõksu. Enamik kummitusi EI ole lihtsalt "tühjad kestad", nagu juudi müstika jama püüab jutlustada. Enamikul kummitustel on emotsioonid, nende isiksused on terved ja kõik on eneseteadlikud. Hing on nagu vesi...
  6. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Ma olen kuulnud kristlasi [iivelduseni] rääkimas sellest, kuidas "Kurat vihkab inimkonda" "oli algusest peale mõrvar ja valetaja" "kõik on seotud materialismiga" "töötab selle nimel, et takistada inimkonda saavutamast igavest elu ja surematust", ja see jama jätkub ja jätkub, ja tegelikult kehtib...
  7. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Death, Hell & the Afterlife Surm, põrgu ja elu pärast surma Paljud inimesed on arusaadavalt hirmul seoses sellega, et "põrgu" on piinamise, igavese hukkamõistmise ja kõrvetamise koht. Isiklikult olen alates Saatana juurde tulemisest saanud ulatuslikke kogemusi nii töötades inimhingedega, kes...
  8. Kurat

    73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with 'immigrants and people of color who share th

    73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with 'immigrants and people of color who share their political views', shock new poll shows https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10896935/73-Trump-voters-think-Democrats-trying-REPLACE-white-people-win-votes.html
  9. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    The Roots and Origins of True Satanism Tõelise satanismi juured ja päritolu Pärast aastatepikkust satanismi uurimist oleme leidnud, et selle päritolu on Kaug-Idas. Satanismi uurimist alustades vaadatakse tavaliselt lääne okultismi poole. Lääne okultism on põhjalikult rikutud ja nakatatud juudi...
  10. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    The Origins of the Goat of Mendes Mendese kitse päritolu "Mendese kitse" päritolu võib otsida Vana-Egiptusest. Kitsesid ja jäärasid kummardati paljudes Egiptuse linnades tuhandeid aastaid tagasi. Kits on satanismi sünonüüm. Sarved esindavad sarvedega jumalaid/jumalannasid. Kitsed...
  11. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    The Sacred Serpent: Since the Beginning of Time In All Cultures Everywhere in the World Püha madu: Aegade algusest peale Kõigis kultuurides kõikjal maailmas Hiinas ja Kaug-Idas on draakoni sümbol. Meditsiiniline Caduceus, Thothi sümbol, tervendav, kaasaegne meditsiin, mis on päästnud...
  12. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    The White Chapel Valge kabel Tõlgenduste selgituse saamiseks kerige allapoole. Need on juhised elujõu uuendamiseks, hinge ümberkujundamiseks ja jumalaks muutumiseks. See on Saatana kingitus inimkonnale. Pange tähele, ülalpool, kõige lähemal oleva seina vaatepilt: 1. Jumal suunab oma...
  13. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    A History of the Baphomet Baphomet'i ajalugu Baphomet'i nime päritolu ei ole selge. Tundub, et see on kombinatsioon kahest kreekakeelsest sõnast baphe ja metis, mis tähendab "teadmiste imendumist". Teised autorid väidavad, et see on moonutus sõnast "Mohamet" (Mohammed), kuid esimene määratlus...
  14. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  15. Kurat

    Thinking of making the dedication ritual...

    Yes, we have many Satanists from non-white races. Here is forum for Asian Satanists: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=22 I am white but I have also small percent of Asian blood.
  16. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Exposing Spiritual Corruption: Spiritual Alchemy & The Bible Vaimse korruptsiooni paljastamine: Vaimne alkeemia & Piibel Tõeline satanism põhineb iidsetel religioonidel, mis eelnesid judaismile, kristlusele ja islamile sadade ja tuhandete aastate võrra. Satanismis kasutatavad traditsioonilised...
  17. Kurat

    I want to join the navy...

    Don't do it. I support militarism in Eastern-Europe because it's help us against Neo-Communist Russia. But American army. IT'S OUR ENEMY. IT'S GREATEST ALLY TO ISRAEL. When America falls into civil war. Then American army(liberal) starts killing white conservatives and nationalists. I think...
  18. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Important Information About Serpent Yoga Olulist teavet Mao Jooga kohta Ma olen lugenud palju, palju erinevaid raamatuid joogast, meditatsioonist ja kundaliinist. Suur osa neist teadmistest on säilinud Kaug-Idas, nagu me teame. Satanismi tegelik päritolu on Kaug-Idas, MITTE Lähis-Idas ega...
  19. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Need sümbolid on seotud ka kuuga ja õnnistamise või needmisega maagias, kutsudes selleks vaimset jõudu. Selleks peab inimesel olema tugev bioelektrilisus, mida sümboliseerib ka kuu sarv esimesel sümbolil ja mõlema sümboli üldine kuju, mis põhineb Ankhil. Egiptuse Ankh esindab hinge ja...
  20. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Satanic Symbols Saatanlikud sümbolid On kurb tõsiasi, et vähesed satanistid teavad meie sümbolite tegelikku tähendust. Enamik võtab kristlikest allikatest vale ja ekslikku teavet. Kristlased näitavad oma rumalust ja teadmatust lakkamatult. Teadmised on nende kõige hirmsam vaenlane, sest ükski...
  21. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Allikad Allpool on nimekiri raamatutest ja DVD-dest. Pidage alati meeles, et lugege ja vaadake kõike saatanlikul viisil, diskreetselt, sest nii palju on rikutud. Saatan juhib meid tõe juurde. Mida rohkem te oma meelt ja hinge avate, seda kergemini suudate te ise tõde näha. Ma võin igaüht...
  22. Kurat

    Prioritization of Satanic Knowledge and using it to advance the White cause through personal actions

    Working for this... Top Striker is right, we all must rise our white childred in the spirit of white nationalism and all our children must be aware on satanism. One of my favorite quote: He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future. -Hitler
  23. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Vaimsed koodsõnad Tõeline vaimsus on hiiglaslik segadus. Kristlus ja tema kaaslased on tõesti teinud kõvasti tööd, et rikkuda vaimseid teadmisi ja asendada need valedega. Lisaks on suures osas sellest, mis on meil tänapäeval kättesaadav, mõned tõed segatud valedega. Paljud neist niinimetatud...
  24. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Astarothi idapoolne ühendus Kaananlased tundsid teda kui Astarte; sumerlased tundsid teda kui Inanna; babüloonlased tundsid teda kui Ishtar ning assüürlased ja akkadlased tundsid teda kui Ashtart, Ashtoreth, Asherah ja Astoreth. Egiptlaste jaoks oli ta tuntud kui Isis, Ashet ja Aset ning...
  25. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Kundalini jooga kohta Saatan soovis, et ma kirjutaksin selle artikli ja et kõik oleksid sellest teadlikud ning et ma postitaksin selle ka gruppidesse. Ma lähen asja juurde. Peaaegu kõik teavad, kuidas vaenlane töötab infiltratsiooni kaudu, et hävitada ja rikkuda vaimseid teadmisi. Tõelise...
  26. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Satanismi päritolu Kaug-Idas Aastatepikkuse uurimistöö ja meie armastatud Isa Saatana juhiste põhjal oleme avastanud satanismi tõelise päritolu. Me oleme jõudnud järeldusele, teades, et judaism, kristlus ja islam on inimkonna võrreldamatud ja jõhkrad pettused, et nende programmide väited, et...
  27. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Satanismi juured *Satanism ei ole kristlik leiutis *Satanism on kristluse ja kõigi teiste religioonide eelkäija. *Satanism ei ole seotud kummituste, goblinite, vampiiride, halloweeni koletiste või muude sarnaste olenditega. *Satanism ei ole seotud "kurjusega". *Satanism ei ole kristluse...
  28. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    I continue to post translations here some time because I need to learn this program little bit and I don't want translations to disappear.
  29. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatana poeem III Ma olen loonud aja mehed Seitse maad ja seitse taevast. Need on minu päikesed, mis paistavad maailmadele Juhige ebakindlaid ja minu saladused on peidetud Mina olen see, kes loob emakates, nagu mulle meeldib. Inimesed ja mina panid oma imed ilmuma oma loomingule. Mina olen...
  30. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatana poeem II Minu au juhib kõike. Ja selleks olen ma kõige tugevam ja täiuslikum. Ja ma kutsun oma jõudu, kes on valitsejaks peale minu. Mina olen suur ja kõige kõrgem. Oo minu kummardajad uskuge minusse, ärge jätke mind tähelepanuta Sest uskmatus on isekate omadustest. Ma annan uskmatutele...
  31. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatana poeem Teadlik teab, et rahvaste õppimine sisaldab osa minu teadmiste merest. Seitsmendas taevas asuv lootospuu on minu ilmutuse koht. Sest et ma olen kõikekuulev, kõiketeadev; ülistatud on minu pühadus ja kõrgendatud on minu nimi. Paradiis on minu vein ja põrgu on minu kõrvetava tuule...
  32. Kurat

    Reminder: There Are Still People That Want To Kill You For Practicing Yoga - Protect Yourself

    This is also one reason why we all must support Ukraina. There is law in Russia which say that they can ban every religion what goes against orthotox christianity. But in Ukraine are religious freedom.
  33. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Email sent
  34. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Peace Be Unto Him Rahu olgu Temaga Minu arusaamine ümbritseb asjade tõde, Ja tõde on minusse segatud, Ja tõde minu põlvnemise kohta on esitatud iseenesest, Ja kui see oli teada, siis oli see täiesti minus. Ja kõik elamiskõlblikud osad ja kõrbed Ja kõik loodud on minu all Ja mina olen valitsev...
  35. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Qu'ret al-Yezid: The Revelation of Melek Ta'us Qu'ret al-Yezid: Melek Ta'usi ilmutus Seega on tõsi, et minu teadmised hõlmavad Tõde kõigest, mis on, Ja minu tarkus ei ole lahus mu südamest, Ja minu põlvnemise ilmsikstulek on teile selge, Ja kui see on Aadama lastele ilmutatud, siis on see...
  36. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Al Jilwah Saatana Must Raamat I peatükk Ma olin, olen ja ei lõpe kunagi. Ma valitsen kõigi olendite üle ja kõigi nende asjade üle, kes on minu kuju kaitse all. Ma olen alati kohal, et aidata kõiki, kes mind usaldavad ja mind hädaajal appi kutsuvad. Universumis ei ole ühtegi kohta, mis ei...
  37. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Iraagi jeziidide kuradikummardajad Iraagi jeziidide kuradikummardajate kohta on ilmunud palju vastuolulisi artikleid. Jeziidide rahvas on algselt pärit Lõuna-Iraagist ja rännanud põhja poole Lalishi mäele. Arvatakse, et nad on assüürlaste järeltulijad, kes otsisid varjupaika pärast Ninive...
  38. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Vaimne satanism erineb LaVeyan satanismist. Me oleme teadlikud Saatana/Luciferi kui tegeliku olendi olemasolust. Me ei ole ateistid! Vaatamata suurtele lahknevustele, võtab Anton Szandor LaVey poolt 1966. aastal asutatud Saatana Kirik praegu ateistliku seisukoha, mis puudutab jumalusi, ja näeb...
  39. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatan Liiga kaua on Saatana kohta levitatud nii palju valesid ja valeinformatsiooni. Paljud meist on teda näinud, temaga vestelnud ja isegi astraalselt puudutatud. Peaaegu kõik meist, kes teda tunnevad, on tema välimuse osas ühel meelel. Vaenulikud nn "religioonid" on liiga kaua kirjutanud...
  40. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatan Liiga kaua on Saatana kohta levitatud nii palju valesid ja valeinformatsiooni. Paljud meist on teda näinud, temaga vestelnud ja isegi astraalselt puudutatud. Peaaegu kõik meist, kes teda tunnevad, on tema välimuse osas ühel meelel. Vaenulikud nn "religioonid" on liiga kaua kirjutanud...
  41. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    SATANISMIS EI OLE VAHENDAJAID Kirjutan selle jutluse vastuseks Teens for Satan e-groupi saadetud kirjale, mis puudutab kedagi, kes kasutas satanismi ja teeseldud suhet Saatanaga, et manipuleerida teisi inimesi. Ohvrid olid noored ja mitteteadlikud. JOY OF SATAN MINISTRIES ON SIIN AINULT...
  42. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    2018. aasta uuendamune: Vanad paganlikud religioonid, mis eelnesid kristlusele, islamile ja nende juurele judaismile sadade ja tuhandete aastatega, on tõeline satanism vaimne alkeemia. Judaism, kristlus ja islam varastasid ohtralt algsetest vanadest paganlikest religioonidest, eemaldades kogu...
  43. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatanlik teave ateistidele ja teistele skeptikutele Siin on oluline sõnum ateistidele ja neile, kes peavad okultismi, paranormaalsust ja astraalmaailma olematuks ja/või lihtsalt jamaks; palun võtke aega, et seda lugeda: Olen saanud mitmeid isiklikke e-kirju endistelt ateistidelt ja teistelt...
  44. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Saatana Rõõm “Pole teist jumalat peale Minu, teadku seda need kes julgevad kummardad Koraani ja Piibli ebajumalaid” -Saatan [QU'RET AL-YEZID] * Märkus. Enamik selle veebisaidi kirjutisi on autoriõigustega kaitstud. Autor annab loa printida neid isiklikuks uurimiseks juhul kui neid ei...
  45. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  46. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  47. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  48. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  49. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    The Real Holocaust is now more-less finished. Now I will start working with Joy of Satan main page.
  50. Kurat

    Asatru Folk Assembly started giving education for Aryan kids.

    He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future. Adolf Hitler Asatru Folk Assembly started organized homeschooling program for White kids called Asatru Academy. I think this will be success story. Maybe we can do same thing for Satanist kids in the future.
  51. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Pole ime, et juudi Putini režiim surub nii stalinismi kui ka õigeusu kristlust - ühe ja sama juudi mündi kaks külge. Juudid oma kirjutistes väidavad, et kristlased on nende orjad ja sõdurid. Palju on tehtud Stalini juutluse varjamiseks ja juudid on propageerinud igasugust valeinformatsiooni sel...
  52. Kurat

    Queen Elizabeth is a druid priestess

    Elizabeth II is problably jew or even she is not, she is not our friend any way. Hitler called her mother "most dangerous women in Europe".
  53. Kurat

    Confederate States of America

    United States of America was built on liberty. Because of that Americans have bigger freeom of religion and bigger gun rights than Europeans. On the other hand, this liberty give jews too much freedom. This is reason why modern America is center of jewish financial power, center of all kind of...
  54. Kurat

    Can someone with 1-20% jewishness be considered a gentile?

    No, she is not gentile.
  55. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Tema isa oli juut. See on tegelik allikatähendus, mida Pinay järeldas Ida-Euroopa elanikelt saadud teabest. Sellepärast muutis Stalin oma perekonnanime algsest, et varjata oma juudi päritolu. Kui see oli tõesti lihtsalt teras gruusia keeles, siis polnud vaja seda muuta. Märgin, et Stalini ema...
  56. Kurat

    Message to all Putinists and Pacifists

    No. If you don't like Ukraine freedom then you can just add my account to ignore list and then you didn't have to watch this flag.
  57. Kurat

    70,000 Members

    13. May 2022- 72 736 members +2 736 members with year. Well done!
  58. Kurat

    The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

    Get countryside home. Grow your own food. Forgot the system.
  59. Kurat

    Message to all Putinists and Pacifists

    You can't pretend to be pro-white or NatSoc when you support red monster. We don't need peace with red monster, we need to fight back. Debate is over. All Putinists and Pacifists go into my ignoring list. Slava Ukraine! Hail Azov!
  60. Kurat

    Solution To Stop Ukrain War [Peacefully]

    ok duginist rat
  61. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Juut Stalin Nii nagu Putini juutlust varjatakse isegi tänapäeval, mil veebi tõttu on maailma teave vabam kui kunagi varem, näitab see, kui palju vaeva selle varjamine nõudis. Vana nõukogude režiim eemaldas ja kirjutas ajalugu ümber sellisel määral, et pärast seda, kui Stalini käsul puhastati...
  62. Kurat

    Happy Mother's Day

    Happy Mother's Day!
  63. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  64. Kurat

    Spreading JoS on instagram

    And I am here thanks to Wikipedia.
  65. Kurat

    Would a dictatorship work today?

    Last post by (((One Wire Phenomenon))) was 20. April 2022. (((Balvraz))) joined on 25. April 2022. (((They))) rested 5 days.
  66. Kurat

    The Democrats (Liberals/Leftists) have gone insane

    Go back to Reddit!
  67. Kurat

    Jewish BOT on Gab

    https://gab.com/Rafalito Look his comments and photos. Obviously BOT. I was always right: all "it's da feds" and "Ukraine globohomo" posters are jewish BOTs
  68. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Yes, but I have been little bit lazy and busy. In coming summer I want do more work for translations
  69. Kurat


    To be honest, I didn't expected that OWP is jew, but when we look back to mistakes what he did, then one mistake was that he used modern South Africa flag. In his account location place he had written South-Africa and then modern South Africa flag emoticon. Afrikaner nationalists don't use...
  70. Kurat

    what was the JoS like in its early days?

    Even earlier, 2002 March JoS 20 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=68714
  71. Kurat

    Another Jewish Coup in Brazil

    Thanks for information.
  72. Kurat


    White South africans Total population 2021 estimate: 4,662,459 (7.7% of South Africa's population) Afrikaners (Afrikaans: [afriˈkɑːnərs]) are a South African ethnic group descended from predominantly Dutch settlers first arriving at the Cape of Good Hope in the 17th and 18th centuries. Total...
  73. Kurat

    Another Jewish Coup in Brazil

    I am interested in race question of Brazil. Pleas tell me little bit about this. Are you white or other race? Does Brazilian whites(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Brazilians) are whites like American and European whites or are they race mixed people with some European blood? Are...
  74. Kurat

    Another Jewish Coup in Brazil

    I will dedicate my next RTR to Brazil.
  75. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  76. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  77. Kurat

    Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"

    I disagree in some points. Fact is that jewish world order must fall. And fact is that this falling wouldn't be funny. Jewish world order can only fall with social tensions. Riots and wars are exactly what Savitri Devi talked that National Socialism and Satya Juga rise after catastrophe. Idea...
  78. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  79. Kurat

    My reply to r/satanism moderator

    This is what I wrote to r/satanism moderator after being banned
  80. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  81. Kurat

    Classified jews

    I am pretty sure that some subtle white nationalist is behind this project because noel ignatiev statements are things that kikes clearly don't want us to hear. Some jews are dumb but not soo dumb.
  82. Kurat

    Will Smith hits Chris Rock

    Does someone really watch such jewish amerimutt TV swows? Why does this get so much attention?
  83. Kurat

    North Korea

    When we want destroy North Korea we must destroy first Communist China. But I don't think that it will happen fast because China is too economically strong, because West buys goods from China. I think that first we need National Socialist revolution in west and then we can destroy communism in Asia.
  84. Kurat

    Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt

    Forum Guide for New Members https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293
  85. Kurat

    SOS!!! My country is adjacent to AFGHANISTAN, should I leave it?

    This will be non-white immigration.
  86. Kurat

    SOS!!! My country is adjacent to AFGHANISTAN, should I leave it?

    Maybe you should move into Pakistan or India. They are so big countries that Taliban will not attack them. India is not islamic too. Europe is for white people only.
  87. Kurat

    Error 522 Satanisgod.org server

  88. Kurat

    London Murder

  89. Kurat

    Russia to the U.S. – “We have found your biological weapons!”

    Propaganda. It's so true as gas chambers found by Russian soldiers during WWII.
  90. Kurat

    Jewish phase, worst case scenario.

    7,5 years are long time. If you are stayed here so long, you are probably not jew. You are satanic soul.
  91. Kurat

    Is meditation on the candle flame safe?

    Your new drawing in really nice.
  92. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    As you see this person is from Czech and in current situations is good idea to heard Eastern-Europeans because big part off American and Western-European right wingers support Putin to just be edgy. And back to Azov question. Who is talking rumors about them: jewish newspapers, amnesty...
  93. Kurat

    Joyofsatan.org is down

    Probably, some jews from some old exposing Joy of Satan site have even admitted that they have done cyberattacks against us.
  94. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  95. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    No, I didn't. There is no official NatSoc groups in Estonia sadly. But I don't understand your hate against nationalist groups and Ukraine patriots.
  96. Kurat

    Ethnoregionalism is NPC stupidity

    Ethnonationalism have point when it is centered around blood. Like Afrikaaner nationalism and their ethnodown Orania. As I have understood, Afrikaaner nationalism is anti-British. They don't let white British people into Orania and celebrate battles against Britain. But in general their...
  97. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    They can take down zelensky if they achieve sufficient popularity and strength. Otherwise they fail. Azov doesn't fill all orders from Ukraine governments. Ukraine government would have already ceded Mariupol.
  98. Kurat

    Russians bomb Faculty of Sociology of Karazin National University

    They bomb random places. This was not chosen target.
  99. Kurat

    Joyofsatan.org is down

    Joyofsatan.org is down
  100. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    DISINFORMATION ABOUT THE CRUCIFIXION OF A WARRIOR FROM DONBAS BY THE AZOV BATTALION https://mythdetector.ge/en/disinformation-about-the-crucifixion-of-a-warrior-from-donbas-by-the-azov-battalion/ Muh 6 gorillion russians in donbas It's just like annuda shoah
  101. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily...
  102. Kurat

    Sweden becoming NAZI ? Government Claims Mutilating Children (Trans Surgery) is Bad

    At the same time when Sweden ZOG is debating about transgender issues, there are hundreds of foreigners invading in Sweden.
  103. Kurat

    Sweden becoming NAZI ? Government Claims Mutilating Children (Trans Surgery) is Bad

    No, It doesn't matter what their SocialDomocrat kike government say or do. They are traitors forever. Nordic Resistance Movement is only solution for Sweden.
  104. Kurat

    Joy of Satan 20

    Maxine seremon repost: I have seen plenty of 'High Priest' Grand Master Rexus Infernus Diabolicus 666, etc., come into these groups out of nowhere...definitely not JoS. Then the grand exalted one posts a large number of posts containing poorly written misinformation, and wonders why the posts...
  105. Kurat

    Things We Know And Things We Dont - Russia/Ukraine Situation [March 8th - UPDATED - BIOLABS?]

    Aquarius, how big is salary in Russian troll army? How long is the working day?
  106. Kurat

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    Also, if Russia win war, this encourage communist China to take over Taiwan and Hongkong.
  107. Kurat

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    I have never leaved forums. I just don't post If I don't have nothing useful to say. And there is many reasons why Russia victory is worst thing that can happen. Russia is authoritarian jewish country. Putin have absolute power. Zelensky is elcted jew. He can lose next elections. Estonian prime...
  108. Kurat

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    Most important is defeating Russia by all possible means. Putin's Russia is literally Soviet Union with capitalism and Putin's "denazification" means imprisonment or killing for tens of thousands Ukraine white nationalists.
  109. Kurat

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    No, Azov Battalion is not controlled opposition. Don't fall into Russian-Kike misinform.
  110. Kurat

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    No, whatever happens, I stay in Estonia. We need to resist those neocommunist from Russia not run away like cowards.
  111. Kurat

    About Russia/Ukraine War And Certain Events - 02/22/2022

    This war can be also good opportunity. Imagine if in Ukraine will be power vacuum and Azov Battalion(Ukraine NationalSocialists with 10 000 soldiers) take power. But still nothing big have not even happened yet. Putin just admitted that he is invaded on areas where he also has invaved years ago...
  112. Kurat

    expose joy of satan

    But nice is that there is never been easier to find Jos than now. You just need to google "Satanism" and first wikipedia page direct you into JoS.
  113. Kurat

    expose joy of satan

    At the moment Ancient-forums have 4547 members who have done at least 1 approved post. Of course there is more Spiritual Satanists, because many don't use forum, but this is only valid number what we can say because most of forum's 72 000 members are bots. Websites visitor numbers also are not...
  114. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    See sisaldas kuni kümne tuhande ohvri surnukehi, kes kõik olid Vinnitsas juudi NKVD poolt mõrvatud. Tõelised surmalaagrid ja holokaust https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Real_Holocaust.html Laagrites ellujäänute kohta: "Keskne eesmärk oli vangide tapmine, nagu üks komandant üsna avalikult...
  115. Kurat

    Members By Countries

    Almost from every country. Probably not from North-Korea. Not from Israel too, or maybe some Arab living in Israel is.
  116. Kurat

    Starve the churches

    And your "right time" will never ever come. If you watch Amish and Haredi Jews birth rates you will see that Abrahamism will not disappear itself. When in future white nationalism rise, it's means that Christian Identity groups will probably rise too. Only solution is built up strong white...
  117. Kurat

    Starve the churches

    !!! This is the road to victory!!! Christianity and other jewish crap are bloomed so long because of "charity". We must take it over. Some NationalSocialist groups have already understood that charity is more effective than stickers and protests. For example Aryan Freedom Network. Sadly they...
  118. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  119. Kurat

    Know your enemy-Antifascist tactics

    Be aware:
  120. Kurat

    Is Russia really going to invade Ukraine?

    I don't think so. First, If Russia is really going to invade into Ukraine then we wouldn't know that and nobody would talk about it. Secondly, JEWS DON'T WANT WARS THAT CHANGE BORDERS!!! Except WW2 and wars agains Palestine. It has been said in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Jews want...
  121. Kurat

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    Off topic but I want to know what happened with Satanisgod.org homepage and does it come back. I think that it's make us less effective in promoting JoS in white national district because now when Satanisgod.org redirects to Joyofsatan.org we don't have homepage where you can immediately found...
  122. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  123. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  124. Kurat

    Is Christianity right in showing Satan as female?

    No. Christians are exited because Baphomet have woman's breasts, but Baphomet is not Satan and picture of Baphomet symbolize connections between ying and yang in soul not real transgender person with goat head. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baphomet.html
  125. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  126. Kurat

    Two superiors alternatives to (((GAB))), freespeechextremist and minds

    XD But anyway, Gab and /pol/ are retarded but we need to use them because they have the largest white nationalist userbase.
  127. Kurat

    Where is SATANISGOD.ORG?

    For Reverse Torah Rituals link from Satanisgod.org. Useful every day. https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/RTR_English.html
  128. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Detsembris 1944 langes Vonnegut Saksa armee poolt vangi ja sattus sõjavangi. Raamatus "Tapamaja viis" kirjeldas ta, kuidas ta paar kuud hiljem pääses napilt surmast Dresdeni tulepommitamisel. "Jah, teie [inglaste] poolt, lubage mul öelda," nõuab ta: "Te põletasite selle koha maha, muutsite selle...
  129. Kurat

    Estonian Translation Thread

    Dresdeni elanikel oli vaevalt aega oma varjenditesse jõuda. Esimene pomm langes kell 22.09. Rünnak kestis 24 minutit, jättes kesklinna kuumaks tulemereks. "Täppispommitamine" oli tekitanud soovitud tulekahju. Esimese ja teise rünnaku vahele jäi kolmetunnine paus. Vaikus oli arvestatud selleks...
  130. Kurat

    Is this race mixing?

    It depends how does you look like, when you look like white then you are white and you can marry any other white person. American/Mexicans are then only cultural and language question. When you have brown skin then it is obviously racemixing. But if you say that you are white there is no obstacles.
  131. Kurat

    I will tell you a little about myself

    About men hairstyles: 1. combed hair- Best hairstyle for white men. I personally have so called side parting haircut. 2. Long hair Long hairs are ok when they are well maintained. 3. Bald When you are genetically bald then there is no point to hide it and it is ok to be bald. 4. Dreadlocks...
  132. Kurat

    Act! Don't wait for others!

    There is two great fake conspiracy theories created by jews to destroy white nationalism inside. One is Qanon and onother one is GLOWNIGGERS. Obviously there is some CIA agents who are infiltrating into white nationalist groups but fact is that when white people want survive, they must organize...
  133. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  134. Kurat

    is India becoming National Socialist?

    Oy Vey it's annuda shoah!
  135. Kurat

    Kikes and plants

    My English teacher is kike and I have noticed that in her classroom all pot flowers are going to shrivel very fast. I think that it is because of kike energy. I have also heard that ferns are going to die in homes where are quarrels.
  136. Kurat

    Satanslibrary is down

    It is just a joke.
  137. Kurat

    Satanslibrary is down

    Satanslibrary is down
  138. Kurat

    Can Satanic Aryan souls be born among other gentile nations that are not Aryan or among mixed races ?

    Yes, but when you are gentile with 95% white blood and 5% non-white blood you are white. I have some little percent of Asian blood and I have still white soul.
  139. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  140. Kurat

    Why is there a picture of Angela Merkel doing a Nazi salute?

    Lol, nazi salute is with stright hand, kike Merkel's hand have curve in elbow.
  141. Kurat

    Account Deletion Request

    As I understand, if you have made your account with your real IP and then start using VPN it is pointless because it's possible to find out what was your IP when you did this account, so it is better to do new account. By the way, I don't use VPN in this forum, because we have still free speech...
  142. Kurat

    The Situation of America

    I am European but I think that there is no future for United States. Just be realistic. U.S is 60% white. Younger people are less than 50% white. U.S is center of jewish world order after israel. U.S culture is 100% degenerate: LGBT, Hollywood, trannys, porn etc. It's only question of time when...
  143. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  144. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  145. Kurat

    Just talk to Satan

    Gods show their presence to me throught dreams.
  146. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  147. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  148. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  149. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  150. Kurat

    Henry Ford

    Good man. Against jews. Supported Hitler with money.
  151. Kurat

    Some JOS members call the JOS black MEMBERS Monkeys and THAT'S unacceptable

    We must eradicate all subvertive ideas inside NationalSocialism. 1. NationalSocialist can live on their own racial homeland. When you are non-white and living in Europa you are invader who is living here only because jewish politicans invite you here. When we NationalSocialist win, then Europe...
  152. Kurat

    How to get lots of attention and replies in /pol/

    This post work almost every time
  153. Kurat

    Donald Trump is Irredeemable and is signed on to The Jewish Agenda

    1. People start blaming establishment, it's means jews. 2. People start supporting political movements what are anti-establishment, it's means NatSoc and WN. 3. More and more white people will trop out of jewish system. It's means building parallel societies, parallel economies, self sufficiency...
  154. Kurat

    Is the "peace symbol" a curse on the Algiz rune?

    It's Yr rune. It's means death. It's also used in NatSoc/Pagan graves. And yes, "peace" symbol is curse, because when jew say peace, he think death. Pacifism, lefttism, drugs, race mixing, "love"- all this hippie scum is death. Also circles are jewish symbols what they are using for bind our...
  155. Kurat

    Name generator app/website + other ideas

    Some NationalSocialist use calendar what start with Hitler's birth. It's currently 132 anno Hitler.
  156. Kurat

    Risks on revealing my voice on forums?

    Some satanist just leave forums because they are so busy with some issues in their life or they feel that they have nothing important to say in forums.
  157. Kurat

    Donald Trump is Irredeemable and is signed on to The Jewish Agenda

    But who cares about gas price when kikes are destroying our white genetics every day? Majority of people don't care about race question until they get their burgers. So economical collapse can lead us to final victory against jews.
  158. Kurat

    I have a question.About other religions.

    Pagans are probably most open minded, but you need to explain them that Spiritual Satanism is not reversed christianity.
  159. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  160. Kurat

    What I think satanist goals should be

    Not good plan. 1. When you are Satanist and NationalSocialist then Americans don't elect you to president. 2. Even they elect then kikes make election fraud and you don't get elected. 3. Even you get elected you can't change anything, because president doesn't have absolute power. Democracy is...
  161. Kurat

    Is Jehovah Satan?

    Didn't read
  162. Kurat

    Russia 2021 WW2 Commemoration, The Soviet Union never left

    Ali Khameni looks very jewish and Iran is Islamic country as same as Saudi Arabia. I don't know how many our satanist are in Iran but they must be very careful because satanism may probably lead even to execution.
  163. Kurat

    Russia 2021 WW2 Commemoration, The Soviet Union never left

    Happily, big war between NationalSocialist and jewish government will not happen. During WW2 there was not big NatSoc/Fascist resistance in USSR, England and America. Today are NationalSocialist/White Nationalist groups everywhere and when NationalSocialist can take over one white country and...
  164. Kurat

    Due to the rise in anti-abortion laws, women are answering with sterilisation

    Abort should be allowed because of medical conditions/rape/race mixing, but otherwise abort is jewish thing. Firstly, contraceptives are so available that nobody doesn't need abortion. Secondly, argument that mother have no economic resources to rise children is absurd, when we are talking about...
  165. Kurat

    Meme warfare

    This meme is probably made by some jew who want to show that all white nationalists are controlled opposition.
  166. Kurat

    Grandmother have pancreating cancer

    Can cancer be connected with vaccines?
  167. Kurat

    Big win for us yesterday on the astral?

    Maybe something big is really going to happen in real word. Look Austria, over 100 thousand people are protesting against Covid tyranny. And this is Austria, birthplace of Hitler, not some random country. Many white nationalist sites are down, for example stormfont at the moment. Kikes are...
  168. Kurat

    Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan" [UPDATED 19 DECEMBER]

    At the moment, officially, 5,2 million has died because of covid. Interesting, does jews want in the end another 6 gorillion hoax?
  169. Kurat

    Meme warfare

    I love your signature.
  170. Kurat

    Meme warfare

    Interesting. What connections Himmler have with Karjala?
  171. Kurat

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

  172. Kurat

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    She has jewish vibe
  173. Kurat

    Hell and heaven visits,miracles and such

    One My mother's acquaintance's son had leukemia and he had near-death experience and after that he spoke that he met with angels. Angels are cheating non-ss how they are good.
  174. Kurat


    Pseudo-problem. When you achieve this, then jews and their jewish governments are probably already fallen. Even they are not, you can simply use self-sufficient lifestyle.
  175. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  176. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  177. Kurat

    Artisan returning from the workshop(I'm back!)

    Welcome back! Your posts were always useful and interesting.
  178. Kurat

    After 2024 will things start to improve?

    I didn't say that stop fighting. A strong minority trumps a weak majority https://nordicresistancemovement.org/a-strong-minority-trumps-a-weak-majority/ Opinion: Nationalists should not overfocus on the parliamentary approach...
  179. Kurat

    After 2024 will things start to improve?

    Voting in US is pointless. Best you can get is civil nationalist president. US is less than 60% white and victory of white nationalist president is mathematically impossible. In next 20 years US central government probably will fall and there will be white enclaves in rural ares and non-white...
  180. Kurat

    RTR WIN! Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted On All Charges

    This was good example of leftist hypocrisy. Leftist talk always that borders don't matter but with Rittenhouse case all leftists started screaming "HE CROSSED THE STATE LINE".
  181. Kurat

    Meme warfare

  182. Kurat

    Did Travis Scott Attempt Human Sacrifice People In His Astroworld Concert?

    I think that it is easier. This is same thing as collapses of grandstands in israel. 99% of people who visit such events are marxists, drug addicts, race mixers or BLM supporters. When you are in same boat with jews you have same destiny as jews. Karma is working.
  183. Kurat

    For some who question QTards

    Qanon is jewish desinfrormation operation what is mixing truth with lie. They are blaming Satanists and NationalSocialists for Jewish crimes. They think that Merkel is daughter of Hitler and that "nazis" are in U.S government. They also believe that Trump is messiah who is saving us. So...
  184. Kurat

    Jews are the cause of all diseases of man

    Interesting. When I was younger and believed in christ I had weak health. After turning paganism and later satanism My health has become stronger. Is this because of this because grown up people are stronger or is it because I removed jewish filth from My life?
  185. Kurat

    Youtube is removing (public) dislikes.

    Who cares. Everyone know that it is jewed and we have better censorship free and pro-white video channels.
  186. Kurat


    Advises for you. When you want start NatSoc group/movement then firs step is joining some NatSoc group/movement what is existing at the moment, because starting new group/movement from zero is not impossible but hard because you probably don't have many connections with other NatSoc people and...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
