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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 24]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hail Satan, happy Satan's day (Monday)

Article 1

by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Jun 17, 2018


The term "Academic Freedom" refers to the rights of educators to teach freely, conduct
research, and to write without fear of being attacked and/or dismissed from their positions.
Unfortunately, whenever a professor or any other educator goes against the orthodox teachings,
at first, he/she is given s warning. If he/she does not stop, then he/she is ostracized. If he/she
still does not stop, then there is dismissal and blackballing.

World Book Encyclopedia has some interesting information under the entree of "Academic
Freedom" regarding the history of this.

It reads that during the colonial period in America, religious intolerance was the biggest threat to
academic freedom. Views that deviated from Judeo/Christian dogma were under severe attack.
Later on, during the 1800s, (((Wealthy benefactors))) were appointed by many universities as
trustees. Many of those trustees felt that the teachings in their universities should agree with
their own views, especially political and economic views. As a result, a number of professors
lost their jobs for going against this.

After WW2, there was (((communist infiltration))) of universities.
Universities are thoroughly infested with Jews. Students, professors, and university staff from
top to bottom. Loaded with Jews. They make the policies, push their goddamned death dealing
communist filth under the deceptive slogans of brotherhood and equality, solving the worlds
problems and other egregious lies.

People need to wake up. Christianity and Islam and communism are all the same abominable
Jewish filth.

Communism is rooted in Christianity. Christianity is a stepping off point to communism.
If the communism fails, then Christianity is reinstituted.

This happened blatantly after the collapse of the USSR and its satellite nations. As soon as the
Jewish program of communism collapsed, the Jewish program of Christianity reared its ugly
head and former communist countries were infested immediately. Right back like fleas on a dog,
but much, much worse.

People need to know!! If one fails, the Jews use the other. Like a two-headed coin. Working
both sides.

After atheistic Albania for example, overthrew Jewish communism, Christians infested
immediately. In a matter of days. Using humanitarian aid as an excuse, along with bringing shit
loads of bibles and other spiritually degenerate paraphernalia of which they zealously pushed
upon the vulnerable populace.

After years and years of communist indoctrination, and an extreme lack of any noncommunist
educational outlets, the populace has been exceptionally vulnerable. Christians always prey on
the vulnerable.

So as for academic freedom, on the one hand the Jewish programs of Christianity and Islam
attack from one end and the Jew infested universities attack on the other, along with the
outsider Jews who control with their money.

As long as the populace is deceived into believing these Jewish programs are different or
opposed to each other, and go running hopelessly from one to the other, trying to find relief, this
entire world will keep sliding down into more hopelessness and eventual total damnation.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Article 2

Arguments against "Civilization"
by HP HoodedCobra666 » Oct 12, 2017

In the NS Scene right now, in the more serious alleys where there are Pagan people, we have as
always some polarized division that is created by yet again another misconception and not
understanding the truth in full. In other words, not knowing Satan.

This has somehow bled over to people misinterpreting Nietzsche and others who were against
"Civilization" and pro "Barbarism". This debate has been going for long, actually, centuries.
Nietzsche and many others defined the barbaric condition as basically...The natural condition of the
human being without a Jewish despotic system that destroys them into their own civilization, and
corrupts them entirely. I.e, a natural state of life without aliens amongst one's midst.

The only issue any philosophers had from Rousseau to Nietzsche (They share their stance on
Civilization being useless and negative for humanity) was upon reflecting of the very recent forms
of civilizations who have been hijacked by Jews. Which are unspiritual, unidealistic, 100%
material, aimless civilizations that only seek to preserve the weak and satisfy the senses of those
few slavers at the top.

They never were aware of the Jewish problem (they were but they did not go into extent about it) to
the extent of how they have corrupted civilization, and therefore of course, they came to hate
'civilization'. (((Civilization))) today deserves harsh criticism, but these arguments are in the very
least stupid. This is equal to hating the symptom of a disorder, when one hasn't figured out the

And by all means, this is understandable. There was no internet in Nietzsche’s time, or in Rousse’s,
or in Evola's time. Nor the sciences of biology have proven the existence of an alien racial pool
within humanity which is called the 'Jewish' one and so forth.

However some arguments presented are as such:
-"Civilization is decadent".
-"Civilization is not needed".
-"Civilization emasculates people and robs freedoms".

The list goes on. Some people also have the mental incapacity to put in an equal padding
civilizations such as Nazi Germany, with let's say, any other civilization of today's befallen crap
world. This shows how retarded so many of these arguments are in the first place.
For example, how emasculated is a farmer that is self-reliant, owns guns, has no boss, and lives in
the country side without any mind controlling technology, and has around a minimum of 5 to 10
children, is never afraid to die of hunter and famine as he will be taken care of by the higher powers
in his country, but also the big town nearby so that he can study and learn whatever he pleases.
Does that sound really 'emasculated' to anyone? Because this was the average farmer in Nazi

Himmler had an aim that no "Survivalist Pagans" know either, which was to create the Warrior
Farmer. The Warrior Farmer was to be all of the above, plus have total military training and mental
articulation to the level of a commander in the military. Does that sound 'stupid' or 'emasculated', or
'without freedom' to anyone?

The people were living largely in a tribal manner, and basically, without any external tribal
interference. There was no globalism back then but only in a Jewish wet-dream of an idea.
However such dreams in the world we live today, and in the world we will keep living for quite a
time from now, are all inapplicable without the sheath of a civilization to protect them. These little
dreams cannot exist without a productive shroud.

As for Dennis Wise claiming his crap about "JEWS IN GERMANY", this Christian Mossad Agent
needs to know something fundamental, that some people have been retarded enough to convert to
Judaism, but this does NOT make them Jews by blood.

First and foremost, from where are these arguments against 'civilization' presented? From a
computer, from the internet, from the safety of being protected by a military (civilized construct) by
barbarian hordes, from the articulation made by speech because someone taught us how to write,
and so forth. Even the safety to express these opinions who have came from being in contrast what
one thinks is 'civilization', is a civilized matter.

So there is hard hypocrisy here in saying that we should deny the usefulness of these tools. Note:
TOOLS. Many people are slaves of these tools, but the people who seek to reach a next level in
their understanding need such tools in order to do so. There is no other way to live today.

I have lived in a rural place half of my life. I know how the farm life is, and I know how the high
town's life is. Many people are pretending to be hardcore survivalists and anti-civilization while in
fact they are living the basic, rural life, that was the norm in the last century. There is no need to
pretend one is some sort of survivalist master that drinks their piss into a cave. I know first-hand
how this thing goes.

What many people call 'survivalism' today was the life that my own grandparents practised. Only
far worse, as they had no internet, not even a car, and many other things. The same goes for most
people because guess what, 100 years ago life was extremely different.

There is also this idea about how uncivilized barbarians are going to be so nice, peaceful and
without any jealousy, living happily ever after. If that was the case, what was the primordial URGE
that Aristotle and others talked about, to create CIVILIZATION out of nowhere?

This is because at least for Whites, civilizations are a normal thing. I do not consider 'civilization'
the massive racial cauldron that is called globalism today, but the Town-State was an acute example
of civilization. In humans there is an intrinsic need to have some sort of civilization, sometimes out
of necessity, sometimes because they want to fulfil other species desires.

However this un-articulation of the human nature, isn't going to go away by imagining an idyllic
society that somehow, is so perfect because there is no civilization in it. And this has been the case
for thousands of years.

The point of civilization to exist is to create an environment within where beings can advance
spiritually until they reach the next level of their evolutionary process. Then the conventional view
of 'civilization' as we knew it before, will no longer be 'necessary' how we know it today. See the
contrast between Globalism, and Nazi Germany. Both can be considered falsely 'civilizations'; their
essence however diametrically opposed. IF ONE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THAT PROCESS, it's
normal that they hate, despise, or misunderstand civilization.

Consider that even the Jewish faeces have pinned and parasitized on the civilizations of others in
their parasitic attempt to keep up with this process of developing themselves. But being lazy as they
were and uncreative, they never did this on their own. In the negative term of the word, the Jews are
the most 'civilized' of all the species of the planet, but in the actual contrast of what civilization
REALLY is, the Jew is an alien barbarian entity, of the lowest slimy nature.

The problem of most civilization haters is that they do not understand the importance of civilization
before the Jews, and after their emergence into their construct and finally taking it over. The end
result is of course hated in more than one ways. Many of these people also blame others such as the
Roman Empire for doing what...Creating one of the best civilizations on Earth basically. Because
they fell on the Jews. Yes, they fell on the Jews.

This may seem like it has the simple explanations all these people give every time such as that the
"Romans were decadent" and many other fancy explanations plastering at the surface of nothing,
but actually, they fell into an alien force and alien forces outside of this planet or even dimension
and world. As for the arguments about "Decadence", how is sexuality and the expression of virility,
"DECADENT". Is this because the bible said so? Even so called sexual deviancy doesn't have to do
with why a civilization falls. It's a symptom of a falling civilization, but it's not the cause of this.
Some people state they are Pagan, but their conception still remains fully Christian, simply because
they do not follow any spiritual path to awaken themselves to their so called new 'beliefs'. Therefore
these beliefs remain as beliefs, and in the end of the day, they remain Christians who say "Hail
Odin" or something. Maybe some things were to be considered overly derailed or overly focused,
but decadent is merely stupid. The Pagan ethics are not located in the specific matter of one's
genitalia use, in more or less 'honourable' ways.

Blaming the Romans for failing is like one of these scrawny people who analyse sports, and say
what the people in them could have done better. Of course, these people have never played sports,
and can hardly move a limb, but of course, they can be just judges of people ten times more
superior than them. The same thing goes for people who think they have the understanding and the
brain to judge Hitler, as many of these 'anti-civilization' people do. Hitler is beyond their conception
to judge or criticize.

And of course like so many others who have failed themselves, they pass harsh judgement down to
Hitler in one or another way. Because well, he had to defeat the whole planet isolated in their mind.
While these people can't even defeat their own Christian slave programming. In other words, you
are not in a position to be the judge of anything, but yourself at this point.

I myself am not in favour of this 'civilization' that is going on here, the "Western Civilization", and
all these pseudo-civilization Judaism that parade as civilizations that are 'ours'. These are only a
cancer and we have nothing to do with them. So far as I am concerned, they must be destroyed, as
decadence and race mixing are the crown jewels of such.

However, this does not take away the fact that they are great, that White civilizations are still the
most powerful on earth with other homogeneous powerful Gentiles following up close up, and of
course, the NECESSITY of a civilization is not taken away either.

The HOW that created civilizations corrupting for nature and destruction of the planet, human
beings, races, and all the balance of our world, was the JEW. Not the civilization itself, neither even
other Gentiles who many so much blame for coming into other countries and so forth. These are
SYMPTOMS of the first CAUSE OF CORRUPTION, which is the JEW. And they will never be
solved until this ALIEN element is understood, driven away, and tackled.

One example is however, did Egypt or any other such civilization pollute, attempt nuclear testing
(There is proof of high radioactive activity in many places, and it's proven they possessed the ability
to possibly split the atom with their own technology), destroy the planet, and inferiority all the
species in the world forever? No. This is because these civilizations came from the Gods.
Blaming "civilization" is like blaming the fact that humanoids have a body, or a generic fact such as
the Sun exists. Is there a point in blaming the sun? Some people may trap it's rays to create weapons
of disaster. Blaming natural facts doesn't work or mean anything in itself.

So in that case, BLAME THE JEWS INSTEAD. Because the sun cannot be suddenly creating
nuclear bombs, neither can simple minerals be created into nukes, or computer chips with AI that
wants to conquer the world through data control into a cattle farm. These are all doings of people
with specific intents. Blaming the means they use and us for creating constructs that the Jews
perverted and falling victims into their alien occupation, is the classical Jewish recipe of blaming
the victims.

The Jews are the problem. If the Jews abduct your child and they make it into a machine that wants
to kill you, do you blame your child, or the Jew? The same thing is the case with civilization.
Civilization is empowering but there is no guarantee that it will always be in your hands, especially
if you have democracy.

Due to factors such as aliens and other forces which are unseen to many, civilizations have now fell
into the hands of the enemy.

Lastly, civilization is mandatory, as even if you stop building your own, others will develop theirs.
This is a law of nature. And as a final analysis, for those who are aware of the existence of other
species beyond of this earth, will understand that having civilization is the only way to survive in
this large gamble that is called 'life'.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 3
From Satans Library


Israel Starts Using DNA to Check for “Jewishness of Immigrants”
Posted by TNO Staff— on August 12, 2013


Israel, which already has one of the most racially-restrictive immigration policies
in the world, is about to introduce DNA testing to ensure that no non-Jews from
Russia enter the country, according to an announcement from the Prime
Minister’s office in Tel Aviv made at the end of July 2013.

According to an article in the Times of Israel, Russian-speakers who want to
make “aliya” will in future need a DNA test. This development is the surest sign
yet that Jewishness is not a cultural construct, but a biological one, and also
further evidence that the “Khazar theory”—which would have introduced
nonSemitic elements into the Jewish gene pool—is incorrect, as proved by earlier
DNA evidence. According to the Times of Israel, “would-be immigrants from
former Soviet Union may be asked to prove [their] Jewish bloodline” and will be
“subjected to DNA testing to prove their Jewishness.”

The announcement said “many Jews from the FSU [Russia] who were
born outof-wedlock can be required to bring DNA
confirmation of Jewish heritage in order to be allowed
to immigrate as a Jew. “A source in the PMO told Maariv that the
consul’s procedure, approved by the legal department of the Interior Ministry,
states that a Russian-speaking child born out-of-wedlock is eligible to receive an
Israeli immigration visa if the birth was registered before the child turned 3.
Otherwise a DNA test to prove Jewish parentage is necessary.

“A Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the decision to require DNA testing for
Russian Jews is based on the recommendations of Nativ, an educational
program under the auspices of the Prime Minister’s Office to help Jews from the
FSU immigrate to Israel. “The issue cuts to the heart of Israel’s Law of Return,
which allows anybody with a Jewish parent, grandparent or spouse to move to
Israel and be eligible for citizenship. Determining who is a Jew — a definition
which has evolved along with the religion’s many streams — has led the interior
Ministry to create a somewhat byzantine system of checks and rules and has
sometimes led applicants, especially converts to Judaism, to fight for the right to
immigrate in Israeli courts.” This demand for DNA tests for immigrants to Israel
contrasts dramatically with the demand for open borders made by all Jewish
organizations in America and elsewhere.


Article 4

Regarding Jewish Lies

by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Sun Oct 28, 2018
I'd like to make a statement regarding certain topics trending in the news.
As most of you here already know, the Jews control 96 percent of all the media. Now, trending
in the news, focus on "White supremacist" claiming the "Satanic Jews" are committing genocide
against his/her "Christian White Race."

Then, the Jewish journalists, writers, reporters and so forth do everything they can to air these
supposed statements.

The Jews have been promoting these lies regarding Satan for centuries. These lies have
worked wonders in regards to deceiving people of lesser intelligence and the populace in

This has worked in deceiving their enemies, people who are onto the Jews to some extent and
others into falling back into Christianity, believing that Christianity is against the Jews and that
Christianity has validity. When people who are onto the Jewish problem to some extent fall back
into Christianity, they are under Jewish psychic control. When the Jews throw curses, and death
spells at them, they readily succumb as they are defenseless.

I don't know how many people who were onto the Jewish problem met with an early death,
never dying of old age or other related natural causes. Just research history.
For those of you who are new, "Satan" in Hebrew means "enemy."

I can assure you, the Jews abhor Satan and are against Him in every way. I, myself know this
beyond any doubt, as I have literally read stacks of books on Judaism, written by Jews FOR
Jews, cover to cover. I can also read Hebrew.

The JoS ministry has done years of studying and research in regards to the Jews.
We ministry don't TELL you. We are here to open your eyes and awareness to where you can
see things for yourself.

Proof of this can be readily seen when reading this website:


"What The Jewish Rabbis Have To Say About Satan"

The above comes straight from their rabbis. BTW, the Jews claim they "Don't believe in Satan."
Look online.

The information on the above website was compiled many years ago. Many of these websites
no longer exist, but with the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, you can access the listed
websites for verification.


The Jews don't mind and actually encourage being called Satanic, of the Devil and so forth. As
I've already mentioned, this tactic works wonders in deceiving many people who are onto them.
This basically disarms their enemies.

As High Priest Hooded Cobra wrote, the Jews take their most intelligent ones and prep them to
rule the world. The Jews are not stupid. They are masters at lying and deception, even the
Jewish populace in general. Lying and deception come naturally to a Jew.

A Jew will lie endlessly, even where there is proof and evidence to the contrary.
Regardless of how one feels about US President Trump, he has seriously exposed the media in
regards to their outright lying and their deliberate role in forming public opinion. He has avoided
any mention of the Jews, but it draws a lot of people's attention to it. Many individuals start to be
aware and to think.

Thanks to the internet, the Jews no longer have total control over all communications.
We can readily see how they have been working incessantly to get control over the internet.
Many years ago, things were so different, when the internet was new. Most of the internet was
very user friendly. Yahoo groups was very easy to use and join, for one. Free and easy to use
web-servers were numerous, free and easy to use email and so much more.

PCs were also very user friendly. Just hook it up and one was ready to go. Now, newer PCs can
have extremely long serial numbers one must type in, demand for personal information and all
kinds of crap before one can access what he/she paid for, among other thing. Built in Trojan
horses are everywhere.

In closing, JoS ministry is not here to dictate what to believe. We just provide enough
information and prompt your awareness so you can see truths with your own eyes.
Again, Jewish censorship has stepped up attacks by removing many websites from search
engines, etc. Please link http://www.joyofsatan.com, http://www.exposingchristianity.com as
often as you are able to. Many people are looking for answers.

Satan has shown me that in regards to attempted censorship of the internet, the Jews are a day
late and a dollar short. Too many people already know and are onto them worldwide. Their fate
has been sealed. Really sealed.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Article 5 (good article to share on minds or something)

Spiritual Satanism, The Root of the Tree

Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:27 am

By HP Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

Paganism is something people have only recently conceptualized, and formalized into
this thing they call "Paganism".

According to the Jews, this is Satanism, and essentially, if we take the reality of the
Sumerian meaning of Satyan from which Satan was stolen off and placed in Hebrew, to
reverse the meaning to negative, back to it's positive and ancient meaning, we get what is
called "Truth-ism". As Satyam/Satyan/Satya means Truth in Sanskrit.

Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual, and actual striving of such objective of understanding
the Truth.

The enemy admits openly that not only we are Satanic at the Soul [The non Jews] but
also that Satanism [They call this Idololatry, Paganism, Satanism, Demonolatry etc, but
they simply mean Satanism] and not their own jewish alien filth, is our NATURAL state.
We are naturally inclined to be Satanists and Satan is in us since birth. The sacrament of
baptism is to rebuke the spirit of Satan from the person and force the spirit of "Jehovah"
or "Christ" into the child.

After we are beaten down to being "Goyim", we Gentiles become Christians, Muslims
and so forth. This is an unnatural and alien state for us, causing internal conflict and
depression, as this is merely the jewish will imposed on people that were otherwise meant
to be free from this and Satanic. The jews are in a constant fear that we will revolt against
them and destroy them for this, as subconsciously we know what happened to us, as
Marcus Eli Ravage has stated too, cultural replacement by forcible violence.

Pagans essentially have their own levels. Some are merely interested in the fables, and
living a virtuous life. It's a good striving to regenerate the old culture, but what Pagans do
as a mistake is what keeps them limited, is that they basically confine Paganism into a
jewish standard unconsciously. Paganism is merely a natural way of looking at the world
which many like to follow as a 'religion'.

They, for example, sometimes transverse Christian morality into Paganism, which is
wrong. The same goes when investigation into the primal Sumerian root of Satan is
called into the table, which leaves many of these people 'afraid', and leaves the people
with a spiritual sensor, at the very least, curious. Weaker elements of the so called
'Pagans' go into convulsion when they are exposed to Satan, and all their otherwise
'common sense' and 'inquiry' blows away.

Because unconsciously they are Christians still, that are afraid of this.
Even if this relates to Truth, spirituality, and many other great things in itself, they focus
on jewish propaganda on the term.

They are dabbling with Satan...They are just scared to admit it themselves as they think
this actually makes them fall into the jewish standard, but actually, this is exactly what
EXCLUDES THEM from the jewish standard of modern Paganism which is all about
ignorant and only looking at a recent history to lose the bigger picture.

This is actually funny, as essentially, they themselves are dabbling "Satanists" too, and
any Muslim, Christian or Jew would admit it. Because they knew for centuries more
about Paganism than the "Pagans" themselves. Since they eradicated the Pagan culture
after studying all of it, they decided to call them "Satanists" for VERY specific reasons.
This wasn't some sort of lucky pick.

Satan actual begins in Sumeria, in Ancient India, and in the places where the Aryan Race
has their beginning. These syllabes were always assosciated with their head God in their
otherwise polytheistic pantheons, which changed names. The enemy who has had access
for two thousand years to all of this material, knows this all too well.

The Pagans, who are left culture-less, didn't. But the Truth is now out, finally.

The jews didn't just pick up a random name to name their Arch-enemy of all they are and
do. Every character in the bible is stolen from a concept or more ancient character, most
of the time from Hinduism or any other specific Pre-Christian Civilization, and the
ancient Arch-Enemy is no different.

Ironically even in jewish tradition, Satan is the sensible, Satan is the civilizer, Satan is the
great, the brave, the one who stands for justice, and in general, the Lucifer who brings
light and knowledge into the world. All people of quality in Europe or in all parts of the
planet, always associated with Demons and flirted with Satan/Lucifer ideologically, be it
from musical geniuses to the black magician Adolf Hitler whom the enemy admits was
"The Anti-Christ" and the "Son of Satan".

Every representation of Satan is about perfection, manifestation of the world, the infinite
light, power, wisdom, heroic epics, the rebellion against tyranny, the eternal striving for
perfection and freedom, the fight of man against a corrupted 'god' who is the jewish
version of omnipotence etc, and generally it is very obvious that this character is
basically a form of something eternal concealed into an epithet that in Hebrew means
Adversary. Satan means "THE ADVERSARY" in Hebrew, with an emphasis on the
"THE". He is the head adversary of the Jews.

However, all the names of the Gods remain as EPITHETS, not simply 'names'. The
names of the Gods in all the Pagan sub-cultures have always been epithets. For those who
know by heart that they are real beings, which is what we know, one quickly understands
that the same entities and beings are cloaked into the same cloak in comparative

Satan fills in (and we have proved beyond any doubt) not only to be Shiva in Hinduism,
Sata in Egypt, Wodanaz (Satanas) in Norse Paganism and so forth, but Satan also is a
name that comes from the word meaning TRUTH (Satya) in Sanskrit.

We call Satan by an epithet, we invoke Truth, when we call this figure. This is why we
are Spiritual Satanists. In a world of massive jewish control and lying, it's normal for the
jews to have outlawed this being and wish the worst for it, and name the same being an

They also admit that this being has fathered all the Gentiles on Earth in separated racial
families, which the jews collectively call the "Goyim" and seek to destroy into a mixed
cattle. Satan is also the lord of racists and all those who oppose the jewish plans in everyway.
The jews can never be defeated by Pagans who merely pray to the Gods, and as far as we
respect it, we must understand a fundamental Truth that in the Ancient Pagan times, the
people who were at the top and running civilization (Not in the late Christian or
Byzantine Era, this ended roughly with Marcus Aurelius Historically) were parts of the
Mystery Schools.

The same goes for the Freemasons and all other Gentiles who advanced humanity,
irrespective on if the jews now have taken out all of them. In other words, what we coin
as Spiritual Satanism is the inner core of the whole thing, the tree which has everything in
it. In India this was called Sanatana Dharma, but this term fails us again largely as the
"Scholars" of it are more "Jesus Krishna" ass kissers of the jews, than they should be.
Sanatana-DHARMA hides however the name of Satana in an anagram again in it. And
Dharma means way. The way of Satana...The True Way.

This is why we accept all Gentiles and we are Racialists and Tribalists. We also say it
openly the Gods are tribal, and some people depending on their race will get attracted to
certain Gods. Demon means God in the language of the term, and this comes from the
Sanskrit Deva and the Ancient Greek Daemon, which later became the evil notion of the
"Devil". "The Devil" is the second name of Satan, which means "THE" God, to show the
leadership and the head of the Gods.

All Races must remain separated and advance in their own blueprint, but at the same
time, we are one human larger tree, which many people pretend to brush off. This is a
reality, and the existence of the jew as an alien element that wants to exterminate ALL
OF US, should REMIND US of this fact.

The Ancients even in the time of Alexander the Great knew of this very thing. Even if
they maintained racial integrity or at least attempted to (except of the ignorant ones),
those at the top who were in the spiritual hierarchy, never waged spiritual wars, never
assimilated, and maintained belief and tenets of the same Gods, traditions that
communicated and that could be crossed.

The one core tradition we have named Spiritual Satanism, and this is to be shared by all
people. Through the root being re-planted, all people can grow their own race, culture,
and spiritual religion, and nothing is lost, so long the races are alive.

In other words, the source is what important for growth. Focusing on branches is
something others may be more comfortable about, but without a spiritual root, there are
no branches. Fixating on a branch doesn't lead to the root either, neither to an
understanding of the source of the tree.

This is what disappoints Pagans and they come to us. Many people who have started as
Pagans are actually here because they prayed to the Gods and they led them to our
"Spiritual University" so to say.

Modern Pagans seem to disregard the fact that Paganism came through the "Satanic
Heavy Metal" scene, that was all about Satan. Satan was speaking through the echoes of
what was left behind of our mass culture. We regenerated it completely and now it's
called Spiritual Satanism. Other branches like Paganism came out on their own later.
Therefore I see Pagans (those who really follow up with their tenets anyway) are part of
our own tree, but a specific branch. The same goes for others.

Spiritual Satanism encompasses everything, and cultivates everything good for humanity
at large, and humanity as a 'human race', but also of all the respective races within
humanity. This has always been the case and the Ancients who have built these similar
monuments, the ley lines, and the cultures that build on the same framework (That we
call Spiritual Satanism) but were influenced by their respective genetic and racial
expression, understood this well.

There has never been spiritual war onto this world on spiritual matters. There has also
been a many thousand years long cycle which was recorded in all cultures, the time of
"Paradise" or the Golden Age, where all people advanced towards the universe in their
own race karma and understanding. This would be the rule of what we call as "Spiritual

Only friendships, assimilation and alliances (without any necessity for racial
hybridization), and further in-depth understanding of the spirit happened in the Golden
Age; because Gentiles shared the same root. So the Tree naturally became bigger with all
it's branches, and the garden was flourishing.

It was only with the arrival of the jews, and negative universal forces, that humanity sank,
"Religious Warfare" was invented, and that there ever became a deadening of the spirit of
humanity. 'Humanity' was a project in the making, and it was interrupted, remaining
unfortunately incomplete.

The Gods have left the spiritual knowledge behind to finish this objective and become
"As the Gods" which was Satan's original 'promise', which Jehovah, a representation of
the jews and the forces behind them, tried to halt and objected about. This can be fixed as
we advance as a species in the future.

Spiritual Satanism must, and will solve this problem in all levels of existence. Spiritual
Satanism is for all Gentiles, and we seek to purge negativity and ignorance to all the
corners of the earth, so the whole of humanity can experience a Golden Age again.
Not in the sense of rainbow, new age filth, but a return to harmony, and equillibrium,
which needless to say will require spiritual cutthroat violence to be achieved where this
world has gone. Polluted parts of a tree poison and tree and bring it to death. We must be
ready to cut these infected parts.

I hope and look forward for people to understand this objective and stop looking at
Spiritual Satanists from the lenses our enemies have dictated from centuries. Stop seeing
'us' as a separate entity, and know that any true Spiritual Satanist has the best interests at
heart from themselves, the world and humanity. This is the True Way towards the Eternal

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 6
From Satans Library

The Jews are Guilty!
by Joseph Goebbels

The historic responsibility of world Jewry for the outbreak and widening of
this war has been proven so clearly that it does not need to be talked about
any further. The Jews wanted war, and now they have it. The Führer’s
prophecy of 30 January 1939 to the German Reichstag is also being fulfilled:
If international finance Jewry should succeed in plunging the world into war
once again, the result will be not the Bolshevization of the world and thereby
the victory of the Jews, but rather the destruction of the Jewish race in

We are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy. The Jews are receiving a
penalty that is certainly hard, but more than deserved. World Jewry erred in
adding up the forces available to it for this war, and now is gradually
experiencing the destruction that it planned for us, and would have carried
out without a second thought if it had possessed the ability. It is perishing
according its own law: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

Every Jew is our enemy in this historic struggle, regardless of whether he
vegetates in a Polish ghetto, or carries on his parasitic existence in Berlin or
Hamburg or blows the trumpets of war in New York or Washington. All
Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international
conspiracy against National Socialist Germany. They want its defeat and
annihilation, and do all in their power to bring it about. That they can do
nothing inside the Reich is hardly a sign of their loyalty, but rather of the
appropriate measures we took against them.

One of these measures is the institution of the yellow star that each Jew must
wear. We wanted to make them visible as Jews, particularly if they made
even the least attempt to harm the German community. It is a remarkably
humane measure on our part; a hygienic and prophylactic measure to be sure
that the Jew cannot infiltrate our ranks unseen to sow discord.

As the Jews first appeared several weeks ago on the streets of Berlin graced
with their Jewish star, the initial reaction of the citizens of the Reich capital
was surprise. Only a few knew that there were still so many Jews in Berlin.

Everyone suddenly found someone in the neighborhood who seemed like a
harmless fellow citizen, who perhaps complained or criticized a bit more
than normal, and whom no one had thought to be a Jew. He had concealed
himself, mimicked his surroundings, adopting the color of the background,
adjusted to the environment, in order to wait for the proper moment. Who
among us had any idea that the enemy was beside him, that a silent or clever
auditor was attending to conversations on the street, in the subway, or in the
lines outside cigarette shops? There are Jews that one cannot recognize by
external signs. These are the most dangerous. It always happens that when
we take some measure against the Jews, English or American newspapers
report it the next day. Even today the Jews still have secret connections to
our enemies abroad and use these not only in their own cause, but in all
military matters of the Reich as well. The enemy is in our midst. What
makes more sense than to at least make this plainly visible to our citizens?

In the first days after the introduction of the Jewish star, newspaper sales in
Berlin went through the roof. Each Jew on the street bought a newspaper to
conceal his mark of Cain. As this was banned, one began to see Jews on the
streets of the west side of Berlin in the company of non-Jewish foreigners.

These Jewish lackeys actually should wear the Jewish star themselves. The
excuse they give for their provocative conduct is always the same: the Jews
are after all human beings too. We never denied that, just as we never denied
the humanity of murders, child rapists, thieves and pimps, though we never
felt the need to parade down the Kurfürstendamm with them! Every Jew is a
decent Jew who has found a dumb and ignorant goy who thinks him decent!
As if that were a reason to give Jews a kind of honorable escort. What

The Jews gradually are having to depend more and more on themselves, and
have recently found a new trick. They knew the good-natured German
Michael in us, always ready to shed sentimental tears for the injustice done
to them. One suddenly has the impression that the Berlin Jewish population
consists only of little babies whose childish helplessness might move us, or
else fragile old ladies. The Jews send out the pitiable. They may confuse
some harmless souls for a while, but not us. We know exactly what the
situation is.

For their sake alone we must win the war. If we lose it, these harmlesslooking
Jewish chaps would suddenly become raging wolves. They would attack
our women and children to carry out revenge. There are enough
examples in history. That is what they did in Bessarabia and the Baltic states
when Bolshevism marched in, even though neither the people nor their
governments had done anything to them. There is no turning back in our
battle against the Jews — even if we wanted to, which we do not. The Jews

must be removed from the German community, for they endanger our
national unity. That is an elementary principle of racial, national, and social
hygiene. They will never give us rest. If they could, they would drive one
nation after another into war against us. Who cares about their difficulties,
they who only want to force the world to accept their bloody financial
domination? The Jews are a parasitic race that feeds like a foul fungus on the
cultures of healthy but ignorant peoples. There is only one effective
measure: cut them out.

How stupid and thoughtless are the arguments of the backward friends of the
Jews in the face of a problem that has occupied mankind for millennia! How
they would gape if they could ever see their dear Jews in power! That would
be too late. That is why it is the duty of a national leadership to take all
necessary measures to keep such a thing from happening.

There are differences between people just as there are differences between
animals. Some people are good, others bad. The same is true of animals. The
fact that the Jew still lives among us is no proof that he belongs among us,
just as a flea is not a household pet simply because it lives in a house. When
Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich feel pity for an old woman wearing the
Jewish star, they should also remember that a distant nephew of this old
woman by the name of Nathan Kaufmann sits in New York and has prepared
a plan by which all Germans under the age of 60 will be sterilized. They
should recall that a son of her distant uncle is a warmonger named Baruch or
Morgenthau or Untermayer who stands behind Mr. Roosevelt, driving him
to war, and that if they succeed, a fine but ignorant U.S. soldier may one day
shoot dead the only son of Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich. It will all be for
the benefit of Jewry, to which this old woman also belongs, no matter how
fragile and pitiable she may seem.

If we Germans have a fateful flaw in our national character, it is
forgetfulness. This failing speaks well of our human decency and generosity,
but not always for our political wisdom or intelligence. We think everyone
else as is good-natured as we are. The French threatened to dismember the
Reich during the winter of 1939/40, saying that we and our families would
have to stand in lines before their field kitchens to get something warm to
eat. Our army defeated France in six weeks, after which we saw German
soldiers giving bread and sausages to hungry French women and children,
and gasoline to refugees from Paris to enable them to return home as soon as
possible, there to spread at least some of their hatred against the Reich.

That’s how we Germans are. Our national virtue is our national weakness.
We do not want to change all that much, and as long as our world-famed
good nature does no great harm, why should we? Klopstock gave us some
good advice, however: don’t be too good natured, since our enemies are not
noble enough to overlook our mistakes.

If this advice applies anywhere, it apples to our relations with the Jews.
Carelessness here is not only a weakness; it is disregard of duty and a crime
against the security of the state. The Jews long for one thing: to reward our
foolishness with bloodshed and terror. It must never come to that. One of the
most effective defenses is an unforgiving, cold hardness against the
destroyers of our people, against the instigators of the war, against those
who would benefit if we lose, and therefore also against the victims, if we

Therefore, we must say again and yet again:

1. The Jews are our destruction. They started this war and they direct it.
They want to destroy the German Reich and our people. This plan must be

2. There are no distinctions between Jews. Each Jew is a sworn enemy of the
German people. If he does not make his hostility plain, it is only from
cowardice and slyness.

3. The Jews are to blame for each German soldier who falls in this war. They
have him on their guilt, and must also pay for it.

4. If someone wears the Jewish star, he is an enemy of the people. Anyone
who deals with him is the same as a Jew and must be treated accordingly. He
earns the contempt of the entire people, for he is a craven coward who leaves
them in the lurch to stand by the enemy.

5. The Jews enjoy the protection of our enemies. That is all the proof we
need to show how harmful they are for our people.

6. The Jews are the enemy’s agents among us. He who stands by them aids
the enemy.

7. The Jews have no right to claim equality with us. If they wish to speak on
the streets, in lines outside shops or in public transportation, they should be
ignored, not only because they are simply wrong, but because they are Jews
who have no right to a voice in the community.

8. If the Jews appeal to your sentimentality, realize that they are hoping for
your forgetfulness, and let them know that you see through them and hold
them in contempt.

9. A decent enemy will deserve our generosity after we have won. The Jew
however is not a decent enemy, though he tries to seem so.

10. The Jews are responsible for the war. The treatment they receive from us
is hardly unjust. They have deserved it all. It is the job of the government to
deal with them. No one has the right to act on his own, but each has the duty
to support the state’s measures against the Jews, to defend them with others,
and to avoid being misled by any Jewish tricks.

The security of the state requires that of us all.
I just want to say im glad you are back i wanted to say it earlier but didn't.

Are you going to post reread weekend posts again like always? Im looking forward to that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
